As time passed, the concert finally came to an end, and it came to the last song.

Of course, for the audience at the scene and in the live broadcast room, almost every song sung by Mu Heng is a "final song", all brand new songs, and they are all super good.

It can be expected that after the end of this concert, before the release of Mu Heng's album, the live broadcast slices of these new songs should go viral at an unimaginable speed.

"Happy times always have an end, and the next one is the last song. Of course, this is also my favorite song relatively speaking." Standing in the center of the stage, Mu Heng said softly.

This song, without a doubt, refers to [Free a Heart from Sorrow]. In fact, as the closing song of the first concert, shouldn't it be better to choose a song with a more cheerful rhythm?

But when Mu Heng chose to reproduce this song, he didn't think too much about it. But it's not a big problem. The songs in [Air Cocoon] are all very nice, so it doesn't matter what you choose.

The soothing BGM sounded slowly, and Mu Heng followed the rhythm of the music, squinting her eyes, and swayed gently from side to side:


"Let my heart bravely spread the wings"

"soaring past the night"

"to trace the bright moonlight"

"Let the clouds heal me of the stings, gently wipe the sorrow of my life"

Maybe it was because Mu Heng herself put a lot of effort into making this song, or maybe it was because she injected more emotions into her voice when she sang this song.

In an instant, all the audiences had an immersive feeling, as if they saw a picture of a little bird breaking free from its shackles, yearning for freedom, and trying to fly into the sky.

Or it was a scene where a firefly resolutely pounced on the flame and flew towards the light.

The indescribable emotion infected everyone present, and at this moment, it has become a classic!

Almost everyone at the scene at this moment can accurately recall every detail of what happened now, every movement and expression of the girl in the center of the stage, as well as this angelic voice and singing, all of which are so unforgettable.

[I have decided, I have really decided, I swear here that I will only promote Robin in my life! ]

[She is really beautiful]

[I seem to have seen an angel]

[My family members cried after listening to it, although I don’t understand the meaning of the lyrics at all, but I just feel so moved]

[Bird~!!! Take me away, let me do anything, take me away! ]

In the live broadcast room of K station, because there were too many barrages, the webpage even became a little stuck, and the whole concert reached the final climax in the last song! And ended successfully at this moment.

Mu Heng said some words of thanks and summary to bid farewell to the audience, and left the stage.

The entire concert lasted about an hour and a half. With such high-intensity singing, Mu Heng's body was naturally very tired, but her spirit was still in a very excited state. The concert was a complete success, and it was so successful. How could she not be excited?

And there is another very important factor:

[Beautiful Girl Vest System at Your Service]

[Host: Mu Heng]

[Current Vest: Robin]

[Current Target: Diva (82.31%)]

Yes, this system target has reached an outrageous 80%.

During the 20 days that Mu Heng was preparing for the concert, because she suspended the live broadcast, the growth rate of this target was much lower, and it only increased by about 10% in 20 days.

But during the concert, the completion rate of this target was also rising wildly at a speed visible to the naked eye. Mu Heng had never seen this thing rise so fast. In one and a half hours, it soared by more than 30%!


At the end of the concert, the overall progress has reached 80% of the current progress.

This is actually not difficult to understand, because the scale and influence of this concert are really too large, and there are too many audiences. From this perspective, it is very consistent with the requirements of the goal of [Singer].

"In other words, if I hold another concert of the same scale, this goal can be achieved directly!?" Mu Heng muttered excitedly in his heart, and you know, you have already had the experience of holding a concert, and it will be much easier to hold a second time!

The most obvious point is that Mu Heng does not need to learn more than a dozen songs from beginning to end, but just sing the songs he sang this time again in another city!

By the way, at the next concert, get the other songs of Air Pupa out!

Mu Heng quickly returned to the backstage of the concert, and Cheng Hui came up to him immediately. She was also excited, "Robin, you looked so dazzling on the stage just now!"

Then, Chu Xingyu, Shu County Cat, Brother Wudi, and all the people who helped to organize this concert came over and gave the most sincere praise.

"Thank you, thank you everyone~!" Mu Heng also thanked sincerely.

Without these people, how could this concert be so successful? Although only Mu Heng performed on the stage, the credit for this concert belongs to everyone present!

However, Mu Heng looked at the crowd and found that a very important person was missing, Yu Lin! This dragon girl is too conspicuous, if she was there, she would definitely be seen at a glance.

Well, there is also that guy Lu Heng.

The concert was successful, there is no reason for these two people not to be there, Mu Heng showed a puzzled expression, then walked to a table next to him and took out his mobile phone from a blue shoulder bag.

Then, at first glance, she saw a message from Zhong Wanhong:

[After the concert, return to the Investigation Bureau as soon as possible, something has happened]

When she saw this sentence, Mu Heng was stunned for a moment, then she said hello to the others, and even without the time to remove her makeup and change clothes, she quickly left the place from the back door of the stadium, called a taxi, and went to the Investigation Bureau.

However, what she didn't notice was that a foreigner wearing a black hat and a black coat stood on the side of the road and looked at her quietly, and then walked towards the back door of the concert where Mu Heng had just left.

On the way, Mu Heng called to ask about the situation.

The bad news is that the Investigation Bureau was attacked, and this was a very bad and premeditated attack!

The good news is that there were no casualties, and Bai Yuanju, who stayed at the Investigation Bureau, was just unconscious, and the only loss of the Investigation Bureau in the entire incident was a strange item in the underground warehouse.


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