The Best All-rounder

Chapter 487: 3 stars connected

Chapter 10188 Samsung Connected

Xia Xia and Shi Shi left behind a lot of formations and institutions.

"In summer, I discovered a very interesting phenomenon." Thirteen said.

"What's going on?" Summer asked.

"Anyway, I can be considered a person who can set up formations, but when you look at the formations I set up, the power has disappeared." Thirteen felt that this matter was very strange.

Although he is not a master of formation, he can still do simple formations.

But now.

The power of the formation he arranged is losing.


Xia Xia frowned, and then he turned back to check the formation he arranged. Although the formation he arranged was still there, the power inside was also draining: "Have you encountered such a situation before?"

"The last time I came, I didn't set up a formation." Thirteen said.

He doesn't usually have the habit of setting up formations. If it wasn't for what Xia Xia said, he really didn't have the habit of setting up formations.

So he didn't find that either.


Xia Tian exhaled: "Let's go!!"

"Have you found anything?" Thirteen asked.

"There are just some conjectures, but there is no definite evidence for these conjectures, so it can only be regarded as a conjecture." Xia Tian released a communication talisman.

The messenger flew out.

There is no delay.

At first he felt that all this was like the huge formation around Juxing Mountain, but if this was true, it would be terrifying, because although the formation of Juxing Mountain was shrouded by stars, it was The scope of a star, but if there is really any formation here, it would be against the sky, 300,000 caves, that is larger than the scope of a star.

It's so big that it's unimaginable.

The destructive power of such a formation is also very terrifying.

However, when he just released the messenger, the messenger didn't feel blocked.


For the time being, it should not be considered a formation. Normally, the formation can isolate everything. If even the communication talisman cannot be isolated, the basic purpose of the formation will be lost, and if even the communication talisman is blocked If you can't stop it, you can't stop people.

"It's getting dark," Thirteen said.

"The location should be in this area. Even if there is a deviation, it will not be too big." Xia Tian saw that Tianhu Cliff and the guardians here have gathered hundreds of masters.

It can be said.

So many masters are enough to sweep everything.

This should also be all the masters in this area.

"With so many masters, even if Tianshuang Sanji has great skills, he is useless!!" Thirteen said with emotion.

That's right.

So many people are no longer able to compete with strength.

Even experts like Baichuan and the others have to avoid the edge for a while when they encounter so many people.

"This is an accident. They never thought that there would be so many people. I guess someone deliberately brought so many masters here, but they are definitely not the three heroes of Tianshuang, and they are definitely not Hu Jun. I hope the more low-key the better, but the current situation has exceeded their expectations." Xia Xia said.


Thirteen's eyes also looked forward: "Looking at it now, their coalition should occupy the dominant position here. No matter what status or strength other people are, it is impossible to compete with them."

"The biggest charm of this world is that no one knows what will happen until the last moment." A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.

It was already getting dark.

A bright moon is also rising.

"It's so comfortable!" When the moon rises, Xia Tian feels comfortable all over.

The breath is also more stable.

Every time the body moves, there is a feeling of absorbing a hundred years of power.

"Your body seems to be a little different from the daytime." Thirteen said looking at Xia Xia.

"This is one of my cards. During the full moon, I will change like this, so if someone wants to trick me, you must remind him, don't think about tricking me during the full moon, because he has a little There is no chance." Xia Xia joked.

Since he dared to tell Thirteen this, he absolutely believed Thirteen.

"When you were not full moon, it was already difficult enough. Now it becomes even more difficult when you are full moon. Who would dare to touch you." Thirteen shook his head helplessly.

Having teamed up with Xia for so long, he makes new discoveries every day.

He found every day that he still underestimated summer.

Summer brings him a different feeling every day.

Every day is a brand new summer.

"I said, there is only one way to kill me, and that is to sneak attack on me before I can react, but this is only a momentary thing, as long as I miss this moment, then I have The ability to escape." Xia Xia said confidently.

"Your strongest ability is observation and perception, as well as tracking. If you want to kill you silently, it is simply impossible." Thirteen believes that if you want to silently attack the summer, this is simply impossible.

The first time he found Xia Xia, it was because of Xia Xia's strong observation and perception.

Under such a powerful observation and perception, it is almost impossible to kill Xia Xia.

Summer didn't say anything.

At this time, his eyes also looked to the sky: "Is it those three stars?"

in the sky.

Three bright stars have appeared.

The three stars are very bright.

As if to light up the night sky.


The three stars seem to be brighter than the full moon.

Of course.

It's just because the three stars are a bit closer to them in the summer.

"It's about to appear, take a good look, the scenery is beautiful." Thirteen reminded.


Summer's eyes are also looking at the sky.

at this time.

The three stars suddenly became brighter, directly illuminating the entire earth.

300,000 caves.

All illuminated by light.

at the same time.

Light wraps around.

Countless flowers and plants appeared around.

These flowers and plants are not real flowers and plants, but seem to be a fictional fantasy.

"This is the real Xieyue Because only in this case, the beauty of Xieyue Sanxingdong will appear, and the flowers and plants here are also real, not created by fantasy. , as long as you can enter the Xieyue Sanxing Cave, you can always exist in this space.” Thirteen explained.

"In other words, this is an overlapping space, and the two spaces coexist, but the key to opening the overlapping space is the three stars in the sky, right." Xia Xia reacted.

"Yes, that's what it means. Whenever the moon is full, the scenery of another space will appear here. Similarly, as long as the full moon passes, the other space will renew the message. If you want to enter another space, the channel It's the Xieyue Sanxingdong." Thirteen said.

This is a separate space, an independent space, or even an independent world.


Xia Tian nodded slightly: "What about Fairy Hundred Flowers? Is he there?"

"Didn't you already see him!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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