The Best All-rounder

Chapter 419: 1 pack of demons

"Are you doing things?" The boss grabbed Xia Xia's clothes directly.

Xia Xia pointed to the video stone on the table: "If I'm not mistaken, your Gufeng Village also has its own rules. If you do anything to the guests who come in, you should also break the rules here."

"Stinky boy, I warn you, don't play tricks with me. Although I have to pay a price for killing you, this price is nothing to me." The boss means that although the above will punish him, but He didn't care much about this small punishment.

This is also a normal situation.

After all, he is here.

Even if something really happened, the interests of their own people would be protected here.


Make trouble on other people's turf.

The result must have been very bad.

This boss is also warning about summer.

"It's scary." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"If you are so angry with him again, he will really make a mistake." Huairou said.

"Okay, I'm not angry with you." Xia Xia glanced at the owner of the tavern.

To be able to open a pub here, his status must be very high here. He has not taken action against Xia Xia, on the one hand because of their rules here, and on the other hand because he does not know the reality of Xia Xia.

It's so strong in summer.

Generally speaking.

And Hua Xianjing didn't care at all.

This may be some top power people.

Although people from the top powers can be sent for free, there are also some people who have a quirky temper and don't like to report their power names casually.

Of course.

The free transfer also has to pay the immortal crystal, but it only needs to pay the consumption fee of 2 million immortal crystals.

"It seems that a lot of people have passed by recently." Xia Xia said with emotion.

"What we can inquire about, others can also inquire about. There are many capable people in this world." Huairou does not think that only they can inquire about Juxingshan's information.

Although it is impossible for everyone to know that the Tianxinghua on the Juxing Mountain is fake, there must be many people who know that the Tianxinghua may appear in the Juxing Mountain.

If this news is not passed out, it will definitely not be able to attract Baihua Fairy.

This news will be passed on to more and more people later.

But by the time those behind knew it, the matter was already over.

And if they want to rush to Juxing Mountain, they can only detour.

In this case, Haihu will delay some time.


In the summer, I found that the biggest feature of Shenzhou is that the superiors eat meat, and ordinary people may not even be able to drink soup. When ordinary people hear the information, the competition for the superiors is over.

"I don't know if Fairy Hundred Flowers will appear." Xia Xia had been looking for it for so long, and now that there is finally news, he also wanted to find Fairy Hundred Flowers as soon as possible.

When he found Lin Bingbing, he would know exactly what happened.

"There's someone outside." Huairou reminded.

Xia Xia walked there and looked outside: "Do you know me?"

"I don't know!" Huairou shook her head.

At this time, there was a team of four people outside. These four people were very cautious. Since they came over, their eyes have been observing the surrounding situation.

Very cautious.

It was as if they were worried that someone might attack them at any time.

"Are you so careful?" Xia Xia looked at the four people and shook his head slightly.

Caution is fine.

But being overly cautious is inexperienced.

"This is Gufeng Village. It's normal to be cautious. Except for you, I've never seen anyone come here to be so arrogant." Huairou believes that people like Xia Xia are rare after all.


Anyone who comes to Gufengzhai must be careful.

Ancient style village is here.

But a notorious place for bandits.

They entered the bandit den.

Life and death are not in their own hands. If these people want their lives, they have no ability to resist, and they can't even save their own lives.

Although they are also some good people outside.

But in it.

They are nothing.

If the masters here attacked them in groups, they would surely die.

"What are you afraid of? If Gufengzhai really did that, then they wouldn't be able to survive for 100,000 years. People are doing it, God is watching, and there will be punishment. If they kill casually, sooner or later they will provoke someone they can't afford to provoke. The people killed them." Xia Xia believes that people who do that kind of business will definitely not last long.

Because the world will give you the most terrifying counterattack.

Often walking by the river, how can you not get wet shoes.

"It's always right to be careful." Huairou was very careful.

"Come on, let's see how these four people were trapped." Xia Xia looked at the four people with great interest.

At this time, the four people also came to the tavern.

In the beginning, they wanted to wait in place.

But the four of them saw someone in the tavern, and after discussing it, they came over.

The four of them were apparently also coming here for the first time.

When entering, be careful.

After sitting down.

They also observed carefully: "Boss, how is the service fee calculated? And how are the entry fee and exit fee calculated?"

"Literally!!" The boss is obviously not in a good mood now, so he is not as patient as This is not good. I can understand that the wine is expensive. The entry fee and I'm afraid going out fee..."

"Are you coming in? Are you going out? Are there experts like us sitting here serving you?" The tavern owner said very simply.


Hearing the tavern owner's words, the other party was really confused.

Such an answer really made them speechless, and for a while, they didn't know what to say.

But when I heard the boss speak so rudely.

They didn't dare to say anything.

It's on someone's turf.

They didn't dare to mess around.

If the tavern owner is really upset, then if these people take action directly, they can't bear it.

"Okay, then bring us a few pots of bars." Although those people are very uncomfortable now, they don't even dare to get angry right now.

"It's so boring." Xia Xia shook his head in disappointment.

He originally wanted to see the pictures of these people being tougher.

But now.

These people are really stupid.

"It is said that there are a group of demons living in Gufengzhai, everyone be careful, we try to talk less, ask less, and don't offend them."

The four said in a low voice.

But their words were still seen by the summer.

Summer eyes can see through everything.


at this time.

A man in a black robe walked in from the outside: "Hey, Sanzi, I heard that someone is making trouble?"

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