The Best All-rounder

Chapter 458: 0 Cursive Scholar Tiger King

Chapter 10159 Hundred-cursive scholar Tiger King

The white-faced scholar, holding a feather fan in his hand, looks gentle, even a little sick.

Such a person would be the Tiger King of the Eighth Party, who made ordinary people fearful and gave face to his masters?

"What? Are you a little surprised?" A smile appeared on Hu Jun's face.


He saw the meaning of summer.

"It's normal. Many people have heard my name but never met me. When they first saw me, they all looked the same as you. In fact, it can only be said that you don't know me well enough. Fang's name is Baicao Scholar, I am the Mutation Law of the Wood Element, the Law of Immortal Grass, and I am also a pharmacist and an alchemist. I am favored by the Celestial Clan people because I once helped the Celestial Clan people detoxify and saved their lives. "Hu Jun said directly.

If you hear the name Baicao Scholar, that's normal.

The name Baicao Scholar is also obvious.

"Oh!" Summer nodded.

He also understood at this time, and at the same time glanced at the two people beside Hu Jun: "Let's sit down and have a drink together."

"They don't have to. The two of them are my personal guards. According to the rules, they cannot sit down." Hu Jun reminded.

"You big forces are really troublesome." Xia Xia said.

This is also the reason why he doesn't like the big forces. In the big forces, there are really all kinds of things.

"Mr. Xia is still free and easy." Hu Jun said.

"Don't compliment me, come to me, if you have anything, just say it, you can't do big things, and you don't like to do small things." Xia Xia said very casually.


Hu Jun was taken aback for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face: "Mr. Xia is really an admirable person."

"You are not affordable, just talk about it if you have something." Xia Xia felt very speechless.

Hu Jun has been complimenting him continuously since he came in.

Of course.

He also understands that Hu Jun is in the eighth party and can have his current status, which must be related to his character, and he will not take the initiative to provoke any big man.

Even if he has provoked it before, as long as he knows that the other party can't be provoked, he will immediately correct his attitude.

It is precisely because of this.

Everyone will give him some face.

"Mr. Xia, I came to you this time to ask for your help," said Hu Jun.

"What's up?" Summer asked.

"We have had some frictions with others recently. I hope Mr. Xia can help him deal with each other. Of course, I won't let Mr. Xia busy with work in vain. The rewards are naturally very high." Hu Jun can also see that Xia is that The kind of people who don't like trouble.


When dealing with summer, just be direct.

"The number of masters under your Hujun is countless. If you really want to fight the opponent, you shouldn't need me!!" Xia Xia said directly.

That's right.

Tiger King's power is very large.

And the overall strength is also very strong. If a person like him wants to deal with others, he can just let his own hands go.

"It's different, Mr. Xia, the reason why I'm looking for you this time is because the other party is really not easy to mess with, the other party is naturally nothing, but the other party is also a person who has a wide network, and the other party also knows One of the top ten masters, if I find the other top ten masters, it will be a very troublesome thing in itself, and maybe something unexpected will happen. Let the other party chat, Mr. Xia, if you go over with me, it is just pretending to be a facade, you don't need to do anything, let alone start a fight." Hu Jun stated his purpose.

summer now.

But the man of the eighth party.

The name is also very big.

Such people are now very deterrent, and more people are willing to give face to people like Xia Xia.

So he went to summer.

He also said.

This time, I wasn't going to fight, I mainly wanted to talk to the other party and resolve the conflict between the two sides. After all, they are all big-headed people. If everything needs to be solved by fighting, then they have already consumed almost the same amount.

Although Hu Jun has a lot of masters, if he really fights with others a few times, his people will lose a lot.

He can now say how many powerful men he has, these are used to intimidate others, not really used to fight others.

"You have such a big reputation as Hu Jun, and there are people who can't be offended. It seems that the other party's background is not small, and the other party also knows one of the top ten masters. So, the other party's background is not small." Xia Tian sighed.

The status of the person who can make Tiger King so jealous is naturally not low.

And he also understands.

If the top ten masters meet, and neither of the two sides agrees with the other, then they will definitely fight in the end. Although he can find one of the top ten masters, he can't control the other party not to do anything, nor can he ask the other party.

If that happens, the consequences will be unimaginable.

In the end, it may even evolve into a war between the two sides.

And once one of the top ten masters is injured, the entire eighth party will be alarmed, and it will be even more uncontrollable at that time.

"Well, that's why I hope that Mr. Xia will come forward. With your current influence, if you come forward, no matter who will give you a face, then we will make some concessions and let the other party make concessions, then we are considered to be The negotiation is successful, in this case, not only will we not have to fight, but we will also be able to have multiple friends. In a place like China, there may be some unpredictable crises every day, and it is better to have one more friend than one more enemy." Hu Jun attitude is still good.

Not a militant.

People outside preached him like a god, and many people even thought that he was the kind of existence that would destroy the entire force of others if they disagreed.

It is also because of his prestige.

That's why people outside don't dare to have any unreasonable thoughts about, so that people outside don't dare to provoke him.

"That's right, this time it sounds good, it's not a big deal, but you haven't told me who the other party is." Xia Xia felt that Hu Jun's request was not excessive.

Not bullying others.

It's not a matter of harming others, it's just negotiating.

He has such a reputation now that he can help others with his name, which is not bad.

In a place like Shenzhou, after having a name, it is different.

"Thirteen, ghosts are invisible, thirteen." Hu Jun said directly.


The black line on Xia Tian's face: "Thirteen? Did something happen between you?"

(End of this chapter)

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