“Dad, no matter what you say, my daughter married him.

What era is it now, the era of freedom of love and freedom of marriage!

I don’t want my parents to arrange marriages. ”

Han Yunxi was on her own marriage issue, she didn’t want to marry someone she didn’t like, she was too wronged by herself.

Father Han: “Freedom in love?

No matter how free love is, when it comes to marriage, it is a problem between two families, and it is not as simple as you think.

The marriage must be in charge, and both parents must be very satisfied.

Falling in love is falling in love, getting married is getting married, two different things! ”

Father Han really persuaded his daughter bitterly.

As for hitting?

Please, his daughter’s nature, eat soft and not hard!

If you dare to lock her in your home, she will dare to commit suicide to show you!

Father Han has only one way for his daughter, coax!

Really, people say that the daughter is the father’s intimate little cotton jacket, how come to me, the daughter has become a black heart cotton version of the small cotton jacket!

As for arranged marriages, he really wants to do it, and other families do the same!

Otherwise, how could Han Yunxi’s mother marry him!

But only his own family can’t, because he is such a daughter, he has spoiled her since she was a child.

“Uncle Han, don’t be angry, it’s not good to be angry.

I know that you only have one daughter, Yunxi, and naturally I love her very much, and I want her to marry better.

I also know that you are very dissatisfied with my treatment of Yun Xi before.

But I vowed to treat her well in the future. ”

Another oath, if you swear that if you really want to be enlightened, why do you still need prison in the world?

This group of them has already filled the prison.

Han Yunxi on the side came out to help again.

“Didn’t you say that?

Marriage has to be right, don’t you see our family and Aunt Chu’s family are not in charge?

Also, my mother likes Tianlan very much.

Aunt Chu and Uncle Chu also liked me.

The marriage of the two of us can be said to have been blessed by everyone, how can it not work! ”

This black-hearted cotton daughter is here to scare my old father again.

Together, all the people in your eyes, Chu Lian, Chu Xiaojuan, and his wife, only left themselves behind!

“Family lineage is only one aspect of choosing a mate, you have to see how capable that person is, how much he has achieved, at least he can support you.”

Listening to what Father Han said, Chu Tianlan could see that this old guy just wanted to use his daughter for a better partner.

It’s not that he can’t see himself, but simply that she has a better choice.

“Uncle Han, it’s not nice to say.

Even if I eat and drink all my life, I can’t lose my family’s family business, Yun Xi must have a better life here than at home. ”

Chu Tianlan responded to Father Han’s words lightly.


Speaking of which, the original body really did not do anything outstanding, but after changing to himself, Yuan Hua, the son of destiny, cleaned up more than once!

Is this something that the average person can do?

It’s just that this matter can’t be said to Father Han.

Seeing that he still couldn’t convince his daughter, Father Han definitely sacrificed his ultimate move:

“Yunxi, I’m still your father. In the future, you want to get married, I don’t agree, you will definitely not be married.

You think about it, you have lived in the Han family since snacks, and you can live so well now, also because you are the Han family.

Since, as a member of the Han family, you enjoy the benefits of the Han family, should you repay the Han family! ”

Hearing Father Han say this, Han Yunxi was a little sad, this is the sadness of the women of the big family, whether it is the eldest daughter or the only daughter, they cannot escape the result of being married by the family.

“Dad, it stands to reason that the Han family has given me such a favorable living environment, I should repay the family, even if I am allowed to repay the family with marriage, I have no reason to refuse.”

Father Han nodded again and again when he heard this, this child is on the road, and he really has to use the family righteousness to say things.

I already knew this, I would have taken this earlier, and it was not good to spend so much time.

It’s still good for the old man, he proposed such a trick to himself, and he didn’t waste so much money playing cards with him every day.

Han Yunxi is so beautiful because she inherited her mother’s genes, and I think I also know that her mother was also a big beauty when she was young, but in the end, I don’t know how to cheapen Han’s father.

“Just so you know.”

“But I still choose to marry Brother Tianlan.”

Han Yunxi said sweetly.

Father Han: “…………”

This daughter doesn’t play cards according to the routine at all!

Is it that the old man’s set can’t keep up with the times, or is the daughter’s generation too unrestrained!

Chu Tianlan on the side just wanted to laugh when he heard it, everyone would say the truth, but whether he could accept this truth when he came to his side, that is, it was another matter.

After all, empathy and watching the fire from the other side are two completely different feelings!

Obviously, Han Yunxi did not accept this reasoning.

Chu Tianlan endured a smile and patted Han Yunxi’s shoulder, “Yunxi, you talk to your aunt in the house, I have something to say to my uncle.” ”

Han Yunxi leaned close to Chu Tianlan’s ear and whispered, “Whether it succeeds or not, I will rely on you for the rest of my life.” ”

PS: One more chapter in the evening

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