The Best All-rounder

Chapter 691: flywheel house


It's not the first time that the magician has provoke Xia Xia, but Xia Xia is the first time he has responded directly to the other party, and he is also directly angry.

Summer's temper is not good.

He has tolerated the other party more than once, but the other party actually provokes him again and again.

"How dare you talk to me like that!" That formation's face was also very ugly.

He is the first master of the Hundred Stars.

Usually everyone asks him to do things.

Who dared to provoke him?

No one dared to talk to him like that.


Xia Xia actually started to scold him directly.

This made him feel very speechless.

"Yes, I'm just talking to you like that. Is there any problem? Since you came in, you've been constantly nagging. Are you here to save people, or are you here to show off that you're a magician?" Xia Xia was very confused. said politely.

He didn't respond to the other party before, it didn't mean that he was afraid of the other party, but that he thought he was here to save people, try not to cause conflicts.

But the other party was shameless.

"You're not right, can't others express their opinions?" the magician asked.

"Am I wrong? When I first came in, did I tell you there was a situation, did you listen? You are smart and think you are right, but what happens after you come in? I want to force a breakout, but you don't agree. Have you been wrong so many times and don't understand your own problem?" Xia Xia asked.

"Are you all right? You said before that there are a lot of people here, but what about people now?" The Array Master also grasped this point and began to question Xia Xia.

"People? How do you think the formation outside appeared? It appeared out of thin air? And which idiot agreed that it must have been arranged by many people?" Xia Xia asked again.

"You..." The wizard was at a loss for words.

When it comes to language, I have never served anyone in the summer.

"Mr. Xia, what shall we do next?" Someone in Baixing also stood up and asked.

"Find Baijiaxing first, then save people." Xia Xia said.


Everyone nodded slightly.

Although the wizard was very upset, he didn't say anything.

that's it.

They kept on their way.

But it didn't take long.

Bai Xing's people received a communication talisman.

It was passed on from their brothers outside.

"Oops, something happened to them." Baixing and the others still brought tens of thousands of people. Those people were not as fast as them, and they were just behind, but they didn't expect that an accident would happen to those people.

"what happened?"

"There is an ambush, and there is an ambush behind us. As soon as we came here, we were attacked, and now there are heavy casualties." Bai Xing's master said.

Ambush! !

Just now, the magician was still talking about the fact that there was no one outside. As a result, their people were attacked by surprise.

"What should I do?" For a while, the masters of Hundred Stars didn't know what to do.

these people.

There is no backbone.

When something really happened, everyone didn't know what to do next.

"Two choices, first, you go out to save people, but I think it's useless if you go out, there must be a lot of people outside, this time we were targeted by a big force; second, for your people Send a message, let them run, and escape separately, as long as they don't think about entering here, there should be many chances to survive, and we will continue to move forward and rescue Baijiaxing." Xia Xia said.


Just like what summer said.

With so many men outside, they were defeated in an instant. Such an enemy should be very powerful. Even if the twenty-one of them rushed out, they would probably suffer a devastating blow.

It's better to continue looking for Baijiaxing.

This is also the purpose of their entry here.


A communication talisman was released, and those Hundred Stars did as Xia Xia said.

go ahead!

that's it.

They move on.


This time, their speed was much faster, and they all understood that if they didn't speed up a little, then they would not be able to successfully save people.

"There is someone ahead." A scout expert among the hundred stars also shouted immediately.

"Three people!" Xia Tian said the exact number.


At this time, the eyes of these people looking at Xia Xia became even more different.

Their people can confirm that there is someone in front of them, that is because this person is the first person to scout in their Hundred Stars, but even this person can't be sure how many people there are.

Xia Xia actually directly stated how many people there were.

"Let's go and see!" Thirteen believed that as long as there was someone, they could know exactly what happened here, and who they provoked this time.


that's it.

They flew directly in front of the three people.

At this moment, the three people stood there, looking at Xia Xia and others with cold eyes.

In front of them, there is a blood-red line.

is painted on the ground.

"The people from the Flywheel House!!" Thirteen was also stunned when he saw the clothes of the three people.

"I have some knowledge. No one is allowed to pass through the flywheel house. This line represents the line of your life. Whoever crosses this line will die." The three said expressionlessly.

Hearing the name of Flywheel House, the expressions of those in Baixing also changed.

"Who?" Xia Xia looked at The Flywheel House is the No. 1 Demon Sect in the sixth party, and it is the same power as the Sanzhu Sect in the eighth party. They are in the sixth party and have A pivotal position, very powerful, and very terrifying, the first leader of the Three Bamboo Sect left the Flywheel House that year. " Thirteen explained.


Xia Tian took a step forward: "So, you have dealt with Baijiaxing, right!!"

"Being able to name Baijiaxing proves that you should be here to save people, but it's not that simple to save people here." The three said very casually.

The people from Baixing also took a step forward: "You are provoking Baijiaxing, are you provoking us Baixing?"

"Is an eighth-party force worthy of our provocation? If you leave honestly, our Flywheel House can spare your life, but if you don't obey, then don't blame us for being rude." Those three He looked at the people in front of him with cold eyes.

"Stop talking nonsense with them, kill the three of them, and move on." The magician shouted loudly.

this way.

He was very aggrieved, and now he finally has the chance to explode.

The three people on the opposite side actually dared to stop their team.

"Don't mess around!!" Xia Xia said hurriedly.

As soon as he heard Xia Xia's words, the Array Master became even more angry. He thought Xia Xia was targeting him. Whatever he said, Xia Xian would refute: "Xia Xia, if you are afraid, we will do it ourselves."


PS: One less, will make up tomorrow.


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