The Best All-rounder

Chapter 668: end

outside the city.

"This Soul Hunting City Lord is really not easy." Xia Xia said with emotion.

Although he has not known this Soul Hunting City Lord for a long time, he has already sensed how difficult this Soul Hunting City Lord is. He is simply too stable in his work, giving people a feeling of strategizing.

"Of course, in this world, there are many people who have suddenly reached the sky in one step, and there are also many people who can sit on the position of the lord of a city, but those who can sit firmly in the position of the lord of a city must be someone who has the ability to sit on the throne. What a great city lord who freely trades Yuncheng, let alone.” Thirteen believes that in this world, there are many capable people, and there are many people who can conquer the world, but those who can truly defend the world are not the same. How many are there?

"He solved the matter perfectly without a single soldier, making all of us owe him favor, and directly dismantling the power of the Great Sword Palace. It's really amazing." Xia Xia praised.

"If I'm not mistaken, he must have attacked the power of the Great Sword Palace long ago, so this time, he can be considered to have murdered with a knife." Thirteen also highly appreciated the city lord.

But he also felt that it was very unpleasant to be used as a gun like this.

"No way, I really owe people's favor. If it weren't for him, I would indeed have a lot of trouble." Xia Xia has a clear grievance and grievance. He doesn't care how the Soul Hunter City Master uses him, he only cares about himself. profit.

"Actually, we still have to be careful with such a person. Although he helped us today, if we stand on the opposite side tomorrow, he will want our lives at all costs." Thirteen also understands that something like this This kind of people has no permanent allies. They only have eternal interests. When fighting, it depends on whose interests are more valuable.

"No matter what he does, when he wants to be my enemy, I'll just deal with him." Xia Xia is like this, he never looks at these, he only cares about the attitude of the other party in the future.


He was never afraid to be the enemy of anyone.

"Trouble is coming." Thirteen's eyes looked into the distance.

at this time.

His junior brother just stood there.

"You finally came out." Aguo looked at Summer coldly.

He has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

In the city, he waited for so long and never had a chance, and now he finally got the chance to leave the city in the summer.

"Ago." Thirteen frowned.

"Why, you still want to stop me?" Aguo asked.

"We will have a big battle next, and the opponent is a person from the Half-step Venerable. You are optimistic. If you still think you can defeat Xia Xia after our battle, I will not stop you." Thirteen said directly.


Aguo frowned: "What do you mean?"

"The old master of the Great Sword Palace will be here soon. We will share life and death with him here. You should know his abilities," Thirteen said.

He has already said what he should have said.

If A-Guo still intends to act at that time, then he has nothing to say.

At the same time, he also glanced at Xia Xia, meaning to let Xia Xia be careful of A Guo's sneak attack.

Although under normal circumstances, A Guo should be disdainful of sneak attacks, but a lot of things have happened recently, and he is not sure what his junior brother will become.

Summer smiled.

didn't say anything.

that's it.

In less than a day.

The old master of the Great Sword Hall had already appeared in front of him. When he saw Xia Xia and Shi Shi, his brows wrinkled: "It seems that I have been tricked."

"It's not a calculation, we're not here now." Thirteen smiled.

"That's right. No matter how much the City Lord of Soul Hunter is, he doesn't dare to kill me in the city. In the end, you still need to do it. This is a gamble, and it depends on who can win in the end." said the Lord.

"That's right, the next step is to see who we can kill." Thirteen said.

"Thirteen, you shouldn't be in this muddy water, you should understand that there is a gap between you and me, I am the third peak person, and you, just the second person, You can't be my opponent." The old master of the Great Sword Hall didn't want Thirteen to be his opponent.

After all, Thirteen is also a troublesome person.


His goal is summer.

Although he was calculated this time.

But as long as he can kill Xia Xia, it will not end.

He is still a winner.

"If you don't try it, how will you know if it will work?" Thirteen's face showed a smile.

Although the person in front of him is not a Venerable.

But he is also half a step away from His Holiness.


He is a ruthless man who relies on his own strength to fight.

Such people are still very difficult to deal with.

"Okay, since you are courting death, then I will fulfill you." The old master of the Great Sword Hall moved, and a monstrous demonic energy erupted from his body.

For a moment.

The sky is dark.

Everything around was swallowed up by darkness.

"It turns out that you have been mixed with the Three Bamboo Sect for a long time." When Thirteen saw this monstrous demonic energy, he already understood.

This is a gong method belonging to the Three Bamboo Sect.

"If I practice normally, I won't have the chance to break through to the Venerable in my life. I'm not reconciled. Cooperation with the Three Bamboo Sect is my last hope." He is no longer human.

It's like turning into a monster.

The body has grown to ten feet tall, and the whole body is covered with black scales, and the whole person's skin has become harder than a stone.

A black bamboo appeared in his right hand: "I'll send you to death."

Thirteen glanced at Xia Xia: "We're going."


Both of them took out their weapons.

stand together.

Fight side by side.

In the distance, Aguo watched all this quietly.

"If you want to compete with me, you are far behind." The old master of the Great Sword Palace raised his hands high, and the black bamboo in his hand also grew bigger, smashing towards Xia Xia and Shi Xian in front of him.

The monstrous demonic energy instantly shattered everything around him.


There is only destruction around.

Originally, they were already tens of thousands of miles outside the city in the summer, but some people still came out to watch the fun.

at this time.

When you see both sides fighting.

They have already retreated.

But they never expected it.

The attack of the old master of the Great Sword Hall was so terrifying.

His attack instantly knocked everyone around him flying, and the attack spread directly to Soul Hunting Cloud City. Finally, he activated Soul Hunting Cloud City's guardian formation to block his attack.


Aguo's body was also directly knocked out, and the powerful impact made his body seem to fall apart.


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