A zombie walking on the street suddenly heard the sound of the wall collapsing behind him, followed by waves of a unique human smell.

Excitedly, without informing his companions, he walked directly towards the place where the wall collapsed.

A round flying disc suddenly flew out and cut off the zombie's head from its neck.

The Green Snake, who suffered all kinds of beatings from the Thunder Leopard, finally avoided the gift from the Thunder Leopard after choosing to be the pioneer to open the way.

Walking on the road and looking at the tragic scenes all over the street, Su Ming still couldn't bear it, even though he had known for a long time that this was the end of the world.

Inside the closed car, the driver on the main driver's seat had been chewed away, leaving only a few dark white bones.

A zombie covered in blood was jumping around inside.

Obviously, the driver did not expect that his child would turn into a zombie, and he lost his life without checking.

The whole street was full of zombies or broken limbs.

Su Ming and others didn't meet a single living person along the way.

"How miserable!" Perhaps affected by the dilapidated and depressed scene in front of her, Ye Xinyan felt a little cold and quickly leaned towards Su Ming.

"Okay, as long as we cross the bridge in front, we will basically be out of the main city."

Looking at the majestic bridge in front of him, Su Ming couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The population in the main urban area is too dense. Among the hundreds of thousands of people, Su Ming will not be surprised if a few fat zombies pop up.

Compared with the main city, the population of the sub-city is greatly reduced, so there must be much fewer zombies, which is very convenient for the movement of a few people.

There are driverless cars everywhere on the bridge, but fortunately the non-motorized vehicle area is relatively empty, otherwise Su Ming and others would have to give up their bicycles and start walking.

The sound of the bicycle chain turning was heard softly, and some zombies that were wandering around immediately swarmed in as if they smelled blood.

But with the green snake leading the way, these zombies are not enough to look at.

In just a moment, more than thirty zombies fell while running.

Perhaps because the atmosphere was so dull, Lei Bao, who didn't like the green snake no matter how he looked at it, started to find fault again.

"Green Snake, couldn't you be more careful with your actions just now? If you make such a loud noise and attract some big monster, can you be responsible?"

"Aren't you still here, eldest brother?"

Facing the green snake's honest smile, Lei Bao was speechless for a moment.

Su Ming had long been accustomed to scenes like this. After all, both of them were mentally ill. Su Ming would not be surprised at what could happen between them.

The whole journey was silent, but fortunately the special monster Lei Bao talked about did not appear. Su Ming and others soon reached the other side of the bridge.

Compared with the main urban area, most of the residential buildings in the sub-urban area are still the same as they were more than ten years ago and appear to be very dilapidated.

However, there is also an advantage to this type of house, that is, all the houses have anti-theft bars on their windows, so the zombies trapped in the house cannot get out at all.

The wheels of the bicycle were spinning rapidly, and the green snake that had been leading the way suddenly stopped.

"Green snake, what's wrong?"

Ye Xinyan, who was sitting behind Su Ming, asked quickly.

Ye Xinyan was also unlucky. Several other people rode their bicycles without any problems, but she encountered a nail that punctured the tire.

If it weren't for the substantial improvement in physical fitness after awakening, Ye Xinyan would have almost been beaten to death.

"There's a pack of lions ahead."

"It's not me, Green Snake. Can you think of an excuse when you lie in the future? This is a city, not Africa. Where did the lion come from?"

Looking in the direction pointed by the Green Snake, Su Ming couldn't help but look solemn.

"Keep your voices down and find a place to hide."

In a place that might be a vegetable market, several lions with golden hair and swaying tails were walking around as if patrolling their own territory.

"Dragon Master, there really is a lion!"

A group of five people stood next to the window, looking at several majestic lions in the distance, and swallowed at the same time.

If it were just an ordinary lion, that would be fine. With the strength of Su Ming and the five of them, they could still easily solve it.

But it just so happens that these lions have all mutated at a glance.

Su Ming counted carefully and found that there should be five lions that could be seen from their angle, which exactly corresponded to the five of them, one for each of them.

Two of these five lions are male lions, and their body heights are basically about three meters. Even if he was far away, Su Ming could feel the ground shaking even if he didn't move his feet.

Next to these two muscular lions, the three female lions were not as tall as the bear lions, but they were still about two meters tall. Compared with the two male lions, the female lions gave Su Ming a more threatening feeling. big.

Su Ming decided to name these three female lions Little Red, Little Green and Little Blue.

It's not that Su Ming chose the name randomly, or that Su Ming watched too many videos.

It's because these three female lions each have a small patch of hair with special colors on their heads, which are red, green and blue respectively.

"No wonder we haven't seen a single zombie since we got off the bridge. Could it be that they were all eaten by these lions?"

Kuang Mei pinched two strands of her hair and said blankly.

"Kuang Mei said it is very likely. No matter how remote the sub-city area is, there shouldn't be no zombies.

To be able to deal with so many zombies, the strength of these lions must not be underestimated. Let's bypass these lions and go from other roads later."

Although taking a detour may waste a little time, compared with the unknown danger, neither Ye Xinyan nor Lei Bao had any objection.

"It should be in the zoo."


While pedaling his bicycle, Su Ming finally remembered where these lions came from.

Compared to several surrounding cities, Hefeng City has a very large area because there are several universities.

In such a large place, in addition to several universities, there is naturally a zoo.

Unlike other city zoos, the zoo in Hefeng City is mostly carnivorous rather than herbivorous, all kinds of carnivorous.

In addition to lions and tigers, even some African hyenas can be seen in this wildlife park.

I still remember that in order to please his girlfriend, Su Ming reluctantly spent 100 yuan to buy two kilograms of pork.

If he had known that they would break up later, Su Ming might as well buy two kilograms of ribs to nourish himself.

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