The Best All-rounder

Chapter 494: my people

Chapter 10195 My people

Because of their special status, Tianshuang Sanjie controlled the hearts of people here.

They control the fears of these people here.

"People's hearts are the most terrifying thing." Xia Xia said with emotion.

"Yeah, they have completely controlled this place. Now it's not difficult for them to kill these eight people, and have you seen it? Just now, the boss of Tianshuang Sanjie arranged for a few people around him to do things, but It's too far, I don't know what he made those people do." Thirteen said.

"He said to those subordinates: go find a man named Xia Xia and a man named Thirteen, and gave them images of the two of us, and told those subordinates, don't do it, and wait for their big army to arrive." Xia Tian said lightly.

He could see clearly.

"Sure enough, after he took control of this place, he still wanted to shoot us." Thirteen said coldly.

"Before the three of them would definitely not be able to win the two of us, but if you add the people here, that's fine. This time their mission is the Shadow Demon and the Hundred Flower Fairy. With these people, they can solve everything perfectly. After completing those two tasks, similarly, why would they care about completing one more task? Kill the two of us and bring back the fragments of the Clear Sky Mirror, and they can make another big contribution. Why not? Why?" Xia Xia had to admit that Tianshuang Sanjie disguised very well.

If Xia Xia hadn't discovered some clues long ago, then it is very likely that he would have been calculated by these three people without even taking precautions.

People like them are the most dangerous.

On the one hand, they pretended to be very familiar with Xia Xia, and on the other hand, they were secretly preparing for battle and wanted to kill Xia Xia.

"Now we are no longer the opponents of the three of them." Thirteen said with emotion.

Although he is not afraid of these three people.

But these three people now have a lot of powerful helpers.

If so many people work together, it will not be able to compete in summer.



What they may have to face is a very terrifying thing.


Xuesha also spit out a mouthful of blood. Just now, Tianshuang Sanjie and the others were fighting, and Shadow Demon and the others were also fighting.

At this time, the blood evil was finally unable to bear the constant attacks of the shadow demons.

"I won't fight anymore, I won't fight anymore, I won't attack Baihua Fairy again." Xuesha said hurriedly.


The Shadow Fiend stopped, and he also understood that the real enemies were those behind him.

That hundreds of masters.


It seems that the cliff owner of Tianhu Cliff can't support it, but Tianshuang Sanjie are more dangerous characters, and their existence is even more terrifying.

When facing these people, Shadow Demon was also very nervous: "Apocalypse, find a way to run, I can't help you."

"Run? How to run? I really didn't expect that in the end my life was actually linked to yours. Forget it, I've been running for half my life, and now I'm a little tired and don't want to run anymore. Before I die, do something. Something meaningful." He also looked at Fairy Hundred Flowers.

The battle on Tianshuang Sanjie's side didn't last long, and the wheel battle made the eight people unbearable soon.

"Damn, you ungrateful fellows, if it wasn't for me, would you have been able to live so unrestrainedly all these years? Now you actually come to deal with me, and you will have to die in the future!!" The cliff owner of Tianhuya can only curse now strength.

This method of wheel warfare was invented by him.



It is this kind of wheel battle that will kill him soon.

"Don't struggle anymore, it's your honor to die for your brothers," said the boss of the Tianshuang Three Heroes.

"They are also worthy of my brothers? It's ridiculous, these people are all garbage." The cliff owner of Tianhu Cliff looked at these people around him: "I curse you, you have to die in this life, you betrayed today. After I die, I will turn into a demon and accompany you all your life.”


Eight of them.

After all, it was unable to withstand the final attack.

All died.

at this time.

Tianshuang Sanjie also looked at the Baihua Fairy in front of him, and bowed slightly at the same time: "Fairy, we are here this time mainly to invite you back to the Baihua Banquet, and we don't mean to hurt the fairy."

Fairy Baihua looked at Tianshuang Sanjie in front of her: "What if I say no?"


Although his words are simple, he has already answered the other party's own meaning, which is obviously telling the other party his current attitude.

"Fairy, we are all civilized people and don't want to be rough. Before we came out this time, we received a death order and we must take you back, so..."

"So what? That's why you're going to take me back by force, right?" Fairy Baihua asked rhetorically.

The attitude of Tianshuang Sanjie is very clear. If Fairy Baihua listens to them, then they will invite Fairy Baihua back. If Fairy Baihua does not listen to them, then they will take Fairy Baihua back by tough means.

"If the fairy doesn't leave, then we can only offend. After we go back, we will apologize to the fairy." The boss of Tianshuang Sanjie said.


Shadow Demon and Baiyu Tianqi stood in front of Baihua Fairy.

Apparently they were going to have a fight.

"Shadow Demon, I have already given you a chance. I also said that if I meet you again, I will definitely kill you, so this time you can't blame others." The boss of Tianshuang Sanjie said.

"Don't say it in a high-sounding manner. If Mr. Xia wasn't there before, you would have done something to me." Shadow Demon would not remember these three favors.

"Forget it, I don't want to waste my words." The boss of Tianshuang Sanjie glanced at the people around him: "Use up the power of Fairy Baihua, and the others will be killed without mercy."


At this time, the people in front also started to do it directly.


at this time.

Xuesha's body rushed towards Baihua Fairy from behind.


He is very fast.

"What?" The Shadow Demon was about to resist the attack of the people in front of him, but now, Xuesha actually rushed up again, and he had let it go more than once.

But Xuesha actually attacked Fairy Hundred Flowers again.

This made him very But now.

It was too late for him to turn back.

Ha ha ha ha!

"I'm the biggest winner!!" Xue Sha's eyes were full of excitement, and until now, he finally waited for this moment.

He finally had a chance to turn around.

Whether it is the Cliff Master of Tianhu Cliff or the Three Heroes of Tianshuang, none of them have such a good chance.


His attack was also directly behind Baihua Fairy.

Golden light!

The moment he rushed up, a golden light flew over him: "My people, you dare to move?"

(End of this chapter)

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