The Best All-rounder

Chapter 614: 1 pair of father and son


When he heard this title, Xia Xia was also taken aback.

at this time.

Gufa and his more than 30 core brothers watched the Halloween Mage in the middle, and the others were guarding the periphery.


Those core brothers of Gufa all know this kind of thing.

Halloween Mage.

He was actually the father of the number one killer of the Eighth Party.

"Kill me!!" The Halloween Mage closed his eyes.

"Kill you? If I kill you like this, wouldn't it be too cheap for you, how can I be worthy of my mother, my wife?" Gufa asked.

The Halloween Mage did not speak.

"Back then, in order to practice, you wanted to cut off your emotions and desires, forced my mother to death, and threw me into the abyss, and now you killed my wife and stole my child, do you think I will let you die just like that? ?" Gufa asked again.


When I heard this.

Summer is also stunned.

Wansheng Mage and Gufa are not only father and son.

And there is still such a grudge.

That baby was actually the son of Gufa, the grandson of the Mage of All Saints.

This kind of thing is really scary.

He felt it before.

There was something the two of them were hiding from him.

But he didn't expect that there was such a concern between these two people.

"Your mother died for my cultivation. It has nothing to do with me. When you were born, you had a murderous aura. I had long expected that you would become a killer, but unfortunately I still didn't have the heart to kill you directly. , if I killed you directly at that time, instead of throwing you into the abyss, maybe you don't exist now." Wansheng Mage said.

"Why are you so cruel? Even if I have murderous intent, can't you teach me well? You have the patience to treat people outside and help those wicked people outside, but you don't have the patience to teach me how to be a good person?" Gu Law asked.


All these years, the Halloween Mage.

It really helped a lot of people.

And he also saved a lot of people.

But finally.

But he didn't help his son.

He even threw his own son into the abyss.

"I don't want to say anything more. My grievances with you will eventually end. I can't end all of this, and my inner demons can't get over it, so whether you do it yourself or not, I won't be able to live for long." Wan The demon of the Holy Mage.

It was his wife and children.

And Gufa's wife and children.

"You wanted to kill me back then, but now you're killing my wife and taking my son. Do you hate me that much?" Gufa reprimanded.

"I don't heal your wife, because she is alive, she will only be possessed by demons, and she will live in pain all her life. I gave your son to Kunlun Mountain, which is the best result for him. In Kunlun Mountain, he can learn the best He can have the best education, and he will also have the most correct guidance, but if you give it to you, you will either send him to the hands of the Celestial Clan, or send him to the hands of the guards in exchange for Your interests." said the Halloween Mage.

"This is what you taught me. In order to cultivate, you could care about the life and death of your wife and children, why can't I?" Gufa asked.

That's what the All Saints Master did back then, so he did it all from the All Saints Master.

There's nothing wrong with it.

The Halloween Mage seems to have something to say.

But in the end he didn't say anything.

closed his eyes.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you, what about my son?" Gufa asked.

"Kunlun Mountain!!" said the Wansheng Mage.

"Impossible, my subordinates have always been there to guard it. You can't pass through their guards and send my son to Kunlun Mountain." Gufa said.

"You can go to Kunlun Mountain and ask." Wansheng Mage said.


Gufa snorted.

He didn't have the guts to go to Kunlun Mountain to ask.

If he asked directly, it would be no different from dying.

Those people on Kunlun Mountain have bad temper.

"Let's do it!" Gufa glanced at the subordinates around him.

Then these subordinates started directly.

One after another power penetrated into the body of the Halloween mage.

"You will feel the most painful torture. This torture will make you mentally distracted. In the end, I will perform a space search for you, so even if you don't want to tell me, I will know the whereabouts of my son." Gufa said.

The Halloween Mage did not speak.

There was no sound of pain.

His practice over the years is penance, and he has experienced any kind of pain.


In his opinion.

For him, this was a relief.

Died at the hands of his own son.

is his final destination.

"Brother, his inner demon is very heavy. If he continues to do it, I'm afraid he will be enchanted!!" said one of his subordinates.


Gufa went up and gave Wansheng Mage a slap: "You are about to die, do you still want to hurt me? I have issued a military order with the Celestials, and we must take the child back. If I can't take him back, I will I'm going to die with my brothers!!"

This is a turning point in his life. If he can't grasp this turning point, he will never have such a chance in the future.

"Kill me before I fall into the devil," said the Halloween Mage.

"Where's the child!!" Gufa asked.

"Kill me," said the Halloween Mage.

"Do you care about reputation? Very good, then I will take you to places with many people, and take you to those tribes and small cities. After you fall into the devil, you will start killing people, and I will guide you to more people. place, I will let you kill a good one." Gufa reprimanded.

"Hurry up and kill me!!" The Halloween Mage No, I said, you are my father, I will filial piety to you, I will make you a real devil. "Gufa's right hand grabbed Master Wansheng's neck: "Tell me, where is the baby, or I will turn you into a devil." "

"Kunlun Mountain, I have really sent him to Kunlun Mountain, I can swear." Wansheng Mage said.

"You are a dying person, who would you swear to believe?" Gufa asked.

"Someone helped me to teleport, so I went all the way unobstructed. There were a few times when the child's breath was exposed, because it happened after we quickly teleported. The child has been sent to Kunlun Mountain a few days ago." Wansheng Mage said. .

Gufa's expression turned cold: "Who is it?"

"I won't say it!!" said the Halloween Mage.

"Is it summer?" Gufa asked again.

The only person he can think of now is summer.

And when the Halloween Mage said that just now, the first thing he thought of was summer.

"Does it matter who it is?" asked the Mage of All Saints.

"Damn it, I knew it was him. If I knew it earlier, I would have killed him." Gufa shouted angrily.

"Kill me and run for your life, the people of the Celestial Clan will not let you go." said the Mage of All Saints.

"Let's go!!" Gufa said.

"Then he..."

"Let him fend for himself!!" Gufa turned around and left.

When Gufa and the others left, a figure appeared in front of Wansheng Mage: "I think we should have a good chat."


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