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Chapter 651: The Lord of the Hall of Swords arrives

"Is there a problem?" Thirteen asked.

"These people have been using various methods to spy on me since they came in. Although the methods are good, they were all discovered by me." Xia Xia is used to seeing all kinds of surveillance methods, so they are small The means are really nothing in front of summer.

Already seen through the summer.

"Need to kill them?" Thirteen asked.

"No, they are all good at it, and having such a means of investigation is enough to prove their background is not small, let's see who they are first." Xia Xia believes that no matter what kind of person or what kind of power they are, If you want to investigate him, be prepared to be investigated by him.


Thirteen glanced at the communication talisman in his hand.

"The master of the Great Sword Palace has arrived," Thirteen said.


"How many people came?" Xia Tian asked.

"It's ten people for now," Thirteen said.

"Ten people? That's not enough!" Xia Xia said.

"The ten of them should be teleporting quickly, the price is very high, and the other subordinates should arrive soon." Thirteen said.

Summer doesn't think either.

The other party will find ten people to deal with him.

"I'm worried that it won't be so easy for him to come in person this time," Thirteen said.

"What's wrong?" Summer asked in confusion.

"If they want to deal with you together, then there is no need for the master of the Great Sword Hall to come over ten people in advance. He is here now. What I worry about is that he is looking for reinforcements." Thirteen said.

"Reinforcement?" Xia Xia was stunned.

"Yes, he also knows that you are not easy to mess with. If you only rely on the people of the Great Sword Hall to deal with you, even if they win, they will definitely lose a lot, and there is my existence. He thinks that I am an uncertain person. factor, if I go to war here, it will make them lose their advantage, so they should find someone with the same reputation as me, or even two, the purpose of these two people is not to deal with me, but to use Intimidate me, let me not do it casually." Thirteen is also an old river and lake.

It was not the first time he had seen such a situation.


he thinks.

Next, the hall master of the Great Sword Hall should find some helpers.

"I understand, that is to say, he came here this time, not to resolve this matter with me, but to really go shopping with me." Xia Xia said.

"Yes, I also thought that this time the master of the Hall of Swords came here to save face, but now that he came here, he was going to go shopping. Once it was shopping, I'm afraid it would be that simple." Thirteen thinks , If you just want to save face, it is much worse to go through the scene.

But now the actions of the Great Sword Palace are different.

"This is the second time I have come to Shenzhou to face a complete power." Xia Xian said to Thirteen.

"Last time, the two of us faced each other together. This time, the two of us faced the same thing. The master of the Hall of Swords underestimated me. He thought that he could frighten me with a few people, but he didn't know. , the relationship between me and you is already good enough that I can work hard, whoever stops me, I will kill." Thirteen said very domineeringly.

That's right.

His relationship with Xia Xia has long reached the point of life and death.


Shock and awe under normal circumstances is useless to him.


When other major forces do this kind of thing, as long as they deter helpers like Thirteen, the Thirteen will not mess around considering their own safety, but this time is different.

No matter what kind of enemy he faces, Thirteen will fight with his life.

"I don't know what kind of surprises the Hall of Swords can bring me." Xia Xia said.

He is also a belligerent, so when he knew that Da Dao Temple was going to deal with him, he was not afraid, but excited, and he really felt very excited.


at the same time.

A Realm King Pill appeared in his hand: "I forgot to give you this thing. Let's find a quiet place for you to take it, just in time for me to see what these people are."


Summer and Thirteen also walked out.


The two of them found a place to stay.

One of those people also left, and the others continued to monitor Xia Xia.

Summer quietly followed.


The man came to a shop and walked in quietly.

I also want to follow in summer.


When Summer followed, he quickly found out.

That person is dead.

And all the people in the shop are dead.

"What's the matter?" Summer frowned.

"You were sent." Hongfeng said.


Xia Xia also quickly disappeared in place, and then he returned to the hotel, and soon he found that the few people who were watching him also disappeared.

"It seems that the person investigating me doesn't want me to know." Xia Xia already understood what was going on. The person investigating him was definitely a ruthless person. He found that his subordinates were exposed and killed him directly.


In the summer, the trail was cut off.

"There are too many people who are curious about us. Now I'm afraid we have been targeted by a lot of big forces, big forces that we can't even imagine." Hongfeng reminded.

Summer's reputation is indeed a bit too big now.

The things he has done recently are not something that an ordinary person can do.

And summer is also a person who was born out of nowhere.

He is different from other masters.

The other masters gained a little fame many years ago.

Like thirteen.

Before he went to Kunlun Mountain, he already had a certain reputation. After he went to Kunlun Mountain, he became famous, and then he didn't have much fame.

But summer is different.

Almost every time in the summer, there will be some big news.

And these big messages are compact.


Naturally, he also attracted the attention of many people.

"It seems that you still have to be careful. No matter when, you must leave some trump cards, or you will never know how you died." Xia Xia also really felt the crisis.

is a real crisis.

"Well, the person who came from the divine guard mission has not yet appeared. If he comes out to attack while we are fighting for life and death with the Great Sword Hall, it will be troublesome." Hong Feng said.

"No matter how many, no matter who comes, kill me." Xia Xia said.

"Well, my current golden feather inheritance is still growing very fast. After the day, my golden feather strike is powerful." Hongfeng also wanted to quickly improve his strength.

In this way, you can improve yourself better.

"Summer, summer!!" Thirteen suddenly rushed into Xiaxia's room, he was the one who rushed in.

"What's wrong?" Summer asked in confusion.

"I've improved, I've improved, and the Realm King Pill can be used twice!!" Thirteen said very excitedly.

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