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Chapter 1022: It was so

The Supreme Elder of Mountain Cloud Sect is still quite strong, and there is no personal grudge between him and Xia Xia. Although Xia Xia and Shan Yun Sect are already deadly enemies, but with the character of the Supreme Elder of Mountain Cloud Sect, he is even For revenge, he would also fight with Xia Xia upright, instead of going to Xia Xia's family.

So Xia did not intend to kill him.

On the contrary, the suzerain of Shanyun Sect is mortal. He is the enemy of Xia Xia's father, that is Xia Xia's enemy, so Xia Xia must have him die.

"You can't kill me." The Sect Master of Mountain Cloud Sect looked at Xia Xia in horror. In his eyes Xia Xia was a devil, a very terrifying devil. He had never been so afraid before.


Nine steps!

Xia Xia took a step forward. Although it was only one step, the sect master of Shanyun Sect felt that his life was one point less.

"Xia Xia, you can't kill me, I'm your uncle, if you kill me, it's a sin." The sect master of Shan Yunzong said hurriedly.


Eight steps!

Xia Xia didn't speak. If he guessed correctly, his father's death was definitely related to him. Maybe he planned to kill his father in the first place, so this person must not stay. If he really regarded himself as a nephew, Xia Xia entered. When he was here, he shouldn't let people kill Xia Xia.

So Xia Tian didn't care about his uncle at all.

In Xia Xia's eyes, the person in front of him was not his uncle, but his father-killing enemy.

Everyone at the scene didn't speak, because they could feel the murderous aura on Xia Xia's body, which made people feel cold all over. Everyone knew that he was the suzerain of the Shanyun Sect that would kill him today.


Seven steps!

Every time Xia Xia took a step forward, the Sect Master of Mountain Cloud Sect felt that his feet were one step closer to hell. Fear, an unprecedented sense of fear struck, he was afraid of death, he was really afraid of death, and his current status was not easy to come by. .

He didn't want to lose all this.

"Xiamen, I know where your mother is." The suzerain of Shanyunzong suddenly shouted.

Stopped, this summer's footsteps stopped, and when I heard the words of the Sect Master of the Mountain Cloud Sect, Xia Xia did not continue to move forward, but stopped and looked at the Sect Master of the Mountain Cloud Sect, he did not speak, but waited. The suzerain of Shan Yunzong spoke.

Seeing Xia Xia stop, the Sect Master of Mountain Cloud Sect finally breathed a sigh of relief. He breathed heavily, trying to get rid of his fear, and he also wanted to prepare for a good negotiation with Xia Xia.

Since you want to negotiate, the momentum must not be low.

Just as he was sorting out his mood.


Six steps!

Xia Xia took another step forward. This step scared the Sect Master of Shanyun Sect. He originally thought Xia Xian would not move forward. He was also preparing to negotiate with Xia Xia, but Xia Xia actually went straight forward. .

"Stop, Xia Xia, don't you want to know your mother's whereabouts? If I don't tell you, you won't want to know for the rest of your life." The sect master of Shan Yunzong hurriedly shouted.

The supreme elder of Shanyun Sect kept shaking his head. This is the most spineless person he has ever seen. He really can't understand how such a person can sit on the throne of Shanyun Sect, and if it wasn't for him, Shan Yunzong will not face today's disaster.

Once today's events are over, no matter whether he is alive or not, the Supreme Elder of the Mountain Cloud Sect will not let him be the Sect Master again.

Xia Xia stopped again, he still did not speak, but looked at the Sect Master of Shanyun Sect.

This time, the Sect Master of Shanyun Sect didn't dare to delay any more, and said directly: "You must promise me that you can't kill me, and I will tell you the whereabouts of your mother."


Five steps!

Xia Xia walked forward again. He didn't like negotiating with this person, and this person was the one he would kill, so he would never negotiate with this person. As for his mother's whereabouts, he would naturally investigate it himself.

There are so many people here, but now he doesn't want the Sect Master of Shanyun Sect to reveal his mother's whereabouts, because he is worried that someone will spread the matter out, and he is afraid of causing disaster to his mother.


That's the only goal of the summer.

The suzerain of Shan Yunzong panicked this time. He originally planned to negotiate, but now Xia Xia didn't give him that chance at all, not even a chance to speak, and Xia Xia didn't seem to want to talk about such an important thing.

"Don't you want to know your mother's whereabouts? I'll tell you."


Four steps!

The sound of clear footsteps entered his ears, interrupting his words abruptly. Xia Xia was still moving forward. At this moment, he understood that Xia Xian was already determined to kill him.

So no matter what conditions he came up with to talk to Xia Xia, it was useless.


A dagger appeared in the right hand of the Sect Master of Shan Yunzong, and the dagger was placed directly on Yun Miao's neck: "If you dare to take another step forward, I will kill her."


The sect master of the dignified mountain Yunzong actually did such a despicable act, which made everyone present look down on him.

But now for him survival is the most important thing, so he no longer cares about who looks down on him, he knows that Xia Xia is most concerned about Yun Miao, as long as he takes Yun Miao as the prime minister Threats, summer will definitely give in.


This summer really stopped.

"Your shamelessness really has no bottom line." Xia Xia finally spoke.

"Go back, or I'll kill her." The suzerain of Shan Yunzong was very emotional. He might actually kill Yun Miao. Although he was only four steps away, he really didn't have the strength of an earth-level master. No one can stop him.

Xia Xia went to pay attention to the suzerain of Shan Yunzong, but looked at Yun Miao and asked, "Are you afraid?"

"With you here, I'm not afraid of anything." Yun Miao's face did not have any fearful expression. In her heart, Xia Tian was omnipotent. As long as Xia Xia was there, she could do anything.

"Close your eyes and don't move no matter what happens." Xia Xia said,

"En!" Yun Miao nodded.

"What are you two talking about, go back, or I will really do it." The Sect Master of Mountain Cloud Sect said angrily, he always felt that the situation was not right, because the summer was too calm.

There was no fear on his and Yun Miao's faces.

This time, even other people were blinded. At this time, is there any trump card in the summer?

But at this distance, he was too late to rescue Yunmiao Caisuo, but they also knew that as long as Xia Xia said yes, he would definitely be able to do it, and the eyes of the Supreme Elder of Shan Yunzong suddenly lit up.

"So it is!"

The scene was very quiet, so everyone heard the words of the Supreme Elder of the Mountain Cloud Sect. The Sect Master of the Mountain Cloud Sect finally felt that the situation was not right, and his dagger slashed directly towards Yun Miao's neck.


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