The scales seemed to be made of white jade, one after another, wrapped around the mutant venomous snake's body.

Under the moonlight, the mutant venomous snake in front of him seemed like a mythical fairy beast, extremely holy.

Although surprised by the appearance of the mutant venomous snake, Su Ming's men did not show any mercy.

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He pushed his right foot back hard, Su Ming's left arm blocked in front of him, and his right arm was pulled behind him, making a bow and arrow, and then rushed directly to the neck of the mutant venomous snake, if it had a neck.

Looking at the fresh prey in front of him, the mutant venomous tongue raised his head high and made a hissing sound.

Although the head of the mutant venomous tongue snake is very huge, like a car, its reaction speed is indeed very fast.

Su Ming had just jumped into the air, and the huge head of the mutant venomous snake had already arrived in front of Su Ming.

Two huge green eyes stared at Su Ming closely, and Su Ming could even see his own image in them.

The snake opened its mouth, and its scarlet tongue stabbed straight at Su Ming's chest like a sharp sword.

As the mutant venomous snake opened its bloody mouth, a fishy smell reached Su Ming's nose.

Even after two enhancements, Su Ming felt a little dizzy and swollen under this poisonous gas.

"Not good!"

Su Ming, who was dizzy and swollen by the breath, felt a shudder in his heart, and immediately realized that he had underestimated this venomous snake.

But Su Ming's awakening now was too late. Before he could block his chest with his arms, a scarlet long sword had already penetrated his abdomen and then came out from his back.

The intense pain came, and Su Ming paid a huge price for his carelessness.

Seeing that the prey pierced by its tongue seemed not to be completely dead, the venomous snake showed a trace of surprise in its eyes, and then it swung its head, and Su Ming was thrown to the ground like a gourd, and turned over several times.


Su Ming's hands supported his thighs with blood gushing out of his mouth.

Under the powerful self-healing ability, the wounds on Su Ming's body no longer bleed.

Only the faint pain reminded Su Ming that he had just walked through the gates of hell.

Realizing that the venomous snake in front of him was not an easy thing to deal with, Su Ming's eyes condensed and he immediately became alert.

Just as Su Ming was alert, a long white shadow cut through the sky and hit directly at where Su Ming was.

The huge sound of breaking through the air made Su Ming's heart shudder. He did not dare to jump into the air again, and hurriedly supported himself with his hands on the ground, and did several backflips to avoid the venomous snake's tail attack.

With the loss of the initiative, Su Ming could only dodge the venomous snake's attack and wait for an opportunity to resist.

Another dodge, this time Su Ming was not as lucky as before. He was hit on the thigh by the tail of the venomous snake without paying attention, and was immediately knocked to the ground.

Before he could react, the venomous snake had opened its mouth and bit him.

Just when the mouth of the venomous snake was about to touch Su Ming, and when Su Ming saw the four long sharp teeth in the mouth of the venomous tongue, Su Ming suddenly pushed his left hands hard on the ground, and the whole person jumped into the mouth of the venomous snake like an arrow from a string.

Feeling the prey jump into the mouth, the mentally retarded venomous tongue instinctively clenched his jaws and prepared to swallow Su Ming into his abdomen.

At this moment, a sharp pain came from the mouth, and the venomous tongue quickly opened his mouth and began to vomit on the ground.

It turned out that the reason why Su Ming was hit by the tail of the venomous snake before was completely intentional.

Compared with the huge body of the venomous snake, unless using the tyrant mode, Su Ming has no advantage in physical strength at all.

In order to avoid starving, Su Ming decided to take a risk.

That is to expose a flaw and enter the mouth of the venomous snake when it is relaxed.

No matter how powerful a creature is, compared with the hard scales on the outside, it is always relatively fragile in the place where there are no scales attached.

Su Ming jumped into the mouth of the venomous tongue, his left hand turned into a sharp claw, his right hand turned into a sharp blade, and then one hand inserted into the upper jaw of the venomous snake, and the sharp blade in the other hand began to slash on the wall of flesh and blood.

Under the severe pain, the huge white snake kept rolling on the ground.

It was just because Su Ming fixed it with his left hand in advance, no matter how the white snake turned, Su Ming was like a sea-stabilizing needle, firmly nailed to its upper jaw.

Another knife was chopped out, and seeing that the surroundings were already in a bloody state, Su Ming was about to add strength to cut through the upper jaw of the venomous tongue.

The mutant venomous snake, which was still in pain just now and opened its mouth wide, suddenly clenched its upper and lower jaws.

If Su Ming had not been standing close to the snake's throat, he would have been crushed by its closed jaws.

Su Ming, who was imprisoned by the snake, immediately felt his vision fall into darkness.

Just when Su Ming didn't understand why the poisonous tongue did this, the poisonous snake outside suddenly arched its body.

The abdomen of the poisonous tongue suddenly began to bulge, and these slightly bulging small bags, as if carrying something, kept moving towards the mouth of the poisonous snake.


Su Ming, who was in the mouth of the poisonous snake, suddenly heard the sound of water in his ears.

Contacting the place where he was, Su Ming realized the venomous snake's plan with just a little thought.

"Damn! It's really poisonous!"

If we talk about the creatures with strong digestive ability on the earth, the venomous snake is definitely one of the top ones.

No matter what kind of creature it is, as long as it enters the stomach of the venomous snake, it can only reincarnate and wait for the next life.

But although he knew that the venomous snake's digestive juice had a very strong corrosive ability, Su Ming now had no place to hide and could only swing his right arm harder.

Now Su Ming was just trying to buy time. Either the venomous snake's gastric juice would corrode him first, or he would cut through the venomous snake's jaw first and then kill it.

Just when Su Ming was about to withstand the corrosion of the gastric juice, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind.

Although he couldn't see the thing under his feet clearly, Su Ming also knew that it should be the tongue of the venomous snake.

Thinking in his heart, Su Ming's arm, which was originally slashing at the upper palate of the venomous tongue, suddenly slashed hard under his body.

The sharp blade seemed to be cutting a piece of beef. After a short delay, it immediately cut the snake's tongue in half from the root of the tongue.

Feeling intense pain, the snake could no longer keep its mouth closed and immediately opened its mouth.

A red ribbon stained with blood fell from the air, and on top of the red ribbon, Su Ming stood with his sword in hand.

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