The Best All-rounder

Chapter 334: Malingering

"It said that I was seriously injured by several young masters, and I may die at any time." Xia Xia said.

"Okay!!" The housekeeper also left directly.

What he saw was: Xia Xia had a big elbow in his left hand and a jar of wine in his right hand, drinking there.

But since the summer let the housekeeper say so.

The housekeeper will say the same.

Since Xia Xia was beaten so badly and there was no trouble, the butler's attitude towards Xia Xia has changed a lot. Although he has always respected Xia Xia on the surface, secretly, he hated Xia Xia very much before, but it's okay now. a little.

About half a day passed.

"Uncle, several masters said they want to come and see you." The housekeeper reminded.

"Come in!" A weak voice appeared.


It is impossible for a few masters to come to see the fourth generation, let alone a son-in-law.

Their purpose this time is simple.

That is to see if the summer is really seriously injured, or whether it is deliberately pretending to be sick.

at the same time.

They have to figure out what happened to the young masters and young ladies.

The butler pushed open the door.

When he saw it at this time, there were bloodstains everywhere on the ground, and lying on the bed in summer, his face was pale, his eyes were blurred, and the whole person seemed to be terminally ill and might die at any time.

Seeing this, he also hurried out.

In fact, he came here specifically to report to Xia Xia.

A few masters just walked to the gate.

The state is very good in the summer now, and he also wants to quickly call a few masters over to see what the summer looks like now.

"How's it going?" He Tianyu asked.

"The situation is not very good. All kinds of healing medicines have been taken, but it is still not good. After all, my uncle's power of immortality is only more than 10,000 points. Several young masters and young ladies may not know this, so they started a little harder. That's why it became like this." The steward's words were very euphemistic.

But he's clearly showing why the summer is the way it is.

Under the circumstances of summer, they have to come to question summer, then this is what they are wrong.

"I'll check it out." He Yang's father came over and put his hand directly on Xia Xia's body.

The superficial phenomena can be faked, but the inner ones cannot be faked.

He is very confident in his ability. He believes that if Xia Xia is fake, he can easily detect it. In this way, he can easily confirm that Xia Xian is fake.

By the time.

There was a good show.


"What's wrong?" the others asked.

"He seems to be dying."

"What are you talking about, I'll take a look." The third child's father also stepped forward.

As a result, he also frowned after checking it: "Housekeeper, why don't you go to the doctor for treatment? It's so serious, you're not afraid of accidents."

"Ladies and gentlemen, the young lady is leaving with her mother-in-law now. No one of us here is qualified to find a doctor, and the identity of the uncle is not enough." The housekeeper said.

He didn't expect it either.

It will look like this in summer.

When the other party came to check just now, he was really worried that Xia Xia would be exposed.

But now.

He is not worried anymore.

"Come on, take my token and call the doctor to come over and give him a good check, there can be no accident."

They also understand that Xia Xia must not be allowed to die. If Xia Xia dies, their children will have nothing to do with each other.

Everyone saw it.

Summer hurts like this.

They were all beaten by their children.

He Rou finally found a son-in-law who came back. As a result, they beat the family to death, and the patriarch will hold them accountable. Moreover, if this kind of thing spreads, the reputation of their River Clan will be ruined.


They seem to have forgotten that they came here to ask for guilt.

None of them dared to mention their children's injuries.

"Let him rest well, let's go first." They didn't want to stay here too long, as if they were worried that something would happen in the summer and they would be implicated.

He Tianyu frowned.

He didn't know that Xia was pretending, and seeing Xia become like this at this time, he was also thinking that if he had shot earlier, it would not have been like this.


Finally he also left.

After they left, Xia Xia also got up, and then picked up all the food and wine that were collected in all kinds of things.

"Uncle, the doctor needs to be able to come at night." When the housekeeper opened the door, he happened to see Xia Xia eating and drinking there. He thought Xia was still lying on the bed, so he didn't knock on the door and came in directly.

Just saw this scene.

"Okay, then I'll put it on again at night." Xia Xia said.


At this time, the housekeeper also had a black line on his face. He was really speechless at this time. He really didn't know how Xia Xia did it. The tricks he pretended to be able to deceive those people.

"By the way, housekeeper, after the doctor comes over in the evening, you will spread the news, saying that you have heard some gossip, there are some treatment methods, and then spread the treatment methods, and write some precious herbs on it, the more expensive the better. "Summer said.


The housekeeper nodded. Although he didn't know what Xia Tian was going to do, he still had to do what Xia Xia ordered.


Soon he understood.


When the doctor went out, he kept shaking his head, as if he had lost his skills.

It seems that Xia Xia will die at any He also spread the news according to Xia Xia's instructions.


the next day.

Those masters also asked their subordinates to send a large number of herbs, and these herbs were all those precious herbs that he scattered.

"Gu Ye, this is the herbal medicine they sent." The housekeeper said respectfully.

"Well, how much are these herbs worth?" Xia Tian asked.

"More than seven million immortal crystals!" The butler said again.

"Okay, you go to sell it, don't go in our own store, try to run as far away as possible, don't be followed." Xia Xia said.


Five hours later.

The housekeeper also came back with seven million immortal crystals.

"Uncle, these seven million immortal crystals!!" The butler said respectfully.

"Go, divide it equally among all the guards and maids in the yard. You also have a share, but you have to divide it equally." Xia Xia said.


When hearing this.

The butler was taken aback.

"What are you still doing? Hurry up." Xia Xia said.

"Uncle, absolutely, we can't ask for Uncle's things," the housekeeper said.

"I said I can get it if I can. This is what I asked you to share. Hurry up and share it with them. Since they are messing with me, then I can't treat them badly." Xia Xia said.


"What? You have the final say here?" Xia Xia asked.

"No... Uncle, don't get me wrong." The housekeeper is also very depressed now. How should he explain to the young lady?

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