The Best All-rounder

Chapter 633: 11 new door owners

"Brother Tie, why are you here?" Soul Er said excitedly.

Golden Knife Gate.

Everyone can see it.

This person who suddenly appeared is the person from the Golden Sword Gate.

To know.

The current Golden Sabre Sect is the most beautiful time. They fought against the Three Bamboo Sect, which is of great significance. The Three Bamboo Sect is the No. 1 Demon Sect of the Eighth Party. Eradicate the demons, eradicate evil for the people.

Although Jindaomen did not carry such a banner.

But the people outside are all those who support the Golden Sword Gate.

Treat the people of the Golden Sword Gate as heroes.

And the two sides just fought each other.

The Three Bamboo Sect is crushed by overwhelming force.

"I passed by here on a mission, just to see you," said the disciple of the Golden Sword Sect.

Recently, the disciples of the Golden Sword Sect have been doing missions everywhere.

to be honest.

It was to hunt down and kill some important members of the Three Bamboo Sect.

Their strength is strong.

Ordinary people can't be offended.

"Come on, I'll treat you to a drink." Soul Er hurriedly said.

"No hurry, I want to see if you are causing trouble outside again, bullying others." The disciple of Golden Sword Sect asked.

"You go over there and wait for me first, it can be dealt with very quickly here." Soul Er believes that the most important thing is to save face, and he doesn't want the people from Golden Sabre Sect to feel that he is useless.

If he can't even handle this matter, then he will be embarrassed in the future.

And now the people from the Golden Sword Gate are here.

It can be regarded as giving him a lot of face.

He believes that even if his name was not enough to deter the opponent before, it is enough now.

The people from the Golden Sword Sect appeared here, and everyone here has seen his relationship with the people from the Golden Sword Sect.

Even if the other party doesn't give him face, do you still dare to give no face to the people from the Golden Sword Sect?

"Boy, I don't want to waste my time. I'll be honest and obedient. I can let you go. Otherwise, I have a hundred ways to let you die in the city." He was warning Xia Xia.

It is also threatening summer.

Many people think that.

The city is 100% safe.

But what he said was to let Xia Xia know that even in the city, it was impossible to be 100% safe.

"What if I say no?" Xia Tian asked.

"I think you're courting death!!" After Khun Er finished speaking, it seemed as if he was about to start.

But summer sits there.

Not moving.

Under normal circumstances, seeing Soul Er want to do it directly, the other party should have been shocked, but now, seeing Xia Xia's actions, Soul Er is a little bit in trouble. If it is normal, he will temporarily withdraw his hand, and then Warn the other party, and then put other psychological pressure on the other party, but now there are people from the Golden Sword Sect watching, if he keeps it so simple, wouldn't it be embarrassing in front of the people from the Golden Sword Sect.

To know.

In the future, he may still want to join the line of the Golden Knife Gate.


Now he can only bite the bullet and launch his own attack.


His attack has just come out.

Xia Si, who was beside her, also made her move instantly.

Bunch of white silk threads appeared in front of Summer.

Directly blocked the attack of the second soul.

"Thousands of Silk Beasts." The person from the Golden Sabre Sect on the side was stunned for a moment.

Thousand Silk Beast.

When he heard the name, Soul Er was also stunned. Although he had never seen Qiansi Beast, he had also heard the name of Qiansi Beast. Anyone who used Qiansi Beast was definitely not an ordinary person. This point is very clear. At this time, the person in front of him has a thousand silk beasts, which means that he has kicked the iron plate.


He is also suffering and can't tell.

He thinks that if he admits cowardice, then the people from the Golden Sword Sect will definitely look down on him and think that he has no ability, but if he continues to fight, then he is also worried that other accidents will occur.

Their soul camp has been able to stand for so many years, that is, they are not afraid of trouble at ordinary times, and they do not cause trouble at critical times.

He didn't want to bring any disaster to the soul camp.

"Sir, may I ask who you are..." The person from the Golden Sabre Gate also hurried forward.


"What? You are Mr. Xia." The man from the Golden Sword Gate also hurried forward.

"Summer? Summer!!" The Soul Er was puzzled for a while, but when he saw the appearance of the man from the Golden Sword Gate, he instantly remembered the legends outside.

There are too many legends about summer outside.


He also heard that Xia Xia has a very good relationship with the sect master of Jindaomen.

And recently, there have been a lot of things about the summer killing the Quartet.

Summer didn't answer.

"Mr. Xia, the sect master has an order. If you see Mr. Xia outside, it will be like seeing the sect master. The villain didn't know Mr. Xia's identity before, so please forgive me." The man from the Golden Knife Sect bowed deeply.

"You're welcome." Xia Tian nodded slightly.

The man from Jindaomen walked up to Hun Er: "Hun Er, I hope you can give me an explanation, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

At this time, he also didn't give Soul Er any face at all.

"I..." Soul Er was also at a loss for words at this time, and then turned to Xia Xia for help.

I hope Xia can give him a step up and let him explain.

He could see it.

The people at Golden Sword Gate are not joking now.

Although they knew each other before, they didn't have much friendship. Now, when Soul Er took the initiative to provoke Xia Xia, this person from the Golden Sword Sect would definitely not give up.

The Golden Sword Gate is the top existence that is absorbed here.

People like them are not easy to mess But Xia Xia didn't give the soul a second step.

For people like them, Xia Xia is actually quite despised, bullying the weak and fearing the tough one by one.

"Mr. Xia, we thought you made a loss before, it's just an ordinary broken stone, so we came here this time to return the 10 million immortal crystals to you." The seller of Xia Xia stone before That person also took out the summer storage equipment in an instant.

put it in front of summer.

"Yes, that's it." Soul Er also breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he also nodded with satisfaction to his subordinates. If it wasn't for his subordinates who suddenly thought of this sentence, then he really didn't know what to say.

Although 10 million immortal crystals made them feel very distressed, but now they have finally reached a step.

"Mr. Xia, what do you think?" the man from the Golden Sword Gate asked.

"That's it!" Summer didn't say anything.

"Thank you Mr. Xia soon." The person from the Golden Sword Gate reminded.

"Thank you, Mr. Xia." Soul Er hurriedly said.

Afterwards, Soul Er also hurriedly left.

Xia Xia glanced at the man in the Golden Knife Gate: "What's your name?"

"My name is Tie Yi!!"

"Well, come and have a drink together!!" Xia Xia understood that there must be something important for the people from the Golden Knife Sect to come over.

"Thank you, my lord!" The man from the Golden Sabre Sect said respectfully.

"Where are you from?"

"The new sect master of the eleventh sect of the Golden Sword Sect, the last sect master was my brother!!"

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