The Best All-rounder

Chapter 342: The mighty Wanxing Yuncheng


Everyone at the scene was extremely shocked. Some people wanted to rub the phantom on the Void Throne, but no matter what they did, they couldn't rub the phantom.

Some people wanted to forcefully remember the phantom, but they found that no matter how they remembered, they couldn't remember what the phantom looked like.

in the Legends.

Void Throne.

does not belong to anyone.

It has the same lifespan as Heaven, even longer than the lifespan of Heaven and Earth.

this thing.

Just an empty throne.

but now.

There is actually a shadow on the throne.

This phantom.

The biggest feature is that both hands are a pair of wolf claws, which is also a feature that everyone at the scene can remember.

Except for this feature.

No one can remember any of the features of this ghost.

The great moon shines on the Void Throne.

Make the Void Throne stand out.

at the same time.

The Void Throne is gone.

It disappeared from the public eye.


Everyone understands.

It's all over.

At this time, the summer fell there, life and death unknown.

"Hahaha, I actually broke through."

"I have finally been promoted, and my realm has also broken through. It seems that this legend is true. As long as I take a look at it, my strength can be improved."

"That's great, my strength has been greatly improved."

almost everyone.

The strength has been improved, and at this time, these people are also extremely excited.

However, the experts at the scene had the same doubt: Who is the phantom on the throne?

at the same time.

The city lord of Wanxingyun City also immediately ordered that his subordinates prepare to prevent riots in the city.


The riot was inevitable. The reason why those people had endured without causing trouble was because they were worried that they would miss the Void Throne at that moment.

But now.

The Void Throne is gone.

There is nothing to restrain them.


Some people even started to suddenly attack the people around them, beheading the people around them, and robbing them of their storage equipment. At this speed, those people couldn't react at all, and it was impossible for them to self-destruct their storage equipment. .

And after those people succeeded, they also flew out of Wanxingyun City for the first time.

Now all the formations in Wanxingyun City are closed, and they can fly out directly.

that's it.


Totally out of control.

"From now on, Wanxing Yuncheng's formation will be reopened, and those who cause trouble will be killed without mercy." Wanxing City Lord used the amplification device His voice was very loud.

He believed that all people could hear it.

But now the situation is not so easy to control.

Many people hid in the crowd after killing people, and some people ran to other hotels to hide after killing people, and some rushed out directly through the city gate.


The city was in complete chaos.

The guards of the River Clan also protected all the sons and gentlemen of the River Clan in the middle.

Their defense is very tight, which is a deterrent.

It's telling people around you not to mess around.

Of course.

It is impossible for normal people to directly attack such a huge team, but those scattered forces still came over, and some people's bodies were smashed over.

In order to prevent themselves from being killed, they also attacked indiscriminately for the first time.

This made the scene even more uncontrollable.

"Are you alright?" He Rou grabbed Xia Xia, but Xia Xia was unconscious now. She also hurried to check, and she was relieved when she found that Xia Xia was not dead.

"Huihe Clan, anyone who stands in our way will be killed without mercy." The River Clan's patriarch directly ordered.

at this time.

There are more than 100,000 guards around their team.

Such a huge guard force also wants to forcefully push the crowd away.

Although this will also cause a certain amount of damage to their team, but even if they don't do this, there will definitely be damage, and the scene here is too chaotic now.

The best way for them to protect themselves now is to get back to RiverClan quickly and keep these people safe.

It can be said.

Now the biggest losses are the surrounding shops, and there are too many people taking advantage of the fire.

Some people think that there are so many people now that they can make a good profit, but in the end, they lose a lot.

But the River Clan still has foresight. Today, they would rather not make a single immortal crystal, and they don't want to have an accident, so all the businesses of the River Clan are closed today.

that's it.

The chaos is getting worse.

Fortunately, the people of the RiverClan were fully armed, otherwise the damage this time would have been very serious.

It was only less than half an hour away.

at last.

They spent ten hours.

Just rushed back to the River Clan.

And this turmoil in Wanxingyun City lasted for two days.

The city owner of Wanxingyun City is really capable. He personally led the team and led his subordinates to kill all the troublemakers. This time the chaos in Wanxingyun City caused the deaths of more than three million people.

It can be said.

This number of deaths is already low in proportion to the overall figure.

Although there were tragic and unjust deaths.

But the city lord of Wanxingyun City also used his ability to tell everyone that Wanxingyun City has absolute dominance and absolute strength.

No one can shake How is he? "He Tianyu asked.

"It should be fine, it's just that he passed out. I asked the doctor to examine him, and the doctor said that he couldn't see what was going on. He could only let him self-cultivation. It is estimated that he will wake up after a while." He Rou said.

"Well, remember, no matter whether he wakes up tomorrow or not, he has to declare to the people outside that he has woken up. At this critical time, you can't let others grab the braid, but there are many people outside who are ready to watch your jokes. Well, those people will also seize the opportunity to bring you down." He Tianyu reminded.

"Yes, father." He Rou said.

After He Tianyu left, He Rou also glanced at Xia Xia, and then instructed: "Housekeeper, I'll leave this to you, and report to me if anything happens."


He Rou also left.


He Rou's attitude towards Xia Xia has not changed much from beginning to end.

She was against summer in her heart.

She has been looking for that senior every day recently.

The whole body is also on the senior's body.

"Uncle, you have to wake up, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?" A voice appeared.

"Uncle, are you awake?" the butler said in surprise.

"I woke up a long time ago, but I can't get up directly. Otherwise, those guys will inevitably sneer at me and even attack me, but looking at my state, they definitely don't want to cause trouble for themselves." Xia Xia said.

"What the lady and the master said..."

"heard it."

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