The Best All-rounder

Chapter 797: Vanilla

"There is such a way!"

Summer was stunned.

"I didn't expect to encounter things like celestial vanilla. Normally, there should be no celestial vanilla in this place. If celestial vanilla is used for alchemy, the effect is very good." Di Bo explained.


Summer also sensed the power of the powerful fire law emanating from the sky herb.

"By the way, the last time Tian Vanilla appeared, the auction price had already reached one billion Immortal Crystals!!" Di Bo said.

"What?" When he heard this, Xia Tian was also taken aback: "You spent a billion immortal crystals all at once?"


Even though it usually costs a lot of immortal crystals in summer.

But his fairy crystals are all used at critical times.

But now.

Debord actually used it casually.

That's one billion immortal crystals.

A normal force cannot earn so many immortal crystals in a lifetime.

"It's worth it if you can draw the firefly out." Di Bo said.

"But we should keep it first and release it when we can almost find Yinghuo. Wouldn't that be better? We have just entered the fire zone, and the chance of Yinghuo being here is very low. It's too wasteful to use it like this." Xia Xia was very speechless.

He had a hard time.


He cherishes these immortal crystals very much. He is very generous to his brothers and friends, but when he spends immortal crystals, he still spends them in the right place.

"Then how do you justify where the firefly is likely to be?" asked the uncle.


Xia Tian was stunned, he really couldn't tell the difference.

Where is the firefly, they have no clue at all.

"Yeah, you don't know, and I don't know either, so the probability of Yinghuo being anywhere is the same, maybe he's in Huoliexing." Deboree's work is really unusual.

He is also unusual.

Summer won't say anything.

at this time.

He was already able to sense something coming from around him.

A fairy beast came first.

"Control him, don't let him take away the herb, otherwise the power radiated by the herb will disappear." De Bo reminded.


In summer, the toes are a little on the ground.

The body of the fire-type fairy beast was instantly frozen there.


"Amazing, this fire-type immortal beast has at least 30,000 points of the power of the law, and you can freeze him so easily." The uncle praised.

"Forgot to ask you, have you recovered to the realm of a quasi-venerable person now? When you were killed by Qu Xi, the power of the law should have been 150,000, right?" Xia Xia asked.

"Not yet, I just got a new life not long ago, the power of the law is only 80,000 points, but it won't take long before I can recover to the realm of a quasi-venerable person," said the uncle.

at the same time!

Dozens of fire-type fairy beasts and monsters rushed over.

There are also some bugs and special creatures on the ground that want to get close.



As soon as they approached here, they were directly frozen.

"It's really against the sky. If it's ordinary ice, it's really very difficult to freeze these fire-type guys, but mine is the law of the sun, and their high temperature is useless to my ice." The power of the law in the summer is 80,000 points, and it is still very easy to freeze these little things.

that's it.

There are more and more monsters of the Law of Fire rushing around.

"If you can turn the law of the sun into the source of the sun, then you can walk sideways at the level of the Venerable. In Shenzhou, no one dares to look for you casually." Di Bo said with emotion.

"This is too difficult, and the road to cultivation has become more difficult now." Xia Xia said with emotion.

"Yeah, the stronger the law, the more difficult it is to cultivate. I once met a person who practiced the law of the sun. He has cultivated the power of the law to 99,000 points. It is only a thousand points away, and he can He has obtained a lifespan of one million years, but unfortunately, he still failed to pass that level. He went to many people and searched for countless genius treasures, but unfortunately all failed. Maybe, this is the choice of God, then It is also the person I have seen who has cultivated the Law of the Sun to the highest level." De Bo reminded.

He also wanted to tell Xia.

The power of this law is powerful.

But you have to be careful.


The number of immortal beasts and monsters rushing around has also increased to tens of thousands.

"There are so many fire-type things hidden here. The two of us walked around for a day and didn't see anything." Xia Xia said with emotion.

"Huo Lie Xing is an entrance star. Although it is very dangerous here, I don't know how many people have visited it. Although everyone knows that there will be no good things here at the entrance star, there are still many firsts. The people who came the next time wanted to try it out. The fairy beasts and monsters here have also learned to be smart. They all understand that if they are discovered by humans, there may be friction, and they may even be considered to have treasures nearby, so they usually It's all very good to hide, but the charm of Tian Vanilla is too great, they can't bear it." Immortal Emperor Dibo explained.


Xia Tian saw that there were more and more immortal beasts and monsters being frozen around, so he was not in a hurry.

"There's a big guy here, can't bear it." The uncle asked.

"no problem."

Summer's eyes are also looking into the distance.

"We're just trying to attract Firefly this time, try not to kill him." Di Bo still had the same attitude. If he could, he would try not to kill him.

"Okay!!" Xia Xia had already seen the fairy beast flying over from a distance.

It is a with a length of several hundred thousand zhang, and with a movement of its body, it covers everything around it.

He is very fast.

In this way, he flew to the position of Amana.



When he charged, the ice instantly covered his whole body, but his speed was too fast for the ice to freeze it all.

"Be careful, his law power is at least 100,000 points or more." Deborah reminded.


The Tianhan Sword appeared in his hand.

The power of the law was instantly boosted.

Now the power of the law in summer is equivalent to about 120,000 points.

"His charge speed is too fast. Under such circumstances, it is impossible to freeze him directly." Hongfeng analyzed.


If you want to freeze a powerful immortal beast charging, you must completely crush the opponent in terms of strength, but in the current summer, even with the Tianhan sword, you can't completely crush the opponent.

In addition, his ice block just now has already shocked the snake.

Now that fairy beast is also completely releasing its law power to resist the attack that Xia is about to hit.

Silk thread.

at this time.

Countless silk threads rose into the sky.


The powerful immortal beast that was charging was forcibly blocked by silk threads.


The huge impact hit Xia Si's body, but it did not cause any damage to the silk thread.

"Thousands of Silk Beasts!!" The uncle looked at Xia Si in surprise.

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