The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1031: shot again

Just when everyone was there talking about the price, suddenly one person came over from behind, followed by two attendants, and his face was covered with the words "I am a rich young man".

And he doesn't look like Xia Yun, he takes a second-tier actress with him wherever he goes.

He is different. Second-tier actresses are nothing to him. Those actresses are all posted backwards. He never takes actresses outside, because once they are taken photos, it will be very troublesome.

Although no one dared to take pictures in the black market.

But he was used to it. When he saw this person at this time, the people around him automatically gave up a passage. It could be seen that this person had a lot of background, and even Xia Yun gave way.

"Jade, five million, I want it, and I will pay now." The man said directly to the auctioneer without even looking at Xia Xia.

"Okay, Fang Shao, I'll put it up for you." The auctioneer said very politely. Seeing the auctioneer being so polite, it would be a little strange in the summer. Isn't the black market always good for anyone?

In the black market, everyone should be treated the same, but what is the origin of this young master to be treated like this?

"Sir, your money should have been transferred, you should check it." The auctioneer said.

"En." Xia Xia didn't go to investigate, he still believed in the efficiency of the black market.

After that Fang Shao finished shopping, he went straight out. He didn't watch the whole process alone. There were also a lot of rich people and rich young people here, but he didn't seem to care about anyone.

There was only that jade in his eyes.

After he got the jade stone, he also left. When Fang Shao left, Xia Xia heard a lot of big gasps. This shows how nervous they were just now, and they didn't even dare to gasp for breath.

"Okay, everyone, today we have a major event here. The stones that were bought at 50,000 yuan sold for 5 million yuan as soon as they changed hands. I think everyone also knows the opportunities here. We are like this here, and some people can Get rich overnight, so I'm looking forward to the second rich person tonight." The auctioneer is very good at adjusting the atmosphere, this is simply doing free publicity, no matter what means or advertisements are comparable to what you see with your own eyes.

Maybe they heard about getting rich overnight, but after all, they didn't see it with their own eyes. At this time, they saw Xia Xia get rich overnight. Those people are all excited, and they are all gearing up for the next filming. stone.

After the summer of this stone, the auction became extremely fierce. The number below 100,000 has disappeared, and even the highest price of 500,000 has appeared. However, after these stones are obtained, the best is only a small piece of third-grade jade. .


All lost.

Although they lost everything, it did not affect their high mood.

"The jade in this auction is not big, but everyone knows that small size is often a good thing." The auctioneer took out their trick of fooling people and started fooling everyone: "The starting price is two thousand."

"Two thousand!" Xia Xia shot directly. When Xia Xia shot, everyone around was stunned, because Xia Xia hadn't taken any shots other than the fish-shaped third-level jade she just sold, so Nothing good has appeared, and now the summer is actually shooting again.

This made everyone clench their fists.

"Everyone has also seen that our King of Luck has shot again tonight. Don't miss this opportunity." The auctioneer stirred up everyone's desire again.

"Cut, how can a person be lucky all the time, just now he was just gou **** luck." Xia Yun said with great disdain, the second-tier actress was also very excited just now, so he also begged him to make a few moves, But in the end it was all lost.

Later, he never shot again, because he knew very well that it is very remarkable to be able to produce one good thing in a day, so he did not think that there would be a second good jade today.

The jade this time is very small, and the auctioneer also introduced it, only less than half the size of a fingernail.

Once it is a first-class jade, it may not be able to sell even 100 yuan, and you have to pay 500 yuan for the manual fee, so it seems that the chance of losing this time is very high, but this time it is even sold in the summer. , so someone began to tentatively increase the price: "Three thousand."

"Five thousand!" Xia Xia shot again.

"Six thousand!" Someone raised the price again.

He didn't say anything this summer, which frightened the person who increased the price. He originally thought that the price would definitely increase in the summer, but there was no price increase in the summer, and this was equivalent to a steady loss.

"Has anyone raised the price for 6,000?" the auctioneer asked.

"Seven thousand." Just when the auctioneer decided to drop the hammer, Xia Xia raised the price. Seeing the Xia Xia price the man let out a long sigh of relief. This time, he did not dare to increase the price rashly. , Everyone stopped talking for a while.

"Seven thousand, has anyone else raised the price?" The auctioneer asked directly.

No human voice.

"Seven thousand deal." Xia Xia handed the card directly to the auctioneer.

"Take 8,000, and cut it for me." Xia Xia had just earned five million, so naturally he didn't feel bad for this small amount of money. Xiao Hai was very puzzled when he saw Xia Xia bought another stone. He didn't understand why. The stones bought in summer are the worst in appearance.

Ninety-nine percent of the stones that big just now were first-grade jade, but this time it was so small, it was too small, even a third-grade jade was probably worth about ten thousand.

So he has a very high chance of losing.

The third-level jade is not easy to come out.

This time the stone was small, so the craftsman cut it very carefully, but this time it came out very quickly. All the people around were staring at the stone. To be honest, although they dared not buy this stone, but They are still looking forward to what this stone will look like, because summer is the lucky king tonight, and a stone has earned five million.

"It's coming out soon." Someone shouted.

The craftsman began to use sandpaper to polish the surrounding gravel. The jade auctioned this summer was finally released to the public. Although Xia Yun did not believe that he could buy better jade in the summer, he watched intently. Stone in the hand of a craftsman.

For a time, the scene was very quiet, no one spoke, and they could even hear the sound of the stones falling to the ground. The stones fell to the ground little by little, and the original appearance of the stones finally came out.

At this moment, the people around were even more nervous than in the summer.

"Look, come out."

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