The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1033: rich man

When Xia Tian saw the jade stone, he was overjoyed, but he didn't show anything.

As soon as I heard that there was a seventh-level jade, there were more and more people around, and for a while, the place was completely surrounded by three layers inside and three layers outside.

"Everyone, a new round is about to begin, and better jade is still waiting for you. This is already the second treasure tonight. I believe that there must be lucky ones among you. It's not a dream." The auctioneer started to hype it up, and the more they advertised it, the more people there would be, and the higher the price would be.

The higher the price, the more they make.

The next ten auctions were just crazy bombings, and the highest price even soared to 800,000, but in the end, all they got were junk jade, all first-class jade, which forced the auction price to drop slightly. .

"One hundred thousand!" Summer shot.

The reserve price of the new round of auctions was 5,000, but it was sold for 100,000 in the summer, and everyone around was stunned when they saw Xia's shot.

"Everyone, pay attention, the person who won two treasures in a row made a move. He made five million in the first shot, and the second time he made a priceless seven-level jade. Now he made the third shot, everyone Don't miss this opportunity, maybe today is a good time for you to make a fortune." The auctioneer will naturally not forget the hype, and it is a good thing for them to sell in the summer.

Because Xia Xia had already hit twice in a row just now, the biggest winner today, some people even began to think that he could see the stone inside from the outside, so as long as Xia Xia shot, there are definitely a lot of people who follow suit.

And this summer, a shot is 100,000.

The price is higher than before, which means that this time the stone may be more precious than the previous one.

"200,000!" Xia Yun made an offer. He couldn't bear it any more this time. He even began to suspect that Xia Xia could see through the stone. This is definitely a good opportunity to make a fortune. This time he must make a move. The way to make money is too fast. If he makes five million all at once, and then gets a seventh-level stone, then he will simply die of happiness.

Those second-tier actresses, he can soak as many as he wants.

But now he has missed the first two chances. Now is the third chance, so he will never let it go. He believes that this time is definitely a good thing. He must win it, and then he can make a lot of money. A sum.

At this time, Xia Yun even began to imagine how he would spend the money after he got it.

"300,000!" Summer has increased the price.

The price increase again in the summer proves that this is definitely a treasure. Those who are still hesitating around also start to increase the price one after another. For a time, the price has skyrocketed, and soon the price has been raised to 500,000.

This is personality charm.

As soon as Xia Xia shot, he lifted a piece of jade of 5,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan.

"Eighty thousand!" Xia Xia directly added 300,000 this time.

Three hundred thousand!

A one-time price increase of 300,000 yuan.

This way of increasing the price in summer suddenly made people think that he was in a hurry to get this stone, and the value of this stone was suddenly regarded as a treasure, because the way of increasing the price in summer was too anxious.

This time the scene was completely boiling, and even the auctioneer began to think that this might really be a precious stone.

Fierce competition begins again.

"One million, I will pay one million." Xia Yun shouted directly.

Seeing that Xia Xia was in such a hurry, he confirmed his thoughts even more. He thought that this was definitely a precious stone, otherwise Xia Xia would not be able to increase the price so crazy. This way of increasing the price made him feel a little shocked.

But the more so, the more it can prove the extraordinaryness of this stone.

"Two million." The price increased again in the summer.

This time, I added a million directly.


Everyone gasped, and they began to guess what kind of stone this was, and why they added 1 million in the summer. At this time, this stone had already broken this year's record, and a single stone was shot twice. million price.

The auctioneer can't stop laughing now. These stones are all collected together. The higher the auction price, the more they earn.

The price of 2 million has already caused many people to quit, because this price is not what they can afford to play, and even if they want to play, they don't have that much money, so although they are very sorry, they still chose to quit. .

Xia Yun gritted his teeth. This was beyond his expectations. The price was too high, but when he thought of the high return, he gritted his teeth: "2.1 million."

This is money, and after spending so much money at once, he is also in pain.

"Three million!" The price increased without stopping in the summer.

three million!

When they heard this price, those who had doubts before had no doubts at all. They believed that this was definitely a stone exceeding the seventh grade gemstone. com otherwise such a crazy price increase in summer is impossible.

That's three million Huaxia coins.

In summer, the price increase is now millions of dollars, and the war is instantly ignited.

Three million.

The auctioneer was just dying of excitement. With such a high price, he could get a generous commission this time, and all of a sudden he made a fortune and went to a well-off life. Now he simply loves summer to death.

"Damn!" Xia Yun scolded angrily.

"Don't buy it if you can't afford it." Xia Xia said to Xia Yun.

Hearing Xia Xia's taunting words, Xia Yun's anger completely came up. He was actually mocked by Xia Xia, and Xia Xian actually said that he couldn't afford it. At this time, there are so many people here, if he doesn't show some real skills, then he will It's really embarrassing to meet people, and there is a second-tier actress beside him who is looking at him expectantly.

So, he planned to use the money. That money was the money that his father's account just came in. He plans to use it now. In his opinion, he is only withdrawing part of it. After a while, he will directly If you sell it, and then make up the money back, it will be guaranteed to be unknown at that time!

Everything is in his plan.

"Four million! I'll pay four million. If you have the ability, you can increase the price." Xia Yun shouted frantically. He seemed to be aroused by Xia Xia, and it was added to four million all at once. At this time, his face was full of disdain. looking at summer.

"It's really rich, it's yours." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

When he saw Xia Xia's smile, he suddenly had an ominous premonition, could he be fooled? But he absolutely didn't believe that Xia Xia would use three million as bait, so he said confidently: "Cut it, cut it all."

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