The beginning of the end of the world fusion black light

Chapter 87 The beautiful woman and the luxury car disappeared

After jumping into the pit, Su Ming didn't land for long, and soon touched the solid opposite side.

A foul smell came, although the ground was very dry, but Su Ming always felt that the cave in front of him was full of sticky dirt.

Originally, I thought it should be very dark inside the cave, but Su Ming saw a lot of glowing moss along the way.

According to common sense, snakes should like to live in warm and humid places. Although the temperature in this cave is not low, it is very dry, which is a bit like humans choosing where to live.

Compared with the ground, the underground world is very wide. Su Ming saw at least 10 forks along the way.

However, because of the selfless contribution of the purple venomous snake, Su Ming followed the traces on the ground and soon came to the lair of the purple venomous snake.

I saw three or four snakes of the same size as the white venomous snake, huddled together for warmth.

Looking at these stupid snakes who were sleeping soundly and had no sense of the enemy at all.

Su Ming shook his head, and then turned his arms into sharp blades.

The dim lines gradually became brighter, and the temperature in the entire huge cave seemed to become hotter as the shape of the sharp blade in Su Ming's hand changed.

A sleeping snake seemed to feel the change in temperature in the air and opened its sleepy eyes.

As it opened its eyes, the sharp blade in Su Ming's hand had already slashed across its neck.

Su Ming had no sense of accomplishment after easily solving the first enemy, but just hoped that there would be more and more enemies like this.

The fiery red blade slashed across the giant snake's neck, without a drop of blood flowing out, only two charred wounds.

The huge head fell to the ground, leaving an endless sound in the empty cave.

The awakened venomous snakes immediately became alert when they saw Su Ming, an alien creature.

However, since Su Ming was able to kill all the purple venomous snakes, these insignificant things naturally did not cause him much trouble.

After a quick check, Su Ming confirmed that all the venomous snakes were dead, and he prepared to return with four gray crystals.

When passing a fork in the road, Su Ming suddenly smelled a faint fragrance.

After a slight hesitation, Su Ming left a mark on the spot and continued to go deeper along the fragrance.

The fragrance became stronger and stronger. When Su Ming arrived at the destination, he saw that the fragrance was coming from a green grass.

The normal-sized green grass was rooted in a huge pool of water.

Looking at the clear liquid in the pool, Su Ming did not act rashly, but picked up a stone from the ground and threw it in.

The stone cut through the water surface and slowly sank.

There was no so-called guarding spirit beast. Su Ming stretched out a sharp claw, and there was no sign of poisoning.

However, when he thought that this cave was unique to the purple venomous snake, Su Ming knew why there were no other creatures here.

The palm-sized grass, apart from the greener leaves, was not much different, but the faint fragrance emanated from it.

Su Ming grabbed the root of the grass and pulled it out of the pool with a light pull.

Strangely enough, just as Su Ming pulled the grass out, a hole appeared in the huge pool, and the liquid in the pool continued to flow down at a superhuman speed.

Although I don't know what these liquids are, since they can make this grass so strange, they are naturally not ordinary things.

Countless tentacles stretched out from his hands and rushed to the bottom of the pool at a rapid speed.

But just as Su Ming stretched out the tentacles in his hands, the liquid in the pool had almost flowed away.

Su Ming was not angry even though he had fished for nothing. Anyway, he had already obtained this strange grass, and it didn't matter if he couldn't get anything else.

Smelling the faint fragrance, Su Ming hesitated for a moment and stuffed the whole grass into his mouth.

It melted as soon as he entered his mouth. The imagined hard texture did not appear. Su Ming felt like he had drunk a mouthful of softened evolution crystals. There were no more changes.

It was easy to jump down from the ground, but it was a problem to go up now.

Touching the back of his head, Su Ming helplessly turned his limbs into claws.

With one claw mark after another, like a gecko, Su Ming ran from a 50-meter-deep underground cave to the ground in less than a minute.

Just after arriving on the ground, Su Ming had not had time to breathe a few breaths of fresh air, and he saw a car with ice falling all over the ground in the distance.

His expression changed, and Su Ming hurried to the side of the car.

Looking at the empty scene in the car, Su Ming felt bad.

How could such a big living person disappear just like that?

"Ye Xinyan, Ye Xinyan, where are you!"

After searching the car from top to bottom and left to right, Su Ming suddenly became anxious after confirming that Ye Xinyan was not playing hide-and-seek with him.

Su Ming made his hands into a trumpet shape and placed them in front of his mouth, and kept shouting around the car, but apart from the sound of Su Ming's shouting, there was only the whistling north wind on the yellow land.

After a quarter of an hour, Su Ming reluctantly admitted that Ye Xinyan seemed to be lost.

After returning to the side of the car, Su Ming carefully checked and finally saw a shallow footprint under a piece of ice, a large footprint belonging to a human.

Before, Su Ming was worried that some beasts or mutant creatures took Ye Xinyan away while he was away.

Now that he saw the footprints, Su Ming finally felt relieved.

But just after he felt relieved, Su Ming became worried again.

It was not that Su Ming underestimated people's kindness, but in such a world, if a beautiful woman who was unconscious met some vicious people, what kind of torture would she suffer.

Su Ming's face became worse and worse. In just a short while, Ye Xinyan might have been pregnant by someone and caused several murders.

Just when Su Ming began to blame himself for leaving Ye Xinyan here, Ye Xinyan, whom he missed so much, was lying unconscious on the car seat.


Throwing a clean chicken leg out of the car, Lei Bao stroked his slightly bulging belly and said without looking back.

"What's wrong, Sister Kuang, what happened to the disciple of the hero Long? Is she injured?"

Putting the back of her hand on Ye Xinyan's forehead, Sister Kuang looked at Ye Xinyan worriedly and said.

"The situation is not good. It seems that the disciple of the hero Long was attacked by someone and was poisoned by the cold, so she is now unconscious. If a miracle doctor is not found, I am afraid her life will be in danger."

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