The Best All-rounder

Chapter 306: Shenwu


Xia Xia's eyes also looked at the other party. This person is still very interesting. He reminded Xia a lot of things just now, and he can talk to Xia Xia.


If it is someone else.

Xia Xia will definitely not agree, but if it is this person, then Xia Xia naturally doesn't care about leaving together.

This guy is quite interesting.

go with him.

Should also be a good choice.

"By the way, what's your name?" the other party asked.

"Tianxia!!" Summer said.

This is his name outside. It's very simple to call this name. He doesn't want Qu Xi to know about it, not even the slightest possibility. If his name is spread out and Qu Xi happens to hear it, it will be trouble.

He can't kill Qu Xi for the time being.


Only to hide first.

"My name is Shenwu!!"

"Good name, very domineering!!" Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"The name is just a code name. There is nothing domineering or not. Now I am also fleeing to another city with you." Shenwu also smiled.

The two were able to chat together.

"By the way, where is the nearest city?" Xia Xia was not very familiar with this area. Thirteen brought him here before, so he didn't have any familiarity with this place.

"Are you talking about the city or Yuncheng?" Shenwu asked.

"The closest one will do," Xia Xia said.

"The nearest is the gate city in front, but it's very small. It can only accommodate more than 100,000 people. Now that Hunyuan City is destroyed, most of the people must have gone there, so if we go late, even the city will be destroyed. Can't get in." Shenwu explained.

A city of 100,000 people.

It's really very small.

It is about the size of the Tucheng I went to before the summer.

"I just want to ride the teleportation array," Xia Xia said.

"Brother Tian, ​​any teleportation formation is limited in use. The teleportation formation in the gate city can be opened a hundred times a day, and a maximum of ten people can be teleported at the same time. Do you think that so many people have passed by, so we can line up the team, and Many merchants have gone there. At that time, in order to leave quickly, they will definitely pay a lot of money to leave. At that time, the price of the teleportation array will also be directly increased from one thousand immortal crystals to two thousand, three thousand, Even higher." Shenwu reminded.

Transmission array.

Not so easy to ride.

In a small town of 100,000 people, the teleportation array is also very small, and the teleportation capacity is also very small.

Although there are restrictions on those large cities a day, there are definitely more than this.

When he walked with Shisan before the summer, he saw that after Shisan took out the jade card, he didn't have to queue at all, and he didn't need to spend any immortal crystals, which was quite awesome.

"So what?" Summer asked.

"If you don't dislike the distance, you can fly directly to Hundred Birds Cloud City. It can accommodate tens of millions of people at the same time, and you can enter the city at will, and the teleportation formation over there has more hope. Although there are many people using it, But the management of others is better, and they are used a lot." Shenwu said.

"How many days does it take for the gate city? How many days does the Hundred Birds Cloud City take?" Xia Xia asked.

"At our current speed, it will take three days for the gate city and two months for the Hundred Birds Cloud City!" Shenwu said.


When he heard this, Xia Xia had a black line on his face: "Forget it, let's go to the gate city."

He didn't want to fly for two months.

Although he flew faster by himself, he was embarrassed to throw Shenwu directly here.

"Okay." Shen Wu said nothing.

"Are you convenient?" Xia Tian asked.

"Of course it's convenient for me. I'm alone, and it's convenient to go anywhere. I usually find a place where there is a business to stay, earn some fairy crystals, then spend them, then earn some fairy crystals, and then spend them." Shen Wu said very casually.

"Then why don't you guard those merchants?" Xia Xia asked.

The price of those merchants recruiting guards is not low.

The price of five hundred immortal crystals a day is already very high.

"They?" Shenwu curled his lips: "It's too dangerous, those businessmen are very shrewd, you take the other party's fairy crystal, you have to work for them, these people are very dangerous now, I don't want to For those immortal crystals who lost their lives, the jobs I usually look for are very safe, and there will never be an accident, which can guarantee my safe work."

Hearing this, Xia Tian also smiled: "It's really interesting that you live like this."

"Xiaoyao is life. Look at these people who are busy, running around to earn immortal crystals. As a result, if something happens, they may not even save their own lives. If they lose their lives, So what if there are more fairy crystals?" Shen Wu said very casually.

He looked really open.

"It's not easy for such a person." Hong Feng said with emotion.


Xia Tian also nodded slightly: "By the way, brother, I have seen seven people before, have you seen them?"

Summer took out a portrait of Po Yi.

Shenwu's eyes also looked at the portrait: "Seven sons of the square!!"

"You know?" Summer asked.

"What do you not know about Go out and find out, many people know them, each of these seven people is a master of formation, and they are well-known on the mainland of China. They arranged The teleportation array is very strong, and although the price is expensive, many people are begging them to help arrange peace and maintenance." Shenwu said.


Summer nodded slightly.

"It seems that your father may have hired them to set up the formation, not that they have a very good relationship with your father." Hongfeng said.


Summer nods.

"By the way, I heard that these seven people seem to have disappeared for a while and have not reappeared. It has been a long time." Shenwu said.


Hearing this, Xia Xian was stunned.

"The seven of them seemed to be mysterious for a while. The people who used to find them were all connected. They not only had to set up the teleportation array for others, but also maintained it. They were very busy every day, but there was a period of time, They suddenly stopped accepting the mission of the teleportation array, and they also stopped taking care of the maintenance, since then, it seems that no one has seen them." Shenwu explained.

"Killed?" Xia Xia asked.

"Impossible, these seven people have a lot of connections outside, and there are not many people who dare to touch them." Shenwu said.


Xia Xia inquired about these seven people, on the one hand because of his father, and on the other hand because these people knew the news of Liumai, and he wanted to see what happened to these people.

But now it seems.

Something may have happened to these seven people.

"It wasn't your father who did it, right?" Hong Feng was taken aback.

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