The Best All-rounder

Chapter 382: don't you recognize me


The ghost energy around them disappeared in an instant, and the black energy bound to the masters of the guardian clan also disappeared.

Summer hit!

Directly broke through the hag's attack.


"What?" Qu Xi's face was full of shock at this time.

To know.

These people are all top-notch experts.

And there are also people who have the power of eight laws to break 100,000 points.

Even they can't compete with the hag.

Even locked up for a moment.

Available in summer.

It actually directly broke through the hag's space.

This is too strong.


If the people here are classified according to their strength levels, then Xia Xia should be the lowest first class, Quxi and the others are second class, those with a power of 100,000 points are third class, and ghosts are fourth class.

Originally, he thought that Xia Xia was at most first- and second-class people, including all means.

But the attack from Xia Xia just told her; Xia Xia is the fifth class.

An existence more defiant than a hag.

Of course.

She also doesn't think it's the real strength of summer.

But it's enough to prove how complicated Xia's identity is, and how incredible Xia's strength is.

"What's the situation?" The hag's brows furrowed, and his eyes turned to Xia Xia.

He couldn't figure it out.

What happened to this person in front of him.

Why such a terrible attack.

A single finger punctured his attack.


Those who guarded the family also came to Xia Xia's side in an instant. At this time, they were all ready to fight. They would never allow the situation just now to happen again.

"I underestimate you, it turns out that you are the fifth class here." Qu Xi walked over and said.

"You think I'm a fifth-class, but in fact, I'm a sixth-class, maybe a seventh-class." Xia Xia also looked at the hag in front of him: "Your ghost space is not only the power of the law, but also the illusion. In it, it's just that your law power occupies 90%, and illusion only occupies 10%, so no one will find out that 10% of the illusion is true or false, which makes them mistakenly think that they are really trapped. , in fact, everything is fake."

The hag looked at Xia Tian up and down: "Are you really from the Xinghehai clan?"

At this point she was also a little surprised.

There are very few people who can see through her methods for the first time.

It can be said.

Many people have been beheaded by her without even figuring out what her means are.

But Xia Xia directly saw through her methods, and directly broke her methods.

Although on the surface, this is just a means to see through.

But this is her killer move.

"I said, I'm not from the Xinghehai clan, I just have a sister of the Xinghehai clan." Xia Xia said directly.

He is not from the Xinghehai clan.

He wouldn't even pretend.


The hag nodded slightly: "Very good, you are qualified to survive."

This is how the world is.

If you have the strength, then you can control your own destiny, if you don't have the strength, then you can't even control your own destiny.

"Don't want to kill me?" Xia Xia asked.


"I won't cooperate with you." Xia Xia understood that to cooperate with a ghost is to seek skin from a tiger, which is too passive.

"Then let's see, whether it's your ability or mine. There is only one treasure chest, and I'm not the only one staring at the treasure chest." The hag's body turned into a ghost.

It then dissipated in place.

The master staring at the treasure chest.

Not just her.

That's right.

The treasure chest appears, and it has been confirmed, it is destined to attract a lot of masters.

"Sir, let's be careful, you can't have an accident." He Rou's grandfather said respectfully.

They are here.

Although there are people who have the power of eight laws to break 100,000 points.

It has already swept any small and medium forces outside.

And outside, it's hard to see a person with a rule breaking 100,000 points, but it's different here.

Here is the competition for the treasure chest.

we can even say.

This is the competition for the strongest players in the eighth party.

They are nothing here.

"It's not difficult to deal with ordinary masters. They definitely won't be able to discover the secrets of the iron sand here, so if there is a real fight, even if we fly a kite, we will definitely win, because we won't be affected by the iron sand, they will definitely be affected by the iron sand, but In the same way, there should be more than one hag here, and they should also be able to discover the secrets of iron sand, so we can't fight against such a person." Xia Xia understood that he was able to scare the hag this time because the hag didn't want to get hurt here. .

And he didn't want to provoke the Xinghe Sea Clan.

People at their level cherish their lives very much.

But if he encountered a few horizontal ones, it would be different.

At that time, the other party will not let them go.

"Although our team is definitely the top outside, it doesn't seem to be anything here. If we compete with others for treasure chests like this, then it is almost impossible for us to succeed." Qu Xi said.

She doesn't think so.

They can compete with the top players.

Even if the treasure chest appeared in front of them, they couldn't grab those enemies.

Although Xia Xia can now scare people like hag.

But if the treasure chest is in front of their eyes are red, how can they care about your threat, even if the Xinghe Sea Clan is here, they dare to kill.

"I didn't say I wanted a treasure chest!!" Summer said lightly.


Qu Xi frowned: "Then what are you doing here?"

"Looking for someone!!" Summer said.

"Who?" Qu Xi asked.

"Dragon!!" Summer said.


Qu Xi frowned. At this moment, she was also stunned. Her face was full of puzzled expressions. At the same time, she began to look at Xia Xia again: "Who are you?"

"Quxi, I always thought you were a very alert person. After being with me for so long, haven't you found out who I am?" After Xia Xia finished speaking, he walked towards Quxi step by step.

at the same time.

His body began to change.

Start to get taller.

The skin starts to become smooth.

Those spots on the body disappeared.

That ugly face has also turned into a handsome face, especially his eyes, those eyes full of bewitching, making people shudder at first glance, and even addicted to them.

at this time.

The people surrounding the guardian clan all looked at Xia Xia in surprise.

They didn't expect it.

Xia Tian actually used the disguise technique, and none of them discovered this disguise technique.

turn out to be.

This is his true face.

"Summer!!" Qu Xi's face was full of shock.

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