The Best All-rounder

Chapter 682: Demon Star Slash

Thirteen put down his hand.

Summer also starts directly.


Tuzhiyuan sighed: "I also met a lot of people, why is there no one I met with credit like you? They all just want to rob me of my strength."

have no choice.

The world is full of helplessness.

The same is true for existences like the source of the earth. He was thinking that if he met Xia Xia, this would not be the case now.


He wasn't so lucky.

"Don't worry, I will try my best to keep your consciousness and allow you to coexist." Xia Xia is not the kind of ruthless person. Before Tu Zhiyuan played tricks with him, he taught Tu Zhiyuan a lesson.

But if I can help them, I will definitely help them in the summer.


"I believe you." After Tu Zhiyuan finished speaking, it turned into a totem the size of a slap and fell into Xia Xia's hands.

"It's a pity." Thirteen shook his head.

He understands.

The secrets that this earth clone knows are definitely not that simple.

It must be about the big secret within the Tianzu.


It is impossible for them to know this secret.

"Let's go, back to the eighth party." Xia Xia said.


Now that the things have been obtained, they also have to go back to the eighth party, and send the clone of the source of the earth back to the source of the earth in the eighth party.


As soon as their bodies moved, they came directly to Ergou City.

Originally, they didn't intend to disturb the lord of Ergou City this time.

However, the city lord of Ergou City was directly waiting for them at the teleportation array.

"City Lord, what's the matter?" Thirteen asked in confusion.

"It's something." The city lord nodded.

"If you have anything, just say it." Thirteen said.

"Not long after you left, someone came to inquire about your news. Although the other party was very careful, they happened to inquire about my subordinates here, so my subordinates also came to report the situation." The city owner said.

"Who?" Thirteen asked.

"Magic star, behead!" said the city lord.

"It's him!" Thirteen frowned.

"Yes, I can't afford to offend this person, so I can only wait for you here secretly and tell you the news." said the city lord.

"Many thanks to the city lord. If there is a place where I can be useful to Thirteen in the future, don't be polite." Thirteen also took out a communication talisman and handed it over directly.

When the city owner saw the communication talisman, a smile appeared on his face: "Then I'll be welcome."

Thirteen's communication talisman.

This is a guarantee.

In a place like Shenzhou.

It's almost like leaving a messenger for others, which means that when someone asks you for help, you can't refuse. Of course, you can't help too much.


The three of them disappeared in place in the summer.

"Who is Da Zhan?" Xia Xia asked.

"It's the first genius of the magic star, and he was the same generation as my junior brother back then, but he is more talented than my junior brother. When the geniuses of a few stars nearby us competed, the magic star's big cut also won the first place." Thirteen explained.

"Another top talent." Xia Xia said.

"It's not a matter of genius. He has a fairy beast sealed in his body. This fairy beast is not a monster, but it has a lot of demonic energy. It is a special existence. When he is fighting, he gradually unseals this fairy beast to fight. , is very strong, and has many means, plus he is a magic cultivator, I am worried that he will do anything to treat you." Thirteen thinks that he knows the seventh party very well.

He is very familiar with the people here.


He also understands the characters and methods of these people here.

he thinks.

This big cut is a very troublesome existence.

"It's okay, we are going back to the eighth party soon, and we are all teleporting normally. He can't do it in the city. When we return to the eighth party, even if he has more means, it will be useless." Xia Tian himself His strength is very strong, and Xia Si is guarding him, and with Thirteen beside him, who can easily hurt him.

"I hope so!" Thirteen was still worried, but he didn't know what he was worried about.

The two of them had already returned to Hundred Beasts Cloud City at this time.

"Look at you, what are you still worried about? This is the Cloud City of Hundred Beasts. We can leave here directly and return to the eighth party by taking the teleportation array." Xia Tian saw Thirteen's appearance and could only shook his head.

He also knew.

Thirteen is worried about his safety.


The two came to the location of the teleportation formation.

"Two gentlemen, you are VIPs, you can use the special teleportation formation." The guard said respectfully.


Summer and Shisan nodded slightly.

"Lead the way!" Thirteen said.

"Okay, I'll send you on your way!" The guard's body moved, and countless black energy instantly wrapped around Xia Xia's body.


Xia Si also merged with summer in an instant.

Thirteen was surprised: "No, it's reverse teleportation!"


He also hurriedly released his teleportation charm.


Xia Tian disappeared directly in front of him.

I was still standing here in the summer just now, but now.

Summer has already been teleported away.

This is a means of reverse teleportation, which is very rare.

at this time.

Two men appeared at Xia Xia's location just now, and the guard who just attacked Xia Xia disappeared at the same time.

"Damn, say, where is the location?" Thirteen grabbed the man's neck. UU Reading

at the same time.

The surrounding guards all rushed up.

"Sir, what are you doing?" a guard captain asked.

"What am I doing? Your guards used reverse teleportation to teleport my friend away. Now that my friend is alive and dead, why are you still asking me?" Thirteen shouted angrily.


A large number of guards ran over.


The captain of the guard was also taken aback: "Sir, is there any misunderstanding here?"

"Misunderstanding? Don't tell me, without someone inside of you, that person can sneak in!" Thirteen asked while looking at the captain of the guard.

Poof! puff!

When Xia Xia communicated with the captain, the two reverse teleporters also committed suicide!

"Damn!" Thirteen looked at the guard captain: "Tell you the city lord, I won't just let this matter go."


He could still interrogate those two people, but now, because the captain of the guard intervened, Thirteen was distracted, and he gave the two people a chance to commit suicide.


This summer.

Has fallen into a purgatory.

Countless attacks came from all directions.

Xia Si also directly blocked these attacks.

"Thousands of Silk Beasts, I didn't expect you to bring them here, but what if they are Thousand-Threaded Beasts? This is my territory. How long can your Thousand-Threaded Beasts resist?" A cold voice appeared.

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