The Best All-rounder

Chapter 330: Changes in Herou

He Tianyu still cares about his daughter very much. Xia Tian could see that when He Rou was going to fight He Yang, He Tianyu was obviously nervous.

"Afraid of her losing?" Xia Tian asked.

"I'm afraid something will happen to her." He Tianyu said.

"Didn't you say there's no danger?" Xia Xia asked.

"Heyang is not a good man and a woman." He Tianyu said.

"Trust her," Xia Tian said.

He Tianyu suddenly had a feeling of standing and talking in summer without backache.

He doesn't care about his daughter, so he can be so calm.

If he cared about his daughter, he would be as nervous as he was.


It's time to fight Heyang and Herou.

He Yang was in high spirits at this time, and he couldn't see that he was injured at all.

On He Rou's side, she seemed to be a little weak. After all, she had been consumed very badly before.

"Admit defeat, I don't want to hurt you." He Yang said.

"Brother, I won't admit defeat." He Rou said.

"You are a woman, can you do it? Do you think that you are strong enough to be compared with men? In fact, I have always wanted to tell you one thing, that is, no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to compete with us." He Yang said directly.

There has always been an open and secret fight between them.

It can be said.

It has been fighting for many years.

"Mother-in-law is also a woman." He Rou said.

"Can you be compared with your mother-in-law? Her mother-in-law is a unique existence." He Yang said.

"I never thought that I could be compared to my mother-in-law, but my mother-in-law is the goal of my life. I will definitely work hard to bring myself closer to this goal," He Rou said.

"You're still too naive. Now that you're married, you should be at home with your husband and children. Don't think that you can come back and fight if you find a son-in-law who is a waste. I tell you, you are not qualified." He Yang also showed his weapon at this time.

He Rou took out a pair of knives.


He Tianyu frowned: "What's going on?"

He doesn't understand.

Why did He Rou take out a pair of knives? Although He Rou usually used a short knife, it was a single knife, but today, He Rou actually used a pair of knives, which was strange.

This double knife.

It is the same double sword as Kawamatsu's double sword.

At this time, He Song in the stands also looked at He Rou in confusion. He was already out, so he was able to take medicinal pills to recover, and he has recovered a lot now.

But even him.

He also didn't understand what He Rou wanted to do.

"What? He Song taught you two swords? It's a pity that even He Song is not my opponent. Could it be that you can become my opponent if you learn and sell now?" He Yang said with great disdain.

In his opinion.

After the failure of Hesong.

Then he will be the first.

However, he actually didn't want to have too many entanglements with He Rou, because once the consumption was too large, it would be difficult to deal with the third child in the next match.

The two battles of the third child were almost useless.

But here he is.

The first battle with Hesong was quite exhausting.

"Brother, I want to try!!" He Rou said.

"Okay, then I will fulfill you." He Yang also cut him down at this time.

Or his violent killing.

This is his specialty.

Come up.

Just attack in the most violent way, so that the opponent only has the ability to parry, but has no ability to resist. In this case, he will definitely win in the end.

Although it consumes a lot of money.

But the same.

He can also give the other party an invisible pressure, making the other party unable to resist in a short time.


Strong pressure hits directly.

The ground around He Rou seemed to be shattered.

Fortunately, the arena here is made of special materials, which is an independent space and will not collapse easily.

"You are not my opponent." He Yang shouted loudly.


He Rou was also losing ground at this time.

boom! boom!

Attacked several times.

He Rou's body also began to tilt.

"Good chance!" He Yang also slashed directly on He Rou's shoulder.


at the same time.

The knife in He Rou's left hand fell.

He attacked Heyang with his right hand, but was blocked by Heyang.

But He Rou instantly grabbed the short knife in her left hand and slashed towards He Yang.


What a familiar scene.

This scene was the time when He Song counterattacked He Yang. Everyone remembers this scene.

He Song broke through He Yang's battle uniform at the time.



this time.

What He Rou broke was not the battle suit, but He Yang's stomach.

"What?" He Yang was stunned for a moment, he didn't understand what was going on.

"Suction method, He Yang is too dependent on his own suction method." He Tianyu instantly understood what was going on.

His daughter's attack at the beginning did not use the power of the law at all, and the powerful law of the surface mountain was only to confuse Heyang and let Heyang adapt to the power of the law.


At that moment of sneak attack, He Yang would definitely instinctively defend, that is, defending against He Song's state.

Although his body will retreat a little bit to avoid the battle suit being broken again.

But he didn't find it.

In an instant, He Rou used her own law to increase the attack of the knife by a few centimeters. Although it was only a few centimeters, it was enough.

at the same time!

At the moment when He Yang was injured.

He Rou's body instantly spun fast.

His movement was extremely fast.

puff! puff! puff!

A series of attacks hit He Yang.

He Yang also hurriedly wanted to counterattack.

But he suddenly discovered that, for some unknown reason, his attack was always half a beat slower. No matter how he increased his speed, his attack was still slower than He Rou's, and the attack he made seemed to be predicted by He Rou. In the same way, He Rou attacked his attack in advance, breaking his attack.

"Nice job!" He Tianyu said excitedly.

He didn't expect it.

My own daughter actually has such growth.

Even began to use the battlefield and the environment to fight back.

And although her daughter's swordsmanship looks similar to Hesong's before, in fact, his daughter has made some modifications to Hesong's swordsmanship, making it faster: "Hesong, when will you teach her yours? Double knives?"

"I didn't teach her." He Song was taken aback.

"Could it be that she just taught herself? But even if she taught herself, she couldn't master it so quickly, let alone make changes." He Tianyu found that his daughter is really not easy now.

This time, his daughter made him impress him.


He Yang's body was penetrated by He Rou, and He Rou deliberately avoided the key point.

A big mouthful of blood spurted out of Heyang's mouth. He wanted to resist, but he was stopped: "You lost."

"No, I haven't lost, I haven't died, I can still fight." He Yang never dreamed that he would lose to He Rou, which was unacceptable to him.

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