The Best All-rounder

Chapter 670: Demon

Thirteen's performance surprised him.

at the same time.

Summer and Thirteen fit seamlessly.

The attack of the two also hit the hall master of the Great Sword Hall in an instant.



The surrounding black air instantly shattered.

The monstrous black gas was torn apart by the two of them.

"The third change!!" A Guo's face showed a surprised look. His master had told him before that his thirteen should never be able to break through to the third change in his life.

There is no way to improve his realm.

But now.

His senior brother is actually the third person.


As soon as Xia Xia He Shi San made his move, he actually tore a hole in the world of demonic energy created by the old master of the Great Sword Hall.

If it were him instead.

His attack could only cause a little damage to this demonic world, and then dissipate, it would be impossible to touch the body of the old master of the Great Sword Hall.

But now.

The first time the two made a shot, they directly broke the opponent's defense.


Xia Xia and Thirteen have already been killed head-on.


"Don't you know my horror?" Countless black bamboos appeared beside the old palace master of the Great Sword Hall. The bamboos were surrounded by black qi, all of which flew towards Xia Xia and Shisan.

The endless black bamboo seems to devour everything.


Everything in this area will be destroyed.


at this time.

Xia Si's defense also appeared directly in front of the two of them.

Directly block all those black bamboos, no matter how many bamboos there are, no matter how powerful the bamboos are, they will not be able to break through the Xia Si defense here.


Summer's body moves.

Jin Yu flew out with a single blow.


The black qi in front was also resisting Xia Xia's attack, but the power of Hongfeng's blow was getting stronger and stronger.

Mo Yu's attack took advantage of the situation and directly killed it.

During the day, it directly illuminates everything around it.

"It's now!!" With a wave of Thirteen's right hand, Haotianjing also instantly shot out the attack.


The huge impact force directly knocked the hall master of the Great Sword Hall into the air.

"What a strong defense!!" Thirteen was stunned.

His attack hit the old master of the Hall of Swords head-on, but what he didn't expect was that such an attack would only knock the opponent into the air. You know, this was an attack from the Clear Sky Mirror.

"The scales on his body are weird." Xia Xia reminded.

Hahahahaha! !

The old master of the Great Sword Hall also stood up instantly: "It's useless, although the performance of the two of you shocked me, but in my eyes, your attacks are not worth mentioning at all."

Black gas!

Endless black energy is emerging in his body.

These black qi seems to be able to swallow everything.

the surrounding world.

Completely turned into darkness.

"I understand, he thinks he is cooperating with the Three Bamboo Sect, in fact, he has become a puppet of the Three Bamboo Sect, a puppet used to train the monsters of the Three Bamboo Sect, although he still has his own consciousness, but with him As the power he uses increases, his meaning becomes weaker and weaker, and if he continues to fight like this, he will be completely controlled by the monster." Xia Xia already understood what was going on.

Monster! !

"This is troublesome. I heard before that the Three Bamboo Sect is cultivating some terrifying monsters. They are now using a quasi-exalted third-transformation master to cultivate monsters. If this monster continues to develop like this, won't it become The existence of the venerable level." Thirteen said in surprise.

Do not!

"To be precise, his defense has now reached the level of a sage, and he is creating a world of demonic energy that belongs to him. If this goes on, in this demonic space, he will be a sage." Xia Xia He Shi The three worked together to deal with those prospective Venerables, but this time their opponents were different.

their opponents.

Is a monster.

A terrifying monster.

"What should we do? With our current attack, it is already very difficult to break through his demonic energy. There are very few attacks on his scales, and they can't break his defense at all." Thirteen also understood, although Their attacks and defenses are very strong, but it is still very difficult for them to directly break through the defense of the old master of the Great Sword Palace.

Summer is also frowning.

"Use the golden sword, only the golden sword can break through this defense." Hong Feng reminded.


Summer is also frowning.


at this time.

There was a huge noise outside.

"Mr. Xia, we are the guards of the city lord's mansion. The city lord found that the old palace lord of the Great Sword Hall has completely turned into a devil. If he is turned into a devil, then the surrounding area will be ruined, so let us help. You." The captain of the guards shouted in a big megaphone.

at this time.

A loud voice came in from outside.

"Let's rush in first!!" Xia Xia understood that it was not so easy for those people to rush in now.

At this time, within tens of thousands of miles, it is almost about to become a world of demonic energy.

"It's just a group of scumbags, do you think they can help you?" The voice of the old master of the Great Sword Hall had begun to become and his eyes had also turned blood red.

at the same time.

above the ground.

A head of little monsters appeared, and these little monsters rushed out directly around.

Killed the guards of Soul Hunting Cloud City.

"Don't think about it, they can't rush in. Now there are demonic energy everywhere. The further you go in, the more terrifying the defense of demonic energy is, and there are still those little monsters. Even if those guards are powerful, they will be destroyed in a short period of time. I can't rush in. Although there are many masters in Soul Hunting Cloud City, it will take a long time for the city owner to mobilize them. Now the only person in the city who can turn the situation around is the Grand Master Jinlun, but he will definitely not help Ours, Tebi is the old master of the Hall of Swords, if he doesn't deal with us, he is already the biggest concession to us." Thirteen reminded.

That is to say.

Now, there are still only two of them who can fight against the old master of the Great Sword Hall in front of him.


That's the joke.

Although tens of thousands of people can be mobilized in the city lord's mansion in an instant, these tens of thousands of people can't rush in at all. If other masters want to let them do it, they need benefits, unless this monster really breaks through the soul hunter. Cloud City's defense, they will rush out at the first time.

"You assist me and I attack, I will come." Xia Xia looked at the old master of the Great Sword Hall in front of him.

at the same time.

His body rushed forward quickly.

[Tianquan, fight back! ! 】

His body rushed out instantly.

Very fast.

"Don't think about it!!" The old master of the Great Sword Palace felt that his body was out of control, and he was also in control of his body in an instant, and a huge force acted on him.


A large mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

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