The Best All-rounder

Chapter 675: Not interested in

The Celestials finally arrived.

On the city lord's side, he also went out immediately, and the people around saw the city lord and the young city lord going out the first time, and they also hurriedly looked there.


They saw a halo.

On both sides of the halo, followed by four guards.

This Celestial Clan man looked very young, and after wearing white clothes with a halo, he looked very sacred.

It gives people a very down-to-earth feeling.

"See your lord!!" The city lord and the young city lord knelt down on one knee.

The surrounding guards all bowed, and the people behind all bowed their hands to signal that they did not have the right to kneel. Only some dogs of this Celestial Clan were qualified to kneel on one knee.

The Celestial Clan man nodded slightly: "Get up!"

His voice is very powerful.

"Xia Si said that the two closest guards to the Celestial Clan were Qiansi Beasts, but neither of them were immortals," Hongfeng reminded.

Xia Xia brought Xia Si together, but Xia Si was directly received by him. At the beginning, Xia Si was worried that Xia Si would be harmed by Xia Si. It was discovered that Xian Luo Wanxiang did not harm Xia Si in the slightest, and Xia Si could also sense everything outside.

That is to say.

All kinds of things have no influence on Xia Si.

Only found out later in the summer.

Because Xia Si was too loyal to Xia Xia, and his soul was very clean, all kinds of things did not attack him.

"Beside the Celestial Clan, the two Qiansi beasts must have been trained to level ten. Even if the tenth-level Qiansi beasts are not immortals, their defenses are very strong, and the two people behind him are also very strong. It's very terrifying, as soon as they came in, their aura locked everyone on the scene." Xia Xia didn't feel anything about this Celestial Clan man for the time being, but he felt that the guardian of the Celestial Clan man was not easy.

The strength of the guardians of the Celestial Clan must be very difficult.

Everyone fell silent.


The protagonist here is the Celestial Clan, not Thirteen anymore.

They also didn't talk to each other like they used to.

Instead, he focused all his attention on the Celestial Clan people.

The Celestial Clan walked in like this, looking at Thirteen in front of him: "Thirteen?"

"Sir!!" Thirteen handed over again.

"It's a good job this time. The Three Bamboo Sect is secretly cultivating a large number of demons. If all these demons find an opportunity and become fully mature, it will be very terrifying, and the eighth party will fall into disaster, so, You can be considered to have saved the eighth party." The people from the Celestial Clan looked at Thirteen with admiration.

Can be praised by the Celestials.

This can be blown out for a lifetime.

However, Thirteen is also someone who has seen the big scene, and at this time, there is no change in him.

"Who is Summer?" the Celestial Clan asked.

Summer bows slightly.

"It's really a hero. You are not even 200 years old, but you have such a skill." The Celestial Clan people saw through Xia Xia's age at a glance. Normally, the stronger a person's strength, the more The better the way of hiding.

Less than two hundred years old!

When hearing this.

Everyone at the scene looked at the summer.

They had all heard many legends about summer before.

But they didn't expect that summer is more terrifying than they heard.

Still a top talent.

"I can only see at least two hundred years old. Maybe, you are younger than what I see." The Celestial Clan said.


The people around were even more confused when they heard this.

This is very scary for them.

"Thank you!" Summer bowed his hands.

His attitude wasn't good, but it wasn't bad either.


Talking to the Celestial Clan people like this, I am afraid that the Celestial Clan people will not let him go casually. After all, the majesty of the Celestial Clan people is not allowed to be trampled on by others. Seeing the Celestial Clan people, their attitude must be correct.

But this Celestial Clan man didn't say anything, but walked directly inside.

There is a theme in it.

He also sat directly there.

His eyes looked at the people below: "The Three Bamboo Sect has become more and more excessive recently, they are destroying the peace of the eighth party, killing innocent people indiscriminately, in order to improve their strength, they have begun to do whatever they can, and they are angry and resentful, but we Celestial people will not shoot casually. To deal with any force, after all, they are all human races, so the above request, the top ten forces, the top ten free trade cities, all send their own elites to fight against the three bamboo sects and all the demon sects together, and destroy them!!"

This is the purpose of the Celestial Clan people coming here.

They want to destroy the Three Bamboo Sect.

Of course, they also want to be **** and build a torii.

If they want to kill people, they don't want others to gossip, so they just let these people do it.


All the people around nodded their heads.

"I made a promise, everyone in Soul Hunting Cloud City, as long as anyone who has made a huge contribution I will reward a quasi-zun treasure, which can be directly promoted to my second-class dog, and can freely open up the city. , to get the approval and help of the people of the Celestial Clan." The people of the Celestial Clan said directly.


It can be said.

This reward is very rich for the people here.

"The people of the Celestial Clan are finally going to take action against the Three Bamboo Sect. I think that the development of the Three Bamboo Sect is too fast, and the Three Bamboo Sect must have touched some core secret, which is why they are treated harshly by the Celestial Clan people. ” Thirteen said.


Xia Xia nodded slightly: "The Three Bamboo Sect must have discovered some huge secret, just like the old master of the Great Sword Palace this time, he almost has the strength of the Venerable, if the Three Bamboo Sect can replicate this ability , that's terrifying, the eighth party will have to change the owner by then."

"Things like the Hall Master of the Great Sword Hall are definitely very rare. If mass production is possible, even the Celestials can't bear it, but although they can't mass produce Venerable-level masters, if it is mass production A person who can produce 100,000 points of law power, how about mass production of quasi-exalted masters? Even a person who can produce more than 50,000 points of law power is a very terrifying combat power." Hong Feng said.

"Xia Xia, Thirteen, you are all capable people, are you interested?" The Celestial Clan people looked at the two and asked.

His words have two meanings.

The first is to ask the two of them if they want to join the fight.

The second is to ask the two of them if they want to be their own dog.

The people of the Celestial Clan don't throw olive branches to others casually. When they throw olive branches at this time, that is the biggest recognition of Xia Xia and Shisan.

"Not interested!!" Xia Tian said directly.


After his voice fell, the spirits of the people around him instantly became tense.

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