The Best All-rounder

Chapter 314: Wanxing Yuncheng

I will see my parents soon.

But Xia Xia soon understood that to the outsiders, he was now the son-in-law of the River Clan.

Moreover, even He Rou's subordinates thought that he had already had a relationship with He Rou, so he had to meet the other party's parents.

"I didn't prepare any gifts, so it's not good to go empty-handed!" Xia Xia said.

"It's okay!!" He Rou didn't care about this kind of thing.

that's it.

Summer came to RiverClan territory.

very large.

I saw a very large and luxurious manor in the summer.

The surrounding of this manor is surrounded by clouds, which is very beautiful. Of course, he also understands that there are many formations hidden in these clouds. If he wants to rush through it, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"It's so big." Summer said.

"Remember, each of us River Clan has its own yard and public area. In the future, you can only live in my yard. Go to the public area as little as possible. If you want to go out, you can, but it is best to bring two The guards go out together." He Rou reminded.

They RiverClan still have a lot of rules.

She didn't want Summer to cause her trouble.

"it is good!!"

that's it.

Xia Xia walked in with He Rou, and soon.

They came to a hall: "Father got something."

She handed over the storage gear.


He Rou's father nodded, took the storage equipment, and looked at Xia Xia at the same time: "Is he the husband you chose?"

"Yes, father!!" He Rou said.

"Your mother said, she won't come out to see her. Since you chose it yourself, she supports you." He Rou's father said.

"Thank you mother for understanding." He Rou said.

"Your name is Tianxia, ​​right?" He Rou's father asked.

"Meet your father-in-law." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"Well, if you need anything in the future, just instruct the servants. I don't have any requirements for you, but you must remember that you must treat my daughter well. If you treat my daughter badly, I will not agree." He Rou said said the father.


Xia Xia also took out a storage device: "Father-in-law, these are some small items I bought on the road, and they are not worth much."

"Forget it, I don't want anything." He Rou's father said.

He doesn't care about summer things.

"Father-in-law, this is my little care."

"No need, keep it for yourself."

"Don't tear it up, it's for the child." Xia Xia said.


He Rou's father was a little confused.

He Rou also hurried forward: "Father, it's nothing, we'll go down."


When leaving the hall, He Rou looked at Xia Xia dissatisfiedly: "Didn't I tell you not to make your own decisions?"


"I think he is your father, and I want to make a good impression." Xia Xia said.

"No, remember, I don't need you to do anything, just stay honest and don't cause trouble for me." He Rou said coldly.

"Okay!" Summer smiled.

Herou's yard is independent. It is a large yard. There are more than a dozen rooms in the yard. The overall area is about 100,000 square meters. The environment of various activity areas is also very good.

Food and wine are also very neatly arranged.

"The one in front is the main hall, and the two sides are wing rooms. You can choose one, the first one on the left is mine, and the rest are up to you." He Rou said.

"Then the first room on the right!!" Xia Xia said.

"There are thirty maids in my yard, one housekeeper, and ten guards. You can move them all. I will send you two maids tonight. Remember, don't touch the thirty maids if you need them. I'll find you outside." He Rou said.

"My lady is so kind to me!!" Xia Xia smiled slyly.

Look at what summer looks like.

He Rou didn't say anything.

She never watched summer from beginning to end.

"Uncle, this is the etiquette that the young lady ordered me to send. There are also ten thousand immortal crystals and some medicinal pills. If you need anything else, you can inform me in advance." The housekeeper said respectfully.

"I don't need anything," Xia Xia said.

"Oh, yes, Miss said, let the uncle memorize all the etiquette first to avoid trouble." The butler went out.

"The hostility is really great." Hong Feng said with emotion.

"Normal, I am a person of unknown origin who directly married someone's young lady. They will definitely be very upset. These people have served their young lady for so long, and they definitely want their young lady to marry a very good person, but as long as they are not fools , when you see me, you know that the word "excellent" is irrelevant to me now." Xia Xia smiled slightly.

He doesn't care about this kind of thing.

He settled here just for the temporary convenience of himself. After he has a thorough understanding of Shenzhou, he will leave.

His purpose was not to stay here.


In the evening, He Rou sent two maids. These two maids were sent by He Rou outside, not the maids in the yard. The maids in the yard have a good relationship with her, although the dowry maids belong to others. Yes, people can do what they want.

But Xia Xia is a door-to-door son-in-law.

So she didn't want her maid to do that kind of thing.

Xia Xia also used illusion to stun the two maids, making them mistakenly think that something really happened with Xia Xia.

Although He Rou looked down on people like Xia Xia very much, she believed that this was a normal thing.

After all, she is Xia Xia's wife now, and if she doesn't have a relationship with Xia Xia, she will naturally have to find a few women for Xia Xia.

That's These days in summer are night and night.

Since He Rou was recruited as a door-to-door son-in-law, it was easier for her father to fight for her welfare.

Her father's name is He Tianyu, one of the current powerhouses of the River Clan, a very strong and domineering person.

But he only has one daughter like He Rou.

There are four generations of the River Clan in Wanxing Yuncheng. There is only one person in the first generation. In summer, they need to call the other party's mother-in-law.

The second generation is the generation of the current River Clan Patriarch, with a total of five people.

The third generation, the generation of He Tianyu, is also the backbone of the current He Clan, with ten core characters.

The fourth generation was He Rou's generation, representing the new generation of the River Clan, with seven core characters.

The number of external children is very large.

The River Clan is still a big race.

The core characters are very important. They first represent blood, and secondly they represent the future. Of course, women will definitely be treated differently, because once a woman is cultivated, she will directly marry outside. Said, it is also a very big loss, and it may also take away a lot of the core secrets of the River Clan.


The previous He Rou, as one of the only two women in their generation, also suffered a lot of oppression.

But now it's different.

She recruited an on-site son-in-law, which made her position in the family all of a sudden firm, because over the years, she has been really outstanding and has done a lot for the family.

"Uncle, the second lady is here to see you." The housekeeper said respectfully.

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