The Best All-rounder

Chapter 678: Valkyrie

"Martial God!!" Xia Xia was stunned.

"Yes, that person is called Wushen, he was one of the five most amazing people at that time, and the five of them were also the ones who solved the ultimate secret, and it is said that he controlled one of the powers, which seems to be a very special kind of power. power." Yumo said.

"The power of the gods?" Xia Tian asked.

"Yes, it is the power of the gods. Have you heard of this power?" Yu Mo asked.

When he heard this, Xia Xia already understood what was going on.

"Martial God, Divine Martial Arts!!"

Shen Wu was one of the five people back then.

"What kind of cave house is that?" Xia Xia asked.

"An ancient cave dwelling full of treasures and dangers." Yumo didn't know how to explain it to Xia Xia in detail.


Summer nodded slightly.

Shenwu has always had a secret on his body. Shenwu refuses to say this secret. Although Xia Xia doesn't care too much about it, he has enough troubles now. If there is another accident on Shenwu's side in the future, then he really can't bear it. Living.


He gave Shenwu freedom.

At the same time, he gave the seed of the power of the gods to Shenwu.

After all, Shenwu had a fight with him, and he would not treat Shenwu badly.

"Well, this is my messenger. The next time you think of any important information, you can notify me. If there is anything that needs my help in the future, you can also send it to me." Xia Tian handed over his messenger.

The young city master and the Yu family in the distance all saw this scene, including the head of the Yu family.

It can be said.

Even the young city lord didn't get Xia's messenger.

But Yu Mo got it.

Being able to obtain Xia Xia's messenger symbol itself means that he has obtained Xia Xia's approval, and he can also look for Xia Xia if he has something to do in the future.


The owner of the Yu family is very excited now.

He didn't expect it.

Yumo actually made a contribution this time.

The banquet ended at dawn.

Summer and Shisan also returned to their residence.

"I see that you're talking well." Thirteen glanced at Xia Xia.


"That Yumo is a reincarnator, and they are a group of reincarnators. After entering a certain cave, the group of people who survived were forcibly reincarnated." Xia Xia said.

"There is such a thing." Thirteen was also taken aback.


"And five of them were the most famous at the time, and one of them I knew." Xia Xia said.

Thirteen nodded slightly: "No wonder you are so interested."

"By the way, when do we leave?" Xia Xia asked.

"Take a day off, then let's go. I probably chatted with the people here. The people here are still useful, and some of them will be useful in the future, but this time it was ordered by the people of the Celestial Clan, and these forces did not dare to be sloppy. I am afraid that many forces will fight with the Three Bamboo Sect this time, as for who will survive in the end, it is uncertain."

"For the reward of Quasi-Zunbao?" Xia Tian asked.

"Of course not. Although the quasi-zun treasures are precious, they can't afford to exchange their whole family's lives. They all understand the truth, but some of them are dogs who want to become people of the Celestial Clan, and the others are helpless and have to go. It's a cutscene, and this cutscene can't be just walking around. The City Lord of Hunting Soul is the first-class dog of the Celestial Clan people. If the forces here are not working hard, then he only needs to report the name of that faction. The power will surely perish." Thirteen explained.

"They're under a lot of pressure, but is it really that important to be a dog of the Celestial Clan?" Xia Xia understood what he meant.

The City Lord of Hunting Soul is a supervisory position.

"Of course it's important, the city lord of this Soul Hunting Cloud City was not a dog of the Celestial Clan. He conquered the world with his own abilities, but in the end, he gave in because he knew that there was no shroud from the Celestial Clan. , he is unsteady, and it seems that the Three Bamboo Sect really got some big secrets, otherwise they would not be targeted by the Celestial Clan, plus we deal with the old master of the Great Sword Hall, I feel, they It seems that some relics of the ancient demons have been discovered, such relics, even the Celestials will feel fear, so the Celestials want to kill them in the cradle." Thirteen explained.

"The Three Bamboo Religion is indeed not simple." Xia Xia also felt that the Three Bamboo Religion had made a lot of big moves recently.

He also had a lot of interactions with the Three Bamboo Sect.

The recent Three Bamboo Teaching is really very jumping.

"The matter of the eighth party, we can let it go for a while. If there is any situation here, someone will send me a message. Next, we will go to the seventh party to find the origin of the soil." Thirteen said.


Xia Tian also believes that the source of soil is more useful.

Not to mention other abilities.

Just this ability to travel through space has already made him take an inexplicable amount of advantage.

Directly cut the space teleportation, and in places where there is no teleportation array, you can also quickly jump in space. It takes ten days and a half months for others to travel, and he can arrive at the click of a finger.

And there are many more abilities of the source of the earth.

Collecting more sources of soil can also make him Yumo, what did you talk about with Mr. Xia? " asked the head of the Yu family.

"It's nothing, I just talked about some things about cultivation. Mr. Xia said that I was very talented and wanted to train me, but I said that there were still many things at home, so he didn't agree. He finally gave me a communication talisman." Yumo Not telling the truth.

"Idiot, why don't you agree, what kind of person is Xia Xia? That is the existence that makes the entire eighth party turbulent, and I heard that he is related to many top players, if you can catch up with this After that, our Yu family will be able to gain a firm foothold in the eighth party." The head of the Yu family said.

"But my family has always refused to let me go, and my mother and my sister..." Yumo expressed her concerns.

"Don't worry, from now on, I agree with you to leave. Your mother and sister will be promoted to second-class people from today. As long as you have a good relationship with Xia Xia, I can guarantee that they can be promoted to first-class people, understand. ?" asked the patriarch.

"Understood." That's what Yu Mo wanted.

His mother and sister were promoted to second-class clansmen, so they would not be bullied by anyone in the future. Even if he was not at home, no one would dare to do anything.

"Go, go find Xia Xia, and hang out with him." The patriarch of the Yu family said.


summer residence.

"Why are you here?" Xia Tian looked at Yu Mo.

"Sir, can you help me get out of here?" Yu Mo also told Xia about her situation.

"In other words, you took advantage of my reputation, right?" Xia Xia looked at Yu Mo with a blank expression.

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