The Best All-rounder

Chapter 661: not fighting

Xia Tian picked up a pot of wine and toasted thirteen glasses.

Thirteen also raised his glass.

The two took a drink.

It was as if he hadn't heard Aguo's voice at all.


Aguo frowned, and he also walked directly in front of Xia Xia: "Are you forcing me to do it here?"


The tavern owner flew over directly: "Mr. Aguo, you are also a famous person. You shouldn't understand the rules, right? This is Soul Hunting Cloud City, so let's talk about the rules of Soul Hunting Cloud City."


No matter where you come from.

Now that you have arrived at Soul Hunting Cloud City, you should abide by the rules of Soul Hunting Cloud City.

I want to start here.

Soul Hunting Cloud City would not agree.

"You want to stop me?" Aguo's eyes widened.

"It's not that I want to stop you, it's that Soul Hunting Cloud City doesn't allow you to come here." The owner of the tavern said.

"Xiamen, don't you even have the courage to fight me?" Aguo turned his attention to Xiaxia.

His face was full of disdain.

Summer still ignored him.

Just like that, drinking with Thirteen.

"What do you want?" Aguo looked at Xia Xia angrily.

But no matter what he said.

Summer did not respond to him.

In the end, A-Guo could only sit back to the position just now.

From time to time, someone brings some fine wine next to me.

Xia Xia was not polite. She nodded slightly to those people and accepted it. It was like this outside. When someone gave a gift, you turned it away. On the contrary, it was very rude.

Take it down, it won't make the other party look ugly.

And some wines are worthless.

On the contrary, it will give each other a kind feeling.

"Are you going to practice first?" Xia Xia asked.

"No hurry, I'll have a good chat with you first." Thirteen was worried that his junior brother would suddenly take action. If he wasn't here, it would be troublesome.

He is most aware of Xia's ability.

He also admitted.

My own apprentice and brother are definitely the top geniuses.

But no matter what kind of genius he is.

If you really fight with Xia Xia, it will definitely be Xia Xia's victory.

Xia Si is usually like an invisible person, sitting there motionless, almost ignored by everyone, but since A Guo came, he has been watching A Guo's every move.

It was as if he was worried about when A-Go would suddenly make a move.

Xia Tian also found out about Xia Si's actions, but he also understood that this was Xia Si's instinct and could not be changed.

"Don't worry, I won't touch him." Xia Xian regarded Thirteen as a brother, so he wouldn't touch A Guo.

Give Thirteen face.

He can't mess around either.

"I know." Thirteen also believed in Xia Xia, but he didn't believe in his junior brother.

Aguo this person.

He has been specially trained by his master since he was a child. It can be said that he has experienced many hardships that his peers have not experienced. Similarly, he has also been spoiled by his master a lot.


People like him.

Do things more exaggerated.

He will not allow his failure.

Especially the Divine Guard mission.

Once it fails.

There is no second chance in this life.

For these young talents, the mission of Shenwei is simply a fatal temptation.

Because this is the greatest recognition of their strength.

"If he goes on like this, he will definitely do it in the tavern." Xia Xia has already seen that this junior brother of Thirteen is not very patient, if he continues like this.

I'm afraid this junior brother of Thirteen will start here.

"Don't be afraid, take a closer look, who are sitting in the tavern now." Shisan and Xia Xia have been chatting here for more than a day.

The tavern was full before, but many people came and went.

Summer doesn't care too much.

Now that he heard Thirteen's words, he also looked around.

Looking at it, he found that these people were almost all from the City Lord's Mansion.

turn out to be.

The people from the City Lord's Mansion have already taken control of this place.

"Hunting Cloud City is one of the top ten freely traded cloud cities. The long-term prosperity here is not only because the city lord has people from the Celestial Clan behind him." Thirteen thinks that the city lord is still very capable.

This city lord.

Doing things in any way is very safe.

"Then it's nothing." Xia Xia also continued to drink: "By the way, Thirteenth Brother, you are from the seventh party!"

"Yes, the seventh party, Ghost Star." Thirteen said.

"Your master is a ghost repairer?" Xia Xia was stunned.

"Yes, I am also a ghost cultivator, but when I cultivate, I follow the right path. In fact, whether it is a demon cultivator or a ghost cultivator, it is a human being. As long as you blatantly insist on going against the people of the Celestial Clan. If you want to create your own power against the Celestial Clan people like the Three Bamboo Sect, the Celestial Clan people will naturally see them as demons. The Celestial Clan people don’t need to do anything at all, just a little bit The people below are naturally hostile to the demon sect, so as long as there is an introduction, it can be detonated, just like the Golden Sword Gate this time." Thirteen said.

"I was still curious before, why Tie Xin had to fight the Three Bamboo Sect with only over a thousand people. Now I probably understand." Xia Xia said.

"Because Tie Xin also knows this, as long as he starts a war, even if he doesn't do anything, there will be someone to clean up the Three Bamboo Sect. All the people of the Celestial Clan need is an excuse. They are the leaders of human beings and cannot attack casually. One of the branches, but if the two sides are at war, it will be different. Even if they secretly send people to do Sanzhu Sect doesn't know that they did it. There are many more, but only a fool like Tie Xin would dare to openly fight the Three Bamboo Sect, because no matter what the final result is, the Three Bamboo Sect and the Golden Sabre Sect will never die.” Thirteen still admires Tie Xin very much. .

Because he is very clear.

Once Iron Heart goes to war.

He could never get rid of the Three Bamboo Sect in his life.

The Three Bamboo Sect is so powerful.

So many masters.

It will become Tie Xin's nightmare for the rest of his life.

Tigers also nap sometimes.


The people who will kill Tie Xin in the future will belong to the Three Bamboo Sect.


Just when Xia Xian and Shisan were chatting most energetically, A Guo stood up again, and then walked directly to Xia Xia: "Xia Xia, are you a waste? I challenge you face to face, but you dare not fight."


Aguo began to provoke summer.

But Summer still didn't answer.

"This is insulting me, do you know the consequences of insulting me?" Aguo said angrily.

Thirteen frowned, and then got up: "A-Guo, let's chat!!"

"Senior brother, this matter has nothing to do with you, you'd better not meddle in your own business." A Guo was also very rude when he spoke, and at the same time, he also rushed directly to Xia Xia.


He is going to start here. .


Ps: I owe one, and I will make it up tomorrow.

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