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Chapter 580: Kill 3 Bamboo Sect executives


Tie Xin's body instantly disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he had already come to the side of the masters of the Three Bamboo Sect. Normally, these people are also very powerful.

But after several consecutive blows, these people's current physical condition is also very bad.

They are all combatants.

Naturally, such a good opportunity will not be missed.


The golden sword in Tie Xin's hand instantly beheaded a senior of the Three Bamboo Sect.

"Tie Xin!!" The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect was fighting against the Daniel King. At this time, when he saw his subordinates being beheaded by Tie Xin, he was also completely angry.

Tie Xin actually dared to kill his people in front of him.

And it's when he can't get away.

"I've lost one sect master and thirteen brothers, do you think that the death of a Virgin can be repaid?" Tie Xin waved his right hand.

The golden ring knife slashed directly at a high-level man beside him.


A big mouthful of blood spurted out of the high-level's mouth.

Just when he wanted to resist the second attack.

Tie Xin had already circled behind him, attacking the person behind him.

A master like Tie Xin has very rich combat experience. Even if these high-level leaders are all seriously injured, he will still control the situation and find out who is most likely to be killed.

When that person saw Tie Xin kill him, he wanted to hide behind his companion for the first time. He thought that since his companion was more seriously injured than his, Tie Xin would definitely kill his companion first.

This gave him time to escape.


After Tie Xin wounded that person, he did not go after that person, but bypassed that person directly and attacked the person behind him who had a fluke mentality.



That person never dreamed that he would die here.

Someone who can come here with the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect.

They are all the strongest experts that the Three Bamboo Sect can dispatch for the time being, and each of them is a senior of the Three Bamboo Sect.

Such a high level.

On the outside, they are all alone.


Even if they meet top experts outside, as long as they don't deliberately provoke each other, the other party will give them some face and won't touch them casually, but what they are encountering now is Tie Xin.


The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect also turned around instantly.

"Your opponent is me." The Daniel King also saw the opportunity, and the fork in his hand directly stabbed the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect.


The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect hurriedly resisted with the black and red bamboo in his hand.

However, this sudden defense caused his body to be knocked out.

And the surrounding world is almost destroyed.

This time.

It also ripped open his defense directly.

Without the power of the world to recover.

It also made him feel very physically painful.


at this time.

He could only watch the death of his high-level subordinates: "Tie Xin, I will definitely kill you. I will see you from the Golden Sword Sect in the future, and I will kill one when I see one."


The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect believes that the current Tie Xin is provoking him.

Tie Xin actually killed so many of his subordinates in front of him.

This kind of thing is intolerable to him.

so many years.

No one has ever dared to provoke him like this.

And it still made him so powerless.

"Tie Xin, without your advice, would your people dare to kill my sect master casually? Dare to kill the thirteen brothers of the Golden Sword Sect? When you decide to kill them, the two of us are already immortal, the eighth party. , the two of us, only one can live." Tie Xin is a wise man.

he thinks.

No matter how courageous the Virgin Mary, she did not dare to directly kill one of his sect masters.

He believed in killing one or two disciples of the Golden Sword Sect.

It can behead the sect master.

That's really provoking his iron heart.

There are a total of eleven gates in the Golden Sword Gate.

Every sect master is someone who has been with Tie Xin from the very beginning. It can be said that they and Tie Xin are as close as brothers. When such a person dies, it is impossible for Ti Xin to get angry.

Since it was the other party who troubled him first, he naturally wouldn't be polite.

"Do you think you have the ability to kill me?" The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect looked at Tie Xin coldly.

"I know that the power of your bloodline is more than 80%, but I haven't lived in vain all these years." Tie Xin naturally understands that a person like the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect is not only powerful.

Moreover, the blood concentration of the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect has reached 80%.

This kind of people.

Almost immortal.

It can't be killed no matter what.

But over the years, according to his investigations, there is no immortality in this world at all, it's just that your ability is insufficient, your strength can't crush the opponent, then the opponent may stay immortal, but If your ability can completely crush the opponent, then the immortality of the opponent is a joke.

Power is mutually reinforcing.

"If you have the ability, come over and we will duel." The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect reprimanded.

"Don't worry, you still have three subordinates, and I will kill them one by one." Tie Xin also rushed to the third person instantly.

At this time, he was using the careful thinking of these people here to kill these people.

These people all believed that Tie Xin attacked the most injured person first, the one closest to him.

But in fact.

Those who Tie Xin attacked were those who were the furthest away from him.

Although these people from the Three Bamboo Sect are also high-level, when they are really in danger, everyone only thinks about themselves and not other people. It is precisely because of this that they give their iron heart. The best time to attack.

"These people are really stupid. They don't cooperate with each other at a time like this, but they still plan on each other, so they can't stop their iron heart." Hongfeng shook her head.

"If several of them cooperated, at least two of them could escape, but if they calculated each other like this, none of them would survive. It seems that there is no peace within the Three Bamboo Sect." Xia Xia shook his head.

He was a little disappointed with the Three Bamboo Sect.

these years.

Although the Three Bamboo Sect is known as the No. 1 Demon Sect of the Eighth Party.

Controls all magic resources.

With great power, problems will naturally arise.

Especially a power like the Demon Cult, which has no bottom line.


Tie Xin also beheaded the last top of the Three Bamboo Sect.

There was not a drop of blood on the golden knife.

"Tie Xin!!" The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect shouted angrily.

Tie Xin raised the golden saber in his hand and pointed directly at the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect: "Don't worry, I will send you to see them."


The black and red beads in the hands of the Three Bamboo Sect leader also smashed directly on the ground.

His eyes turned to King Niu in front of him.

The powerful black and red demonic energy instantly dispersed.

In an instant, the entire sky darkened.

The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect shouted loudly, "Comparing me with a demonic nature, do you think you have that qualification?"


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