The Best All-rounder

Chapter 586: 3 The strength of bamboo religion

The four most mysterious places in summer.

The first one is the Realm King Jue.

Although he created Jiewangjue himself, he still hasn't figured out all the changes of Jiewangjue.

The second is the sea of ​​consciousness.

His sea of ​​consciousness is completely another world.

Integrate hundreds of rivers.

Extremely powerful.

It can even resist inner demons and devour everything.

Now, according to his investigation, his Sea of ​​Consciousness may also be related to the Flower of China.

The third is the eyes.

Xia Xia's top-level ability after the car accident was precisely because of his eyes, which changed the fate of his life. Everything about him was also changed because of this incident.

The fourth is a little bug.

As long as the little bugs appear, no matter what danger they encounter in summer, they can be resolved.


These four secrets.

Finally, I have to open them one by one.

Even in summer, I feel very excited.

"One of these abilities is against the sky one by one. The further back I go, the more against the sky. The higher my realm is, the stronger the abilities they show." Xia Xia shook his head.

He found.

I was really getting closer and closer to being invincible.

As long as you exert these abilities to the extreme, then you are truly invincible.

"The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect is starting to get injured." Hongfeng saw that the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect was already injured.

He never gave up the idea of ​​running away.

So I came down several times.

He was wounded by the iron heart.

And the innate monkey has never given him a chance to escape.

that's it.

After five days.

The body of the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect was destroyed.

eight days.

Tie Xin and the head of the Sanzhu Sect fought back and forth for eight days.

In the end, Iron Heart won.

He destroyed the body of the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect.


Tie Xin exhaled a long breath: "It seems, I still did it."

A smile appeared on his face.

This is the first time he has destroyed the body of a Venerable.

It can be said.

This kind of battle also gave him a lot of insights, and his future life will also change because of these insights, which also gave him a guiding light in his life.

This level of combat.

rarely seen.


His experience also increased.


The eyes of the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect at the end of his death made all of them shudder.

"Did we just not have the chance to seal him?" Xia Xia asked.

"Yes, but the required conditions are too harsh, and I have to take action, but once I intervene, it may lead to conflicts between humans and the fairy beasts." Innate monkeys obviously do not want to cause humans and fairy beasts. contradiction.

He lived so many years.

When I was young, I was not afraid of the sky and the earth.

The longer he lived, the more he cared about cause and effect.

"What does it take to seal a person?" Xia Xia asked.

"It needs absolute strength to crush, first of all, his body must be divided into nine parts as much as possible, nine and nine into one, these nine parts are not divided casually, but the power in his body must be completely divided equally. Among these nine parts, only in this way can his power be completely separated. After separation, nine altars must be built to completely seal his power in the altars. In this case, one of the altars will be broken in the future. If it is lost, he will not be able to restore a complete self and his bloodline will not be fully restored, but the power of the world must be used to portray the seal in this altar." Innate Spirit Monkey explained.

"It doesn't sound difficult," Xia Xia said.

He felt that it was to find nine altars, and then divide the people into nine parts.

"Don't think it's not difficult, the distance between the altars must be very far, and each altar must be selected in some special place. It can be said that even if I help Tie Xin seal the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect, he counts the time to find a place. , it will take at least ten years." Innate Spirit Monkey said.

"For such a long time!!" Xia Tian was taken aback.

He has no time to waste.

In his opinion.

It doesn't matter if the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect can't die, but he only has less than five years at most.

He must cherish these five years.

"That's natural. After all, he is a Venerable person. Once he becomes a Venerable, he is a person of his own world. To kill a Venerable is to kill a world. To seal a Venerable is just sealing. A world, a world, how can it be destroyed so easily." Innate Spirit Monkey thinks Xia Tian's thinking is too simple.

Cultivation is a very special process.

This process is long.

But the end result is obvious.


It's just a practice.

When a person cultivates a world, this in itself is a kind of dedication.

God still loves this kind of person very much.


Tie Xin exhaled: "Finally done."

"You were so happy that you couldn't kill him completely." Xia Xia shook his head. In his opinion, if he couldn't completely destroy his opponent, he was a failure.

"This battle is of great significance to me. It can be said that this time I have also grown a and it is finally out of breath. Although it cannot completely destroy him, this time he The loss is very large. You must know that if you want to resurrect, you need at least one trillion immortal crystal materials. This is not a small amount, and it will take some time for him to completely recover to the heyday. This time For me, it is very important, I will not give him a chance to breathe." Tie Xin said directly.

"This time you will be completely against the Three Bamboo Sect. Although the people in your Golden Sabre Sect are very strong, have you ever thought about it? You only have more than a thousand people, and the Three Bamboo Sect is the first of the eighth party. A major demon sect, there are countless demon sects below, although I don’t know how many people they have, the number of core personnel will definitely not be less than hundreds of millions.” Xia Xia said.

"There are three million core disciples of the Three Bamboo Sect. The biggest one below is the seven sects and fourteen sects, each of which has at least 100,000 core disciples. There are other forces below. The core disciples should have about ten thousand people. There are tens of millions of core disciples, and as for the scattered disciples and outside forces combined, there are at least billions, or even more." Tie Xin is still very clear about the overall power of the Three Bamboo Sect.

"One thousand people, against tens of millions of people, how do you fight? Can one of your disciples fight 10,000 people?" Xia Xia asked while looking at Tie Xin.


This is an impossible task.

Tie Xin wanted to destroy the Three Bamboo Sect, which was very difficult.

"No, as long as we fight, my opponent will only have three million, not tens of millions." Tie Xin's meaning is very simple. Although the Three Bamboo Sect is the leader of the Demon Sect, he is not easy to mess with Tie Xin. Those forces, whoever dares to help, he will destroy first.

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