The Best All-rounder

Chapter 673: top banquet

"A Guo's failure is inevitable. He is not better than the previous ones, but when A Guo came forward, he represented a belief. At least, he is alive now." Another person said.

"Does that continue? The tenth ring is him. It's too harsh for others."

"Do you think that we Shenwei need waste?"

"makes sense!!"

After Thirteen took the Jie Wang Pill, he found that it was exactly what he thought.

The power of his law skyrocketed by 20,000 points again.

That is to say.

His current power of law is already 290,000 points.

The power of such a high law.

It's not what normal people can imagine.

Ordinary people are still working hard for the power of 50,000 points of law, and bear the burden of humiliation for the power of 100,000 points of law.

But he already has nearly 300,000 points of law power.

With 150,000 points of law power, he is already a quasi-venerable one.

The power of 200,000 points of law is the second transformation of the quasi-exalted one.

The power of 250,000 points of law is the third change of the quasi-exalted one.

The power of 300,000 points of law can truly condense the world and become the supreme venerable.

The evening of the second day.

The city is full of joy.

This time defeating the devil, it can be said that the entire Soul Hunting Cloud City is celebrating.

Although they were not the ones who defeated the devil, everyone was still celebrating.

"Two adults, the cloud sedan chair is ready outside." The captain said respectfully.

Thirteen and Summer also all changed into dresses.

"I don't see it, you look so handsome in a dress." Shisan usually sees a sloppy man in a battle suit in the summer. Once he fights, he fights very fiercely.

But now look at summer.

I felt as if I saw a scholar.

Xia Xia smiled and didn't say anything: "If it's not forced by life, who is not the big baby of his parents."

That's right!

Summer has come to this day.

It was really forced out step by step.


As long as he practices martial arts.

Then he will be targeted by quicksand.

If his master Yin Nie had not been protecting him, he would have died in Jianghai City long ago.


If it wasn't for the heaven-defying changes in his eyes, he would have died many times.

"It will be fine in the future. As long as we have enough strength, then no one can move us casually. Our destiny can be in our own hands, and no one can control it." Thirteen sighed with emotion. road.

he thinks.

Only the truly strong can control their own destiny in their own hands.

"But what kind of strength can be considered to truly control one's own destiny? Is it possible for the venerable? Could it be possible for the venerable to escape the control of the Celestials?" Xia Xia asked.

"Why do you think so much, you are still so young, we have a lot of opportunities and time." Thirteen walked out after speaking.

Looking at Thirteen's back, Xia Tian smiled and said nothing.

He doesn't have that much time.

five years.

This time is getting less and less.

He would not let his father enter the Celestial Clan alone.

In the City Lord's Mansion.

The lights were bright today, and there was laughter everywhere.

just came in.

There are all kinds of gifts here, and all the guests who come to the door must come with gifts.

Moreover, the number of service personnel here has also greatly increased. When they came in in the summer, the number of various service personnel should have been in the thousands, but today, the number of service personnel has increased to tens of thousands.

"Mr. Xia, Mr. Thirteen, you are finally here." The city owner also walked over in person.

at this time.

The people on both sides of the city also quieted down, and their eyes turned to Xia Xia and Shi Shi.

These two talents are the protagonists of today.

The two of them came here and attracted much attention.

It can be said.

The two of them are the heroes of Soul Hunting Cloud City.

"City Lord!!" Xia Xia and Shi Shi slightly handed over.

"Please!!" The city lord also waved his hand, and at the same time, he began to introduce them to the two: "I don't need to introduce Mr. Jinlun, the first ten people are the patriarchs of our top ten families in Hunting Soul Cloud City; the ones on the left are hunting The boss of the thirty major forces in Soul Cloud City; those on the right are five hundred large and medium-sized forces. These people here are all prominent figures. Today is dedicated to celebrating the two of them. Those things at the door are all given to the two of them. I hope you two will be polite."

When the city lord introduced someone, Thirteen also bowed slightly to the other side.

They got to know each other.


Xia Xia also saw that a lot of people came this time. The bosses of these forces all brought their own guards, as well as the young talents of the clan.

Just to come here to see the big scene.


Summer is also in.

"It's really rich, the fruits here are actually congenital fruits." Hongfeng said with emotion.

he feels.

These people are simply too extravagant.

To actually take out the innate fruit as the fruit plate placed The drinks here are not simple. "When Xia Tian picked up a glass of wine and drank it, he felt a steady stream of power flowing through his body.

"The stinking road of Zhumen's wine and meat has frozen bones. For this innate fruit, people outside can beat the sky into darkness with a glass of wine. I don't know how many people will die, but here, these things are actually just the most common things." Hongfeng said with emotion.

"This is the way of the world. If the people above think it is very casual, the people below will try their best to **** it. If nothing else, Zunbao and quasi-zunbao are the top-notch items from the outside. Even the Venerable wants it, but in the Celestial Clan, it may really be nothing." Xia Xia also understands that the Celestial Clan people, in a place like Shenzhou, are the ceiling.

The real pinnacle.

Being in control of everything.

Thirteen also began to be subtle with the people next to him at this time. Some people wanted to come over to say hello to Xia Xia, but they were all stopped by Thirteen.

The city lord glanced at his son beside him and nodded slightly.

The young city lord also walked to Xia's side: "Sir, why are you drinking here by yourself?"

"It's nothing, I'm used to it," Xia Xia said.

"Let me introduce some of our young talents here to the adults. Their talents are very good, and they all admire the adults." The young city master said very politely.

"No need." Summer said.

"Then let me accompany the adults here!!" The young city lord also sat aside.

"You can do your own thing," Xia Xia said.

"There is nothing to be busy with, you are the protagonist here." Although the young city owner is not as experienced as his father, he is obviously someone who is used to seeing big scenes: "Sir, today, the people of the Celestial Clan will come."

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