A turquoise body, two eyes like light bulbs, and a belly that expands and contracts with breathing.

This is a frog.

This is a frog the size of a basin.

The red strip of meat that Su Ming saw just now is actually the frog's tongue.

Although I had long guessed that zombies would appear in the end of the world, mutant animals would also be an indispensable part.

But it has only been a few days, and I first encountered mutant plants, and now I have encountered mutant animals.

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →🅣🅦🅚🅐🅝.🅒🅞🅜]

Su Ming didn't know whether his luck was good or bad.


Just when Su Ming was stunned, the mutant frog's red tongue attacked Su Ming again.

Hearing the sound of the tongue breaking through the air, Su Ming's expression was stern, and he didn't dare to slack off.

His head tilted to the left, and the red tongue brushed past Su Ming's ears.

His hands turned into claws, and Su Ming grabbed the mutant frog's tongue with both hands.

Although the mutant frog's tongue was very hard, Su Ming's claws soon scratched several deep grooves on it.

Feeling the pain, the mutant frog immediately wanted to retract its tongue.

But it was easier to get out than to go back. The tongue that Su Ming tightly grasped was not only not retracted, but also brought the mutant frog's body in front of Su Ming.

Watching the mutant frog's operation, Su Ming almost laughed.

In the mutant frog's horrified expression, countless red and black silk threads emerged from Su Ming's arms and quickly wrapped the mutant frog tightly.

The wrapped mutant frog kicked its legs and wanted to resist, but under the powerful toxicity of the black light virus, it soon lost the ability to move.

"Ding! Military merit +200!"

As the last bit of the tongue disappeared, a heat flow appeared in Su Ming's body again.

With the appearance of the heat flow, as if the information hidden deep in his mind was awakened, Su Ming instinctively raised his clawed right hand.


As if equipped with a launcher, Su Ming's clawed right hand was directly nailed to the ceiling like a flying hook.

With a slight force, Su Ming's right arm, which was like a noodle, moved, and the whole person was "hung up".

"Awesome, brother!"

Huang Cheng, who witnessed all of Su Ming's operations, walked out regardless of Chang Jiaojiao's obstruction.

As a senior game control and senior bookworm, Huang Cheng automatically made up the origin of Su Ming's ability when he saw the mutant frog.

Looking at Su Ming, whose right hand turned into a human form again, Huang Cheng's eyes were hot and he asked hurriedly.

"Brother, did you get this ability by killing zombies? Do you have any extra crystals? Can you lend me one?"

As if he was afraid that Su Ming would not believe it, Huang Cheng handed over an unopened bread while nodding and bowing, constantly praising Su Ming.

Without taking the bread from Huang Cheng, Su Ming brushed off the dirt on his clothes.

"What are the crystals you are talking about?"

Faced with Su Ming's question, Huang Cheng explained enthusiastically.

"According to my observation, the global doomsday should actually be global evolution."

Pushing the glasses on his nose, Huang Cheng's eyes were full of brilliance.

"According to various evolutionary theories, since the first aerobic bacteria appeared in the world, the whole world has begun the process of evolution. In the continuous evolution process, the huge dinosaurs were eliminated due to the decrease in oxygen concentration..."

Huang Cheng became more and more excited as he spoke, and Su Ming, who he thought was an evolver, listened attentively, and this guy with a simple mind became even more excited.

"Evolution requires a lot of time and energy. Although I don't know why the whole world started evolving at the same time, those zombies are obviously the product of failed evolution."

"The pineal gland in the brain is the most mysterious and important thing in the human body. As long as any life begins to evolve, it will inevitably condense a lot of energy in the pineal gland."

"If the evolution is successful, this energy will be used to transform itself and become different."

"If the evolution fails, it will become a walking corpse without consciousness, that is, a zombie. However, although the evolution fails, the energy of a large number of evolution factors in their bodies will inevitably form an evolution crystal in the middle of their foreheads."

Although Huang Cheng, who was wearing a vest on his upper body and big shorts on his lower body, looked unruly, Su Ming had to admit that what he said made sense.

"Wait a minute, I'll go down and catch a zombie to see."

After leaving a sentence, Su Ming pushed open the door of the 7th floor without caring about Huang Cheng's reaction.

As soon as the door was opened, a zombie with a foul smell and blood stains appeared in front of Su Ming.


The zombie just roared when it saw the fresh flesh and blood, but before it could move, Su Ming broke its neck.


"Ding! Military merit +1!"

After absorbing the mutant frog, Su Ming not only found that his arms could turn into noodles, but also found that his strength seemed to be much greater.

Perhaps because Su Ming's previous movements were too large, the zombies in the entire dormitory building seemed to be attracted, and the corridor leading to the downstairs was crowded.

After breaking the neck of the first zombie, Su Ming directly activated the claw form and rushed into the zombie group.

In the stunned expressions of Huang Cheng and Chang Jiaojiao, Su Ming started killing the zombies like a mighty warrior.

Black blood was flying all over the sky, but within a moment, no living zombie could be seen where Su Ming was.


Stepping on the sewage viscera on the ground, Su Ming walked towards Huangcheng holding a lost head in each hand.

Looking at the two ferocious-looking zombie heads on the ground, with what appeared to be a few fleshy strands on their teeth, Huang Cheng swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then raised the ax in his hand.


After cutting off one of the zombie's ears, the ax blade left a white mark on the ground.

After looking at Su Ming awkwardly, Huang Cheng took a deep breath and struck out with the axe.


This time, there was no chop, and the zombie's head was directly divided into two halves.

In Chang Jiaojiao's disgusting eyes, the excited Huang Cheng stretched out his hands and started groping inside the zombie's head.

"Aren't you afraid of virus infection?"

Seeing Huang Cheng not taking any defensive measures, Su Ming couldn't help but speak.


After looking at Su Ming in surprise, Huang Cheng said nonchalantly.

"In a world like this, if you can't start evolution, you will die early and die later. It's just time. What's the point of protection?"

Just when Su Ming was shocked by Huang Cheng's words, Huang Cheng's right hand, which had been groping around, suddenly wanted to find something.

"Found it!"

On the stained hand, a crystal only the size of a thumbnail emitted a different light.

He took out a bottle of pure water from his backpack and poured it on Huang Cheng's hand. Su Ming finally saw the true face of the evolutionary crystal.

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