The Best All-rounder

Chapter 174: It's not the 13 it used to be

If it is the previous summer and thirteen, then these four people will definitely not have any taboos, but now the summer and the thirteen are completely different, the two of them have created too many deeds and fame.

Although most of them are in the eighth party's reputation, these old guys like to inquire about these news when they have nothing to do.

Those under the sixth and seventh parties may not know about these two people.

But they must have heard some.

Especially they have to deal with Summer and Thirteen.

It's impossible not to inquire about Xia Xia and Thirteen at all.

"The four of you will watch first, and do it according to the situation." The old star master of the magic star has also clearly seen the scruples of these four people. He did not embarrass them, but gave them a chance to consider.

Let the four prepare to see the situation first.

If you can do it, do it again.

This way there won't be any problems.

"How to fight?" Thirteen glanced at Xia Xia.


Xia Xia's body moved and disappeared directly in place. He killed the five hundred people.

Thirteen's eyes were on the old star master of the magic star. He understood that Xia Xia wanted to hand over the old star master of the magic star to him. Of course, this was not because Xia Xia was afraid of the old star master.

Instead, I hope that Thirteen can defeat this old star master head-on.

In this case, Thirteen can be considered to have completed a feat in his heart, and his cultivation will become much easier in the future.

Thirteen has never been recognized by his master in his life.

The old star master of Demon Star is obviously the same kind of person as his master.

beat such a person.


There will be no more ups and downs in your life.

"When I entered the quasi-venerable master, the inner demon was the master. When I want to break through the venerable master, the inner demon must also be the master. As long as I defeat him, the inner demon in my life will cease to exist." Thirteen's body moved.

Haotian Mirror!

He took the lead in killing the old star master of the magic star.

The huge lethality also hit the old star master of the magic star for the first time.


The old star master of Demon Star wanted to resist Thirteen's attack head-on, but his body was instantly knocked out by the Clear Sky Mirror.

He knew Thirteen very well before.

Thirteen and his eldest apprentice are comparable in strength.


It was very easy for him to block Thirteen's attack, but now, he didn't even block Thirteen's blow.

"How is that possible?" The old star master of the magic star was stunned, and then his face changed: "No, you have entered the third change, but even if it is the third change, your attack power can't be so strong. "

The old star master of Demon Star now feels that his arm is numb. If it wasn't for his rich experience over the years, the attack just now would have seriously injured him directly.

A person of his level, normally speaking, even encounters a master at the venerable level.

He wouldn't be so embarrassed.

"I'm no longer the thirteen I used to be."

Thirteen looked at the old demon star in front of him. He knew very well what kind of thoughts these older generation masters had in their hearts. In their hearts, people like Thirteen were the kind of people who could never break through in their entire lives. The third change is even more unable to break through to the level of the Venerable.

this kind of thinking.

It has long been ingrained.

Thirteen this time is to show him what he has become now.

"In my eyes, you will always be the little Thirteen who can only cry." The old star master of the magic star also instantly launched his own attack, and then directly hit Thirteen.

Haotian Mirror.

Thirteen also instantly refracted the attack of the old star master of the magic star.

to his own team.


The huge attack smashed into his team.


at this time.

The people in that team, who had just been frozen by Xia Xia, suffered such an attack, which made everyone on the scene stunned.

It can be said.

Summer has been in control of everything on the scene.

The moment he saw that Thirteen had refracted the attack, he also instantly used the aura of the emperor and frozen it. Although these people were frozen in a large area, he could not be frozen for too long.

But the attack also fell at the same time.

Directly killed hundreds of people.

"What?" The old star master of Demon Star was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that things would turn out like this: "You guys, kill Xia Xia first."

He let those few people with the power of the law breaking 100,000 points all go to deal with Xia Xia.

He also felt the extraordinaryness of summer.

Thirteen did not intend to help Xia Xia.

He is very clear about Xia Xia's strength. With this person, he really can't hurt Xia Xia.

Right now he.

As long as you defeat the old star master of the magic star in front of you, you can break the biggest nightmare in your heart.

"It seems that you trust him very much." The old master of the magic star looked at Thirteen coldly.

"Actually, when you shot both of us, everything was doomed, you can't be our opponent, but I want to beat you with my own hands now, and tell me about my past Goodbye, I also want to let my master understand that I Thirteen did not disappoint him." Thirteen's voice disappeared and disappeared instantly.

Dark night!


When Thirteen reappeared, he was already in front of the old star master of the magic star.

at the same time.

Haotian Jing shot accurately.


It is impossible for anyone to react to such a close attack.

"Why so fast!!" The old star master of Demon Star didn't expect that Thirteen's speed could be so fast. Although he knew that Ghost Star's personal skills were very superb, Thirteen's speed was a bit too sky-high. .


He lived many years.

People like him.

Combat experience is very rich.

In his entire life, the rest of his combat experience is this.


At the same level, he does not think that he will lose to anyone, even if he already knows that Thirteen is the third person, he does not think that he will lose.

But now.

The speed shown by Thirteen also shocked him.


The body of the old star master of the magic star was shattered like this.

"As expected of the old star master, it's really not that easy to get you easily." Thirteen's face showed an excited look.

"Thirteen, it's just the beginning. You don't really think that you have the possibility to defeat me, do you? Even if you are already the third person, you still can't defeat me." The four people watching the play will soon take action. As long as he has the upper hand, those four people will come up together and help him kill Thirteen.

"I don't want to waste time." Thirteen's body moved.

A pair of blood-red wings appeared behind him.

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