The Best All-rounder

Chapter 663: Ago's 1 hit

"You should listen to your senior brother, and I think the biggest problem with your master is not that he didn't teach you outsiders, but he didn't teach you what it means to respect teachers and respect Taoism. He is your senior brother, and he is protecting you. You can still stand here and accuse him, all because he kept you alive, yet you dare to say that he is a loser." Xia Xian gave Shisan face.

He wouldn't do anything casually, but when he saw this Aguo in front of him, he was indeed a little angry.

Thirteen can be regarded as really taking care of A-Guo.

This Aguo actually slandered Thirteen so much.

And said Thirteen was a loser.

This makes summer very uncomfortable.

"Am I wrong? He is just a quasi-venerable person who has cultivated for hundreds of thousands of years, but he is still in this realm, and the realm has been stagnant, and I am different. I have only cultivated for less than a thousand years and reached this realm. In the future, I will be able to advance to the ranks of the Venerable." Aguo said very proudly.

He elevates himself by demeaning others.

"Just a quasi-venerable? You, a quasi-venerable person, actually said that others are just a quasi-venerable. If I kill you now, you will not even be able to reach the ranks of quasi-venerables in your life, let alone a quasi-venerable one. No need to say anything, Venerable." Xia Xia felt that Aguo was very ridiculous.

this world.

Talent is important.

But China has never lacked so-called geniuses.

No matter what kind of genius.

The one who can go to the end is the king. If you can't go to the end, then everything is empty talk.

This summer is also deeply aware of this.

If these people's talents are very good, then they seem to be nothing compared to the summer.

Even in summer, you have to face the fate of being killed every day.

"Kill me? Do you have that ability? If you have, show it to me!!" Aguo looked at Xia Xia with great disdain.

In his opinion.

Summer is here.

It's just bluffing.

Xia Xia couldn't be his opponent at all.

So I didn't dare to fight in the summer.

Summer did not speak.

No matter what Ah Guo said, he would never fight with Ah Guo.

"I've really convinced you, I don't dare to fight, I'm talking big here, but I really belong to you." Aguo walked in front of Thirteen: "You're not worthy of being a ghost star."


Xia Xia also walked in front of Aguo: "Do you really want to fight? How about I give you a chance?"

"Summer!!" Thirteen was startled.

"It doesn't matter!!" Xia Tian waved his hand: "A Guo, don't you think you are very strong? I will give you a chance to shoot, but I will only give you one chance to shoot, no matter what kind of attack you release, No matter how hard you charge, I will never interrupt you, just stand in front of you like this, attack as you like, don't dodge, if you can kill me, I don't have the ability, and I don't need anyone to care, but if you If you can't attack me, just go, you are the junior brother of Thirteen, I can't bear to kill you."

Summer is usually very lonely.

Usually he bullies others.

When was he bullied by others?

This Aguo is here, it doesn't matter to slander him.

But he even slandered Thirteen.

Summer wanted to teach him a lesson.

"Really?" Aguo's eyes lit up.

Xia Xia glanced at the captain of the guard next to him: "Captain, I wonder if it's okay?"

"There is a ring in the city, I'll ask someone to prepare it," said the captain.

Since Xia Xia himself has agreed, he has nothing to say. Prepare to fight and let these people fight.

He also saw it.

Don't fight.

A Guo was unwilling to give up.

A Guo's face showed a smile: "In summer, I will let you know what absolute strength is."

Thirteen glanced at Xia Xia and said nothing.

He still knows about Xia's ability.

The ring!

Hearing that Xia Xia and A Guo are going to fight in the ring, naturally attracted a lot of people.

But all those people heard it.

Xia Xia and Shisan had a very good relationship and didn't want to attack A Guo, so he gave A Guo a chance to shoot casually. He only defended, not attacked, and A Guo could strike at will.

Just build up your strength.

No one will interrupt.

To know.

Even if it is an ordinary person, the attack that has been charging up is several times the power of the normal attack.

No matter how defensive it is in summer.

It's also impossible to completely block a person's full-strength blow.

The ring!

The place was already full of people watching the fun.

Everyone wants to see it.

What kind of ending will this legendary Xia play against A Guo? Is Xia Xia stronger, or A Guo's strength is even better?


Summer fell on the ring.

Thirteen fell to the side.

"Mr. Xia, we will **** this place to ensure that no one else can make a sudden attack." The captain of the guard reminded.


"Thank you." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

Aguo also looked at Xia Xia in front of him: "Xia Xia, you made the worst decision."


A weapon appeared in his right hand.

When the weapon appears.

The enormous pressure made everyone feel it.



"Is this the legendary Tianjun?"

All the people around looked at the weapon in Aguo's hand.

Such weapons are not usually seen at all.

It belongs to the stuff of legend.

Only people at the level of the top ten masters have it.

"What a strong coercion." The people around said emotionally.

Thirteen looked at Tianjun in Aguo's hands, and shook his head. This used to be his master's weapon. After his master was sitting in a state, he handed it over to his junior brother.

It can be said.

Tianjun is for ghost stars.

It is of great Whoever owns Tianjun is the master of ghost stars.


Aguo's body took a step forward.


The Heavenly Monarch in his hand stretched out.


For a moment.

The surrounding space collapsed.

The rules are shattered.

A Guo directly occupied the entire ring.

That is to say.


Xia Xia couldn't use the power of his own laws here.

at the same time.

Aguo kept accumulating energy, this time, he directly accumulated energy for half an hour.

Boo! !

In front of Tianjun.

A huge black hole appeared: "Summer, no matter what kind of ability you have, you can't bear this, this is the power of space smashing, with the blessing of Tianjun, you will be directly involved in the endless space. Inside the crack."

This is Aguo's killer move.

one strike!

This is the blow he has prepared for the summer.

The people around were all terrified.

Directly using space smash to deal with a person who is standing in place and not dodging can be said to be too terrifying.


Summer is sure to die.

"Go to hell!!" Aguo shouted loudly. .

The power rushed directly to the summer.

Where this group of power passed, the space disappeared directly, and everything was wiped out.

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