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Chapter 321: hot summer

Early the next morning.

Xia Xia was also neatly dressed and followed He Rou to see her parents.

He Tianyu sat on the main seat, and her mother sat aside.

"Meet your father-in-law and mother-in-law." Xia Xia slightly bowed his hands.

"You are Tianxia?" When He Rou's mother first saw Xia Xia, her face was full of dissatisfaction. From the first time she saw Xia Xia, she didn't like Xia Xia.

And she didn't hide her eyes at all.

from this point.

I understand in summer.

He Rou's mother is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp.

A troublesome guy.

"Yes." Summer said.

"When you were cultivating, why didn't you change your appearance?" He Rou's mother asked.

"Why should I change my appearance? A person's beauty or ugliness comes from their parents. I don't have a choice, but the beauty and ugliness of a person's heart depends on us." Xia Xia said rudely.

That's what he is.

He treats others as others treat him.

"Presumptuous!!" He Rou's mother naturally heard the dissatisfaction in Xia Xia's words.

Xia Tian looked at He Rou's mother like this: "How could I be so presumptuous?"

"Stop talking." He Rou said hurriedly.

Xia Tian is usually quite obedient. She will nod her head and agree with what she says, but she did not expect that Xia Xian would be so angry after meeting her mother.

"This is the He Clan, not the place where you go wild." He Rou's mother shouted loudly.

"From the beginning to the present, you are the one who speaks loudly, and you are the one who speaks aggressively. If you talk about being wild, I'm afraid I can't compare to you!!" Xia Xia said directly.

That's right.

Summer has been very polite.

As a result, the other party spoke aggressively.

Then this is not his problem, but the other party's problem.

"Enough, stop talking." When He Rou saw Xia Xia talking to her mother like this, her face also showed a displeased look.

Summer didn't say anything.

But He Rou's mother obviously didn't plan to let Xia Tian go: "How dare you say that I'm being a savage, I think you don't want to live anymore."

After she finished speaking, she slapped Xia Tian directly with a palm.

standing there in summer.

There is no defense at all, and there is no intention of dodging.

No fear at all.


He Tianyu blocked his wife's blow.

"Okay, even if he is at fault, he won't die." He Tianyu said.


He Rou's mother snorted heavily: "You've taken a life!!"

"Did I take my life, or did you not dare to kill me at all?" Xia Xia really didn't look down on such a person. Although he was He Rou's mother, in the end, he had nothing to do with He Rou. .

If he was in a hurry, he just left.

But if he left, He Rou's life would be ruined directly.


Summer is right.

Does He Rou's mother dare to kill him?

If He Rou's mother just killed Xia Xia, then the news will definitely be spread by the eldest son and the third son. In this case, people outside will know that He Rou's mother killed He Rou's husband, then After that, He Rou will be finished.

When Xia Xia was there, he was the son-in-law who came to the door, which meant that He Rou would never leave the River Clan in the future. The River Clan could also treat her accordingly, but if Xia Xia died, the River Clan would definitely take back the River Clan as soon as possible. All soft treatment.

He Rou will never get any rights from the River Clan in her life.

Summer is dead.

River Rou ruined.


He Rou's mother would never dare to kill Xia Xia.

"I think you have really lived enough." He Rou's mother said.

Xia Xia looked at He Rou's mother contemptuously: "Remember, I eat soft and not hard, you are He Rou's mother, I came to see you, but if you want to do something with me, then I will accompany you Do something and see if you can kill me or if I will destroy your whole family first."


He Rou just wanted to say something.

But Xia Xia has already turned his head and walked outside: "Remember in the future, the son-in-law is a guest in front of the door, and you must respect me, otherwise, how I treat your daughter is my business."


Summer is so gone.

Originally, He Rou brought Xia Xia to visit her mother, but in the end, it turned out like this.

"Look, this is the good husband you chose. The first time you saw me, you gave me a slap in the face. After this, you can still get it?" He Rou's mother scolded.

She didn't think there was anything wrong with her.


It's all summer's fault.

He Rou also frowned at this time.

She also understood that it was her mother who was a little picky, but the anger in the summer was indeed a little bigger today.

He Rou bowed to her father and mother, then turned to leave.

She was going to ask Xia Xia what she was thinking and why she had offended her father.


He Tianyu sighed: "Have you ever thought about how simple it is if he wants to harm our daughter. He doesn't need to do anything, just help those two guys, and the daughter will be finished."

"He dares, I'll kill him!!" He Rou's mother looked domineering.

He Tianyu didn't say anything more.

Dare summer, they should have seen it.

After returning to the residence in the summer, he also lay directly on the bed.

"Open the door and let's talk." He Rou said.

"No time!" Summer said.


He Rou also forcibly kicked the door open.

After she came in, looking at Xia Xia's appearance, she didn't know what to ask for a while.

"Don't you want to chat?" Xia Tian asked.

"That's my mother, why did you treat her like that?" He Rou still spoke.

"Why didn't you ask her why she treated me like that?" Xia Tian asked.

"I'll give you fairy crystals, give you food, give you drink, give you something to use, and give you all such good treatment. Do you have a conscience for treating me like this?" He Rou asked.

"Calculate how many immortal crystals I spent with you in total. I'll find a way to return them to you, and then we'll break up. Anyway, I was brought back by you to deal with the family." Xia Xia said directly.

Break up!

When Xia Xia said these words, He Rou was really stunned.

Although she ran over to accuse, to be honest, Xia Xia couldn't leave now.

If Xia Xia really left, she would be in trouble. She finally took the first step. If Xia Xia left now, everything she did would be useless.

"You can't go!!" He Rou said.

"The legs are on me, and I can go whenever I want," Xia Xia said.

"I will order the servants to seal the yard. From now on, you can only move in the yard, and are not allowed to step out of the yard." He Rou slammed the door and left.

How dare you tell her that this summer.

She can't bear the fact that someone who has always been obedient must leave.


As soon as she went out, Xia Xia kicked the door open: "I'm leaving, I'll see who can stop me."

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