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Chapter 712: Great increase in strength

one strike!

Another blow!

"How is that possible? My power of the Law of Immortal Beasts is more than 70,000 points. With your current physical condition, how did you do it?" The Array Master looked at Xia Xia in surprise.

The two summers were very bad.

It can be said.

He also knows that there are many means in summer.

But now.

Directly kill his fairy beast twice.

Still shocked him.

Third head.

He also let his third fairy beast come forward.

at this time.

He also did not dare to let all his immortal beasts go together, because he was worried that Xia Xia would have the ability to attack in groups, and he would kill all his immortal beasts at one time. In this case, he would have no immortal beasts to attack.

And he.

I don't want to do it myself at this time.


The third fairy beast slaughtered towards Xia Xia like this.

Summer does not hold back.

that's it.

The attack of the fairy beast hit Xia Xia directly.

"Success." Thirteen's face showed excitement.

Law of the Moon.


at this time.

He suddenly found that when the attack of the fairy beast hit Xia Xia, it did not cause any damage to Xia Xia's body, and the impact was blocked by Xia Xia's body.

The law is also shattered here in the summer around the body.

The law of water.

Haven't waited for him to react.

The fairy beast began to roar in pain.


All the water elements in the fairy beast were stripped out by Xia Xia.

Pulled out directly.


Hongfeng's attack followed.

The body of the fairy beast shattered like this.

"How is that possible?" That Array Master was also completely shocked by Xia Xia's methods. From the beginning of the battle to the present, Xia Xia's methods emerged one after another, making him completely confused.


He was really dumbfounded.

Fourth head.

His fourth fairy beast was also killed immediately.

The law of the day.


at the same time.

The body of the immortal beast was immediately swallowed up by a powerful flame as soon as it rushed up.

Burnt out.


in front of summer.

Only destruction.

Thirteen looked at Xia Xia's means next to him, and at this time he finally understood that every time Xia Xia improved, for those whose power of law was under him, it was the ability to instantly wipe out and kill in seconds.


This is truly invincible under the same level.

"No, it won't be like this, go to me and kill him." The fifth fairy beast was also killed immediately.

The magician couldn't believe what he saw in front of him.

He always thought that Xia Xian and Shisan should already be half-crippled. He only needs to easily destroy Xia Xian and Xian Xian, but now, what he sees is an extremely powerful Xia Xian. .

The king's air!

The body of the immortal beast that was rushing forward froze there instantly, and then crawls on the ground.

The origin of soil.


That fairy beast just turned into a stone.

"What's going on? What the **** is going on here?" The body of the magician was also constantly retreating, and now he really doesn't know how to explain what he saw.

No matter how he comforted himself before.


He couldn't explain everything in front of him.

What happened in front of him can only be described as terrifying.

all of these.

All seem like devils.


His body began to retreat involuntarily.

"What? Now you want to run away? Don't you think it's too late?" Xia Xia looked at the magician with cold eyes.

That's right.

Now this Array Master just remembered to run away, which is really a bit late.

Tianhan sword appeared in his hand.

There is an extension of the Tianhan sword.

The power of Xia Xia's law instantly soared to about 120,000.

Tianhan Jian directly added 50%.

the strength of the whole person.

It also changed in an instant.


That Array Mage also wanted to escape for the first time.

Black gas!


in front of him.

But there was a cloud of black air.

He didn't have time to think about it, and beat his attack out.

[Tianquan, rebound! 】

In an instant, the powerful attack bounced back directly.

at the same time.

The law of the sun, moon and stars.

The law of light.

The law of water!

King's air.

The red phoenix strikes!

Summer's attack was also played at the same time.


The powerful force instantly devoured the array mage in front of him.

Because of Shasi's participation.

So that person didn't even have the chance to resist and recover.


"No, it shouldn't be like this." The Array Master was very unwilling until his death, but no matter how unwilling he was, he couldn't change this fact now.

Death is looming.


He wanted to destroy Xia Xian and Thirteen.

can last.

It was he who died.

"You shouldn't come to provoke me." Xia Xia directly absorbed his power and then destroyed it.

Thirteen glanced at Xia Xia: "It seems that your whole person's strength has changed differently."


Xia Xia nodded slightly: "This time it's a blessing in disguise. My strength has changed a lot this time."

go ahead!

The two walked forward like this.

"Actually, where we are now is an ancient immortal mansion. If we can continue to investigate, maybe there will be more benefits." Thirteen reminded.

"We have already obtained enough, and we can't keep asking for it. This ancient immortal mansion is extremely mysterious, and it is full of death. I have a feeling that if we continue to investigate, we may become the second thousand jade dragon house. ." Xia Xia shook his head: "Sometimes, we have to do what we can, and the two of us are in such a bad situation now. If you are really interested in this place, come back next time!"

"Alright." Thirteen nodded slightly.

His current physical condition is also very bad. If he hadn't drank Xia Xia's blood, his body would have collapsed long ago.


The continuous battle like this also made his situation very bad.

"I don't know what's going on outside recently." Thirteen said with emotion.

"I don't know, but I am afraid that there are new people who will take over the mission of the guards, and I also said that if we kill the magic star, there will be some trouble." Xia Xia said.

"Yeah, there have been a lot of troubles recently, and I have to think about the troubles we will find after the restoration of Qianyu Dragon House." Thirteen shook his head helplessly.

After being with Xia, the trouble seemed to keep coming.

But fortunately.

His strength has also increased faster.

that's it.

The two walked out all the way.

In Moon Lake City.

Thirteen also glanced at the information in his hand: "Sure enough, you are right, the revenge of the magic star is coming."

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