The beginning of the end of the world fusion black light

Chapter 12 The First Infected Substance

This was the first time Su Ming did this, and his movements were a little unfamiliar. He accidentally stepped on the skull on the ground.

Perhaps because the swallowing was not complete, Su Ming could only check a part of Huang Cheng's memory.

In this part of the memory, most of it was redundant garbage.

As for the content of the posts on the forum, Su Ming could only see a small part.

For example, the classification of the levels of mutant zombies and how to improve their own abilities, etc., Su Ming only saw a little bit of the beginning.

However, Su Ming remembered the name of this forum.

Taiwan Novel Network →𝘁𝘄𝗸𝗮𝗻.𝗰𝗼𝗺

Chuyang Forum.

Judging from the name, it is a private forum. If there is a chance later, Su Ming would like to follow this clue.

Just when Su Ming was checking Huang Cheng's memory, Chang Jiaojiao, who had a big cut on her neck, was completely cold, and Su Ming was a little sad.

Although Su Ming had his own girlfriend in college, he would occasionally chat and exercise with Chang Jiaojiao in his dreams.

Thinking about this, Su Ming suddenly remembered that the Veronica virus he had merged seemed to have such a function.

It can actively infect individuals, thereby changing their life forms.

Su Ming stretched out his index finger, and saw the flesh and blood on his finger wriggling, and a red tentacle wriggling on his fingernail like a living thing.

With a flick of his finger, the red tentacle immediately touched Chang Jiaojiao's neck and began to wriggle.

As the red tentacle slowly disappeared into the wound, there was a 5-centimeter-long gap on Chang Jiaojiao's neck, and some granulations began to appear.

About a minute later, Chang Jiaojiao, whose neck wound had completely healed, suddenly began to tremble.

If someone who didn't know the situation saw it, they would definitely think that Chang Jiaojiao was faking her death.

Chang Jiaojiao's body was shaking more and more. If her body hadn't been tied to a chair, she would probably have fallen to the ground.

Just when Su Ming was getting impatient, Chang Jiaojiao, who had been shaking all the time, finally calmed down.

Then, right in front of Su Ming's eyes, Chang Jiaojiao's body flowed to the ground like a pool of mud.

Su Ming poked the mud in front of him with his fingers and couldn't help showing an embarrassed look.

Does this count as a complete death?

However, through the biological induction of the Light of Evolution itself, Su Ming could clearly feel that the pile of rotten meat in front of him had a strong vitality.

In a place that Su Ming couldn't see, part of the mud came into contact with the pale white liquid on the ground.

As if the last raw material of the biochemical reaction was added, the mud lying on the ground suddenly began to gather in the middle.

First the head, then the neck, and soon a brand new Chang Jiaojiao appeared in front of Su Ming.

Compared with the previous Chang Jiaojiao, the new body curves of her body were more perfect, and some of the small flaws on her body were gone.

As if waking up from the darkness, Chang Jiaojiao's eyelashes trembled and slowly opened her eyes.

The last memory was Huang Cheng's skull falling to the ground.

Thinking of this, Chang Jiaojiao couldn't help but touch her neck.

Smooth, slender.

If it weren't for the blood stain on the ground, Chang Jiaojiao almost thought that everything that happened before was just a dream.

"Are you awake?"

Looking at Chang Jiaojiao sitting up, Su Ming couldn't help showing a complicated look.

When Chang Jiaojiao was still unconscious, Su Ming had already checked her body.

Although Chang Jiaojiao now looks like an ordinary person, her body has completely escaped the category of human beings after being transformed by the virus.

"Hey? You are... that person."

Recalling everything that happened, Chang Jiaojiao didn't know that it was the person in front of her who saved her.

"Su Ming, my name is Su Ming."

"Oh, thank you, Su Ming."

Looking at Chang Jiaojiao's indifferent look, if Su Ming couldn't feel the Veronica virus everywhere in Chang Jiaojiao's body, he almost thought that he had failed in making a sub-body for the first time.

"Do you have any strange feelings?"

Because it was Su Ming who saved her, even though Su Ming's question was strange, Chang Jiaojiao still thought about it carefully, and then slowly said.

"It's a bit cold," Chang Jiaojiao stared at Su Ming, wondering: "And what about my clothes?"

Su Ming, biting a matchstick in his mouth, looked at Chang Jiaojiao, who was getting more and more clothes, and couldn't help feeling very melancholy.

This is the first time in my life that I have created an infected daughter, but I didn't expect this result.

It was said that the infected mother is the queen ant, and the infected daughter is the worker ant. Can the worker ant be completely controlled by the queen ant?

At the moment when Chang Jiaojiao woke up, Su Ming was still thinking about what to do if she called him mother or father. Now it seems that he was overthinking.

Is it because he is a man that this happens?

"What is this?"

Chang Jiaojiao looked at her arm turning into a sharp long knife, and couldn't help asking curiously.

"Ah? This! This should be an arm blade."

Why? Why do you have abilities that I don't even have? Are you the protagonist?

Thinking about Chang Jiaojiao's experience, Su Ming suddenly felt that she was really like the child of destiny, and he was the grandfather responsible for delivering the treasure.

"Arm blade?" Chang Jiaojiao glanced at Su Ming, and then asked: "What about this?"

I saw a layer of armor that looked like crystal suddenly appear on Chang Jiaojiao's body.

Chang Jiaojiao, who was wrapped in crystal armor and had a sharp long sword in her arm, looked like a female warrior.

Blade Queen.

With these words in his mind, Su Ming was sure that Chang Jiaojiao in front of him was definitely the child of destiny.

The end of the world came, she was stabbed in the back by her boyfriend, and then an old man came down from the sky to give her a new life, and she has been on the peak of her life since then.


Although Su Ming didn't say anything, Chang Jiaojiao could feel a strong resentment.


A huge explosion sounded, which immediately attracted the attention of the two.

"From the direction, it should be the cafeteria."

"I plan to go and see, what about you?"


Faced with Su Ming's question, Chang Jiaojiao instinctively wanted to refuse, but to her surprise, the words she blurted out were not a refusal, but an agreement.

It seemed that an invisible force interfered with her thoughts, making it impossible for her to refuse Su Ming's words.

Su Ming finally felt relieved after seeing Chang Jiaojiao's surprised expression.

Although she didn't call him dad, her body was quite honest.

It doesn't matter, there is still a long time in the future, and there will always be a time for you to call me dad.

Su Ming's originally stiff expression gradually relaxed with a sense of pride.

"Take your backpack and let's go to the cafeteria together."

"I hope there are still some useful things there."

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