The Best All-rounder

Chapter 703: 13 Variations

"What's wrong?" Thirteen asked in confusion. In his opinion, now is the best time to completely disintegrate the opponent. If he rushes up now, he will definitely be able to defeat the opponent.


He also understands.

If Xia stopped him, then there must be their reasons.

"I felt a problem when I was on the road. Moreover, their great guardians are all here. How could the boss of the Flywheel House not be there? He will definitely withdraw to deal with us." Xia Xia said.

"Sir!" Thirteen frowned.

He understood what summer meant.

The boss of the Flywheel House must be a master at the venerable level, although Thirteen is very brave now and has defeated so many masters of the Flywheel House.

But if he confronts the Venerable head-on, he is really a lot worse.

Especially the long-established master like the boss of the Flywheel House.

"Yes, it's Venerable." Thirteen looked at Xia Xia: "Then what should we do?"


Xia Xia's hand clapped on Thirteen's body.


A scream came out of Thirteen's mouth: "It hurts, how could this happen?!!"

"Your body has already reached its limit, but the realm king Dan has been deceiving you. Your strength can be restored, but the load on your body cannot be restored. I wanted you to have more battle insights before, so I didn't stop you. , However, you should rest now, otherwise, if we really meet the Venerable, you may not be able to carry it even for a round, as long as your body is respected, it will be like a foundation without a foundation. The building collapsed in an instant like a strong wind!!" Xia Xia reminded.

Thirteen also understands.

This kind of time is not the time to be brave. Just a light touch to him in the summer just made his body so painful, which obviously has proved his current physical condition.

Now his physical condition must be very poor.


He's going to rest now.


Xia Xia walked to the wall with Thirteen.

Thirteen sat there to rest: "No, there is no way for my body to recover. Although the Realm King Dan can restore my strength, it cannot restore my body. My body cannot heal itself here."

This space, not only does not allow their strength to recover, but even their bodies cannot recover.


Summer cut his own wrist.


Blood dripped from it.

"Drink it!!" Summer said.

Although Thirteen did not understand what Xia Xia meant, he still did what Xia Xia said.

The people behind Bai Xing were all dumbfounded.

They couldn't understand what Xia Xia and Shisan were doing, but they didn't dare to come up and ask anything.

that's it.

Thirteen gulps.

But Thirteen soon found out.

In summer, the physical condition is getting worse and worse.

He also hurriedly stopped.

"No, if you go on like this, you will be finished. Your strength has never recovered, and now your physical condition has become so bad. If I drink a few more sips, I will drink you to death." Thirteen refused to drink any more. .

Thirteen did not force it.

His current physical condition is indeed getting worse and worse.

Thirteen also hurriedly sat cross-legged and recovered his body.

What surprised him was that not only was his body recovering quickly, but his entire body seemed to have undergone some special changes.


Thirteen senses.

Your body is so hot.

His entire body turned blood red.

His eyes also turned blood red.


he feels.

It was as if his body was about to explode due to excess strength.


He shredded his clothes directly.

"It seems that he has also mutated." Hong Feng said.

"The blood he drank contains my blood essence." In order to make Shisan recover better, Xia Xia also gave Shisan a drop of his blood essence. You know, even for him, the recovery speed of blood essence is very slow. , and the loss of a drop of blood will greatly reduce his overall strength.



Circles of power rippled from Thirteen's body.

The blood-red light continued to hit the surrounding stone walls.

"What's the matter?" Bai Xing looked at Thirteen in surprise.

They both thought they were well-informed people before, but they saw too much incredible in Xia Xia and Thirteen.

Thirteen physical changes now.

It also makes them feel like they have never seen it before.

"It hurts!" Thirteen let out a loud roar.



Thirteen's bones pierced through his spine.

It pierced his skin.

The bones spread little by little, constantly rising outward.

"Summer, it hurts so much." Thirteen shouted.

"Hold on." Xia Tian reminded.


Thirteen nodded vigorously.


that's it.

The grown bones start to split.


Circles of blood-red power fell on the bones.


An incredible scene appeared.

Flesh grew from the bones.

Feathers grew out of the flesh.

The blood-red Thirteen's situation has also completely stabilized.

at the same time.

His body moved, and a pair of blood-red wings appeared behind him.


Thirteen landed on the ground with a smile on his face.

"How do you feel?" Summer asked.


Thirteen's body moved and instantly disappeared in place. After a while, he also appeared in front of Xia Xia again, with an excited look on his face: "It's amazing, it's amazing."


Xia Tian nodded slightly: "It seems that your harvest is not small."

"It's so cool, summer, it's so cool." Thirteen's body kept flying, and when the wings behind him moved, he instantly disappeared in place.


His speed was once again sublimated.


Thirteen is famous for his speed and movement.


His speed has also become faster, which has improved his overall strength.

"It's so cool. It feels weird to have these pair of wings growing behind me. I don't know how to explain it if others see it in the future." Thirteen said.


When his voice fell, the wings disappeared instantly.


When Thirteen saw this scene, he was even more excited: "It's okay."

"Of course, it is already a part of your body. As long as your mind moves, it will change with you." Xia Xia reminded.


Thirteen's thoughts moved.

The blood-red wings appeared behind him again.

"Stop playing." Xia Xia threw a new set of clothes to Thirteen: "We are going to prepare for the final battle, Baijiaxing should be inside, we can't delay any more."

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