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Chapter 439: run away

Tienan looked towards the summer.

He was worried that Xia's words would make him very dissatisfied.

"Okay, let's go, it's impossible for you to activate this monster, and I'm afraid you can't do it the way you are now, but it's impossible not to let the Three Bamboo Sect know about your affairs." Xia Xia Glancing at Tie Nan: "Run for your life. Whether you can survive or not depends on your ability."

"Just let us go?" Tienan naturally understood that they had failed.

But he didn't expect that summer would let them go like this.

"By the way, if you can't escape, go back to the Golden Sword Gate, find Tie Xin, and say I let you go." Xia Xia said.


The two were stunned.

Although Xia Xia said that he knew Tie Xin before.


They didn't believe it at all.

It is obviously impossible to deceive them by saying such words in the summer.

Because there is no need to lie to them now.

Summer has been won.

It's no use pressing them with Tie Xin's name.


The summer now is obviously not the same as before.

This is how the world is.

Your strength is strong.

No matter whether what you say is true or false, some people will believe it, but if you are weak, no one will believe what you say even if you are telling the truth.

"Thank you sir!" Tie Nan had already started to call Xia Xia an adult.

in his heart.

I have already recognized that Xia Xia and Tie Xin knew each other.

"It's best to hurry up, if I leave here, you will have no chance." Qing Zizhu said very rudely.

He is no ordinary man.

He is the top existence of the Three Bamboo Sect.

After he went out.

The people of the Three Bamboo Sect will definitely know all this.

By the time.

The revenge of the Three Bamboo Sect is coming.

North and South teach.

No longer exists.


The people from the North and South Sect just left.

"It's really yours, that's resolved." Qing Zizhu looked at Xia Tian with admiration.

have to say.

He thinks that Xia Xia's speech is too typical.

It is precisely because of Xia Xia's image that Qing Zizhu's life has changed a bit. Xia Xia's every move seems to have become a benchmark for his life.

"But we didn't ask many things." Huairou didn't understand why Xia Xia didn't ask more.

"I am a very trustworthy person. Since I promised to let them go, I will definitely let them go. Three questions, they will say what they should say, and what they should not say, no matter how much they ask, they will not say anything. , if I push them hard, people like them can do anything. Although they are shocked by me now, they are still very strong. If they work hard, the three of us will die. Yes." Summer said.


Hearing Xia's words, they finally understood.

Everything Xia Xia did was to bluff the other side.

"So you were trying to scare them." Qing Zizhu said.

"It's not all fake. Tie Xin and I are really familiar." Xia Tian smiled.


The black lines on their faces, just now they thought that what Xia Xia said were all lies, but now it seems that the most important sentence is actually true.

"Any plans?" Huairou asked.

"What is the Qiankun Seven?" Xia Xia asked.

"There are seven amazing guys, the Qiankun Seven Group, the seven people are all first-class masters, if you have to say the level, each of them has the strength of a ghost, and these seven people represent Seven colors, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, with a feather at the back, that's their name." Qing Zizhu said.

He still knows some information about these masters.

"So, these seven people are very strong." Xia Xia said.

"Well, the seven of them have once fought against the three gods, and it was that battle that made them completely famous. Therefore, although the seven of them have many enemies, there are not many people who really dare to touch them. ." Qingzizhu explained.

"Seven people against three people?" Xia Xia was stunned.

"Yes, the relationship between the three magic soldiers was originally extraordinary. Everyone who took it out was one of the top ten masters of the eighth party. The three of them shot together, and it was even more powerful, but it was these three people. Together, we still couldn't kill these seven people." Qing Zizhu said.

He was also very interested in the news at the time.

"No, since the three divine soldiers are all at the same level as Tie Xin, the combined strength of the three should be very terrifying. When I saw Tie Xin against the hag, it was almost easy to win. Yes." If you compare them in the summer, it's hard to imagine how these seven people can hold these three people.

"So, that battle was their battle to become famous, and it was precisely because of that battle that their Qiankun Seven members became so famous." Qing Zizhu said with emotion.


Xia Tian nodded: "So, we are in big trouble now."

"If you don't go up, there will be no trouble. If you continue to go up, there will be trouble." Qing Zizhu reminded.

He wanted to tell Summer.

If he doesn't continue here, then he will be fine. UU Reading

But there is real danger if it continues.

"You two stay here, and I can go by myself for the next thing." Xia Xia said.

"That's not what I meant." Qing Zizhu shook his head: "Of course we'll go together, I'm not afraid, but want to remind you that if you continue to move up, it will be very dangerous, and I doubt that the North and South teach These two guys were deceived, since the Qiankun Seven found a monster sealed here, how could they not use this monster."

"Let's do it, Brother Qing, you and Huairou are looking for clues about the seal of the monster. I guess it's on this floor. I'm going to investigate the news of the Qiankun Seven Group. As long as you get the monsters, you should be able to resolve the biggest crisis here. I believe that there are other masters here who can compete with the Qiankun Seven. At that time, without the blessing of monsters, they will be tigers with their teeth pulled out, and I don't believe that the seven of them really have a head-on confrontation with the three tops. The strength of the masters, they must have some secrets, as long as I find out these secrets, the seven of them, or the strength of seven ghosts at most, cannot withstand the attacks of all the enemies." Xia Xia never thought of confronting it head-on. Those seven people.

What he thinks is very simple, is to use the enemy's enemy to kill them.

Of course.

The purpose of his coming here is for Fairy Hundred Flowers.


If he goes up, he should be able to get the news.


"Okay, the most important task is left to you. If you fail, I may be dead." Xia Xia patted the two on the shoulders, and then disappeared in place.

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