The Best All-rounder

Chapter 176: The absolute strength of summer


Those eight people are all disciples of the old magic star, but they are not core disciples. They are all very talented and powerful. They have followed the old magic star for many years and have rich combat experience.

Just now they couldn't do anything about Summer, that's because they wanted to protect their people from being hurt by Summer.

Just kept being led by the nose.

but now.

Those subordinates are all dead.

They are now without any restraints.


Among the people who just died, there are their sons, their grandsons, their disciples and so on.

It can be said.

Those people are the people closest to them.

These people were beheaded by Xia Xia, and now they all have angry expressions on their faces.

They want to destroy summer.

I want to avenge my own people.

"Xia Tian, ​​you must die today!!" After the voices of the eight people fell, they rushed directly to Xia Xia, and the eight of them rushed over from eight different directions.

I want to surround summer.

Then take turns to attack the summer.

Others can also make sneak attacks at any time.

In this case, no matter what kind of ability Xia Tian has, in the end, he will be attacked because of distraction.

Or be consumed to death by them.

A person whose power of the eight laws has exceeded 100,000 points.

Even a quasi-venerable person would not dare to fight head-on.


Xia Xia's body turned into a mass of black energy and disappeared directly in place. At the same time, his body began to run back quickly.

As long as he's not a fool.

They wouldn't go head-to-head to fight against someone whose power of the Eight Laws has exceeded 100,000 points.

Before the two of them dealt with the people in the Flywheel House together, although the number of masters was more, at that time, those people had already consumed a lot, and they were not even in the state of 70%. After thirteen times of consumption, they They only ran away, and when they ran away, they would only start after seeing two or three people chasing after them.

Even the cooperation of the two of them can only deal with two or three people who consume a lot of money together.

How could it be possible for the summer to confront the masters of the power of the eight laws head-on at one time?

Although his strength has greatly increased this time, he still doesn't want to do things that can be one-to-eight.

"It's not that easy to run." The eight people chased in the direction of Xia Tian.


Thirteen's side also quickly knocked the old master of the magic star into the air, and at the same time his body kept flickering: "It's useless, my speed is already faster than your instinct, even if your instinct is very strong, you Your reaction speed is very fast, you have a lot of experience, and you are still not my opponent."


A mouthful of blood spurted out from the mouth of the old demon star, and at this time he also looked at Thirteen with a grim look: "Really? Do you think I will die first, or Xia Xia will die first, as long as they kill Xia Xia, then they will die first. Will come back, can you deal with nine of us alone? Besides, it doesn't have to be nine."

His meaning was simple.

Once he has the advantage, the four people next to him will immediately start.

These four people now have too many scruples and dare not do anything casually, but if they have the opportunity, they will definitely do it.

"You still don't understand!" Thirteen shook his head.

"Understand what?" asked the old star master of the magic star.

"Do you think those eight people can still come back alive?" Thirteen looked at the old magic star with disdain: "I can have the ability now, all rely on Xia Xia's help, I used to think that I was you. The little thirteen in my eyes, especially when my master said that my potential has reached the limit. If there is no opportunity, I will not be able to break through the third change in my life. I also accept my fate. You think the same way, but when I met Xia Xia After that, I realized that in this world, anyone's destiny is in their own hands, not someone else's words can be finalized."


A mass of power was injected into the Haotian Mirror: "Also, do you really think I can't kill you quickly?"


Thirteen did not quickly kill the old demon star master, and there was only one reason, that is, he was waiting for Xia Xia to come over, and let Xia Xia come to kill the old demon star master himself. In this way, they could condense the realm king pill again.

Although he also has quite a few realm king pills on him.

But who would worry that there are so many things like the King of the Realm?


The eight people who are chasing the summer.

One of them was the fastest, when he thought he was going to kill Xia Xia.

Summer instantly appeared in front of him.

The power of various laws is vertical and horizontal. His current power of law is 80,000 points, plus the bonus of Tianhan Sword, which is equivalent to 120,000 points of law power. Now his law power is not these people rely on. It can be shattered by instinct.

Plus a blow from the red phoenix.

and the slowness of the Tianhan Sword.

This person didn't even have a chance to resist.

Just like this, he was beheaded by Xia Xia.

"Kill him!!" The people around saw that their own people were recruited, and they rushed over immediately.

very fast.


Summer also disappeared at the same time.


They didn't care about the dead person, but continued to chase.

But soon.

The same scene happened again.

The second person asked Summer to do it the same way.

"No, we've got a trick. He can quickly attack a person. From now on, we will be divided into two groups of six, and we must not be separated, otherwise we will give him a chance to defeat them one by ~Although they were also very surprised by the direction of this battle, now is not the time to talk about it.

from their perspective.

As long as they seize Xia and don't give Xia a chance to escape, then they can easily kill Xia here.

"Be smart." Xia Xia continued to fly kites with them, and when fighting them, he also instantly killed one of them.

The same method hit that person.


This time there are two enemies.

The other person's reaction speed was very fast, and he instantly smashed his attack power directly to Xia Xia, but in the same way, his speed was also slowed down a lot, and it was too late to rescue his teammates.


That person just watched his teammate be beheaded by Xia Xia.


at the same time.

His attack hit Xia Xia.


Countless thin lines appeared on Xia Xia's body at this time, and these thin lines completely blocked that person's attack.

"This is, Thousand Silk Beast!!" The man responded.

"That's right, but now I know it's too late." Xia Xia also took the opportunity to kill him.

at this time.

The other four had also caught up. When they saw this scene, they were all very surprised. Originally, they thought that a team of two could kill Xia Xia, but now they realize that they are too naive.

"The positions should be reversed now, it's my turn to chase you!" The corner of Xia Tian's mouth raised slightly.

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