The Best All-rounder

Chapter 623: Guardian mission


The flame of the law of the sun directly penetrated the avatar of Wantong.

Later, Xia Xia's figure also appeared in front of Wantong.

[Wuji, attract! ! 】

Wantong, who was about to escape.

It was also directly sucked back by summer.


Wantong's body turned, and he instantly fired his attack.

[Tianquan, rebound! ! 】

Wantong's attack also bounced back at the same time.

Golden Feather!

All of Hongfeng's attacks were fired at the same time.

at the same time.

The Tianhan Sword also struck out from the front.

The combined power of several attacks is very terrifying.


The Tianhan Sword also directly stabbed the opponent's dantian.

"Impossible, impossible!" Wantong's face was full of puzzled expressions, and he couldn't understand why he lost.

at the very beginning.

When he knew that the tenth ring mission was summer, he was still very disdainful.

I think that summer is simply not worthy of the tenth ring task.

But now.

His dantian has been pierced by Xia Xia.

The laws of the Realm King Jue are constantly absorbing the power of Wantong's dantian.

It won't be long.

Wantong's dantian power will be exhausted.

Moreover, he watched helplessly as his dantian power was drained, and there was nothing he could do.

"You still won't tell? If you still won't, I will torture your soul a little bit." Xia Xia looked at Wantong in front of him.

"It's useless, no matter what you do, I won't tell you, because when we took the task, we were already made the most vicious oath, even if we wanted to say it, we couldn't say it, even if it was It's useless for you to ask my soul, as long as it involves the task, my soul will be shattered automatically." Wantong said.

Although he didn't want to die.

But he also understands that this is life.

He chose to kill Xia Xia, so he would be ready to be killed by Xia Xia.


Xia Xia beheaded him.

He also had nothing to say.

"That's not necessarily true. If others can't do it, it doesn't mean I can't do it either." Xia Xia's sea of ​​consciousness directly sucked Wantong's soul into it.

He beheaded a Wantong.

It is equivalent to beheading six top experts.

at this time.

In the realm king decision.

Jie Wang Dan also gathered a lot of power.

Apparently, a realm king pill was condensed soon.

In the sea of ​​knowledge in summer.

"Hongfeng, find out the **** in his soul for me first." Xia Xia also stood in front of Wantong's soul.

"I didn't expect your soul to be so huge, like a sea of ​​stars." Wantong said in surprise.

"Make a deal, I'll help you untie the shackles of your soul, and let your soul leave. You tell me all about the quest, and of course, the seal on your storage equipment." Xia Xia has already killed Wan Wan. With five clones and one main body, the weapons on these clones and the main body were finally recovered into the storage equipment.

And that storage equipment, as long as Xia Tian thinks about cracking it, it will shatter directly and fall into the turbulent flow of time and space.


Now in the summer, it is possible to **** the storage equipment of people with less than 100,000 points of power of law.

Can break the seal of those people.


For people with more than 100,000 points of the power of the law, the law has condensed into a vortex, and Xia Tian can't break such a seal.

"Yes!!" Wantong didn't want to die.

Although his body is now dead, if his spirit is not dead, he still has many ways to continue to find his physical body to cultivate.

This road will be difficult to walk.

After all, his body is dead.

And there is no guarantee for the soul.


Easier than dying.

"I found it." Hongfeng also found the place where Vantone Kobe shackles were bound for the first time.

The flower of the sea of ​​knowledge! !

A flower of consciousness landed directly on Wantong's divine soul.

"It's so comfortable, the whole soul seems to have found the body again." Wantong said in surprise.

"My strength can guarantee that your soul will not dissipate within half a month, and it will be as if you still have a body. If you can find a new body within half a month, then you can be resurrected." Xia Tian reminded.

"No problem, I have a body nearby. It was newly prepared by me recently. Originally, I wanted to wait for which clone to die. I didn't expect it to be used now." Wantong said excitedly.

He didn't expect it.

In this world, there is still such a terrifying ability.

"I will add a shackle to your memory. If you want to reveal what happened in my sea of ​​consciousness in the future, your soul will also be shattered, and I can guarantee that the shackles I made, It's definitely not something anyone can break," Xia warned.

The sea of ​​consciousness is his big secret.

He would never allow anyone to tell this secret.

"Okay!!" Wantong absolutely didn't want to miss this chance to survive.

"Okay, let's talk!!" Xia Xia said.

"The mission of Shenwei has a total of fifteen rings. If you can pass it, you can become a candidate for Shenwei. Once the twelve people of Shenwei die or leave any one of them, one of the candidates for Shenwei will be selected to become Shenwei. Wantong said directly.

God guard! !

The term summer is not unfamiliar.

He had just heard the name recently.

It's the news about the reincarnated.

"Anything else?" Xia Tian asked.

"Most of what I know about Shenwei is legend, but one thing is certain, as long as you become a Shenwei, from now on, you will become the real land of Shenzhou, a land that can compete with the people of the Celestial Clan, and you don't need to be afraid of the sky. Clan." Wantong doesn't know much about Shenwei, and it can only be said to be worship.

"How can I take over the mission of Shenwei?" Xia Xia asked.

"First of all, it must be a top genius, that is, a genius selected from among the top geniuses among those geniuses in China, the kind that will not appear one in a billion people, the age is limited, five thousand years old. It is the highest age, after this age, no matter what kind of ability you have, you are not qualified to be a candidate for the divine guard, and even if you become a candidate, you cannot tell anyone this secret." Wantong explained. road.

"Did you find Shenwei, or did Shenwei find you?" Xia Xia asked.

"When I wanted to find the guardian, they found me, they seemed to know everything, and then they would give me the tasks one by one, and after completing one, you would know what to do next. What is the mission of the first ring? I have already done the mission of the ninth ring. The mission of the first nine rings is also very difficult. The mission of the ninth ring is even to kill a quasi-venerable, and you are the mission of the tenth ring. With you, I can get the quest of the eleventh ring." Wantong said.

"Who else has taken this mission?"

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