"System, start generating configuration!"

"Lieutenant configuration is being generated, please wait!"

"Ding! Configuration generated successfully!"

"Configuration 1: Lightsaber - 1 stabilized."

"Configuration 2: Extremis virus - 1 alienated."

"Please make your choice within 10 seconds, 10, 9, 8..."

The so-called stabilized lightsaber has a special structure in its hilt. When the hilt senses the grip of the user, the field generator in the hilt will convert the energy plasma in the user's body, and then shoot it out from both ends of the hilt. Under the guidance of the constant field, it is fixed into a blade shape; after the user releases the hilt, the blade-shaped energy body dissipates.

It is easy to use, simple to operate, and easy to carry. It is an indispensable item for home travel.

Although the introduction of the lightsaber looks very high-end, Su Ming has a faint impulse to become a Jedi Knight.

But compared with the second configuration, the lightsaber seems a bit useless.

The original Extremis virus mainly greatly improves the quality of the human body, enhances the self-healing ability and provides high heat to cause damage. The alienated desperate virus has greatly increased the use of high-heat energy on the basis of the original one.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, Su Ming always feels that this so-called super soldier system wants to train Su Ming into a powerful biochemical warrior, but when it introduces the two configurations, it always prefers the first configuration, and the second configuration is always vague.

If Su Ming had not been a senior game geek, he would have chosen the first configuration and taken another route when he chose for the first time.

Wearing nano armor and holding a plasma lightsaber in his hand, he looks majestic, but Su Ming always feels that something is missing.

Shaking his head, Su Ming threw away the idea that the system wanted to harm him, and directly determined the second configuration.

The test tubes are also fixed by metal structures, but the only difference is that the color of the liquid in the test tubes has changed, not black or red, but pink.

Looking at this pink full of girlish innocence, Su Ming really wants to complain.

Although pink is a color developed specifically for men, Su Ming always felt something was wrong.


The needle flashed with cold light and shot out. Su Ming was afraid that it could not penetrate his skin. He first used his claws to make a small hole in his neck, and then injected the liquid in the test tube into it. Throwing the test tube on the ground, Su Ming grabbed his thighs tightly with both hands, ready to bear the pain brought by the virus transformation. It just means that the pain imagined by the left and right waits did not appear. The injection of the next desperate virus was like drinking a glass of boiled water, bland and tasteless.

"Is this fake?"

Whenever the virus is transformed and injected into the human body, no matter how strong the will is, they will roar a few times to express that although the virus is powerful, I am a tough guy and I can bear it.

But now this alienated version of the desperate virus, how can it be like a fake?

Just when Su Ming began to suspect that this system was selling fakes, he suddenly felt a little hot all over his body, and an invisible flame seemed to ignite Su Ming.

Waves of reddish light began to spread from Su Ming's body to the outside world. Although there was no pain, the changes in his body made Su Ming feel relieved.

There is no way to become stronger without special effects. This is the normal way of change.

The red on his body became more and more, and the color became deeper and deeper. It seemed that the blood in his body was ignited. Su Ming raised his palm and could see the blood flowing under his skin, like magma.

The hot energy was hidden under the skin. It seemed that because Su Ming's body temperature was too high, the ice layer on the car actually showed a trend of melting, and drops of water flowed down the surface of the ice layer.

Seeing the impact he had caused, Su Ming hurriedly left the car.

One meter, two meters, three meters... Until 10 meters away, the ice layer on the car was still melting.

It was just that Su Ming's body temperature was so high, but he himself did not feel any discomfort.

He retreated farther and farther, until 20 meters away, the ice layer on the car finally stopped melting.

After a moment of silent waiting, the virus's transformation of the body was finally completed.

The fiery red light faded, and on the vast yellow land, a man stood tall and upright with his hands crossed under his body.

Looking at his naked body, in order to avoid Ye Xin calling him a pervert again, Su Ming came to the body of the white venomous snake.

With a sharp blade in his hand, Su Ming prepared to cut off a piece of snake skin as a simple piece of clothing, and make do with it for the time being.


His right hand turned into a sharp blade, and on the blade that originally emitted a metallic light, there were more fiery red lines.

These fiery red lines were like human blood vessels, and they were still beating.

When the blade was gently brought close to the scales of the white venomous snake, a burning smell came over.

Looking at the charred snake skin in front of him, Su Ming was stunned.

It was just an extra copy of the desperate virus, how could his ability become so much stronger?

I still remember that when I was dealing with the white poisonous snake before, although my sharp blade was able to cause damage, the effect like now was a bit too scary.

Su Ming came to the side of the purple venomous snake's corpse in a few steps. The same scene appeared again. The purple scales, which were much harder than the white venomous snake, immediately turned into a charred piece under the burning of the blade.

Although it was not like the white scales turning into black carbon, Su Ming always felt dislike for the black appearance.

Thinking of the colorful scales on the purple venomous snake's head, Su Ming held the last bit of hope and jumped on the head of the purple venomous snake.

"God bless you, whether you are from the east or the west, you must bless me!"

Looking at the colorful scales that have been kept intact under the cutting of the blade, Su Ming finally put his mind at ease.

But when Su Ming cut off the colorful scales, Su Ming suddenly thought of a problem, that is, if he fights with others in the future, once he changes into the appearance of a biochemical weapon, what should he do with his clothes? Do I have to fight others with my body naked?

When I think of myself several years later, I have defeated countless enemies and become the strongest in the world.

"Look, mom, is that the most powerful man in the world?"

The young woman stroked the child's hair with a kind face and said softly.

"Yes, that is the most powerful man in the world, and also the most perverted man in the world."

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