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Chapter 801: Battle of the Night


When he heard this word, Xia Xia was also stunned. In his impression, the venerable was the top existence in China. Any sage is a symbol of invincibility in China, and each and every one of them is very honorable. .

stand there.

Don't be angry.


But now, what Xia Xia saw was a sneaky, very wretched existence.

"Everyone's pursuit is different, and not all the venerables pursue more benefits." The uncle walked over: "Senior Tianshu."

"You are..." The other party was stunned.


"Xiao Ye, have you been reincarnated again?" Tianshu looked up and down at Uncle Di.

"Yeah, senior, how are you doing recently?" asked the uncle.

"You don't know me yet, who can hurt me? I won't give them a chance to hurt me." Tianshu smiled.

"This is summer."

"Summer? You are the kid who has been ups and downs recently." Tianshu looked at Xia Tian.

"Senior Tianshu." Xia Xia cupped her hands.

"Forget it, you kid is a troublesome guy. What I hate the most is trouble." Tianshu glanced at the uncle: "Xiaoye, I'll go first, if there is a chance to find me."

"Okay, Senior Tianshu." The uncle watched Tianshu leave.

"This person is so strange. He is obviously a Venerable, but he seems to be very afraid." Xia Xia could feel that the Tianshu seemed to be against him.

"He wasn't like this back then. Back then, he was a real top powerhouse, a master of a big power, and a very domineering person, but he participated in the Battle of Heaven and Night. After that battle, he That's how it became." Deborah explained.

Battle of the Night.

Uncle Dee has already said a little about this before.

It was a great battle that happened after his father almost destroyed the Celestial Clan.

The war involved a lot.

And the biggest disaster.

But he didn't say anything specific.

"Actually, I didn't know much about the specific situation at that time. All I can say is that Tianshu used to have millions of people in his subordinates and his family. Now, he is the only one." Deborah said.



All dead.

None of Tianshu's subordinates and family members were left.

It was precisely because of that battle that he became the character he is now.

Afraid of trouble.


I don't want to be involved in the battle.

"It's very miserable." Xia Xia said.

"If it wasn't for the appearance of the divine guard, he would also have died. That battle established the irreplaceable position of the Celestial Clan in the Divine State, and it also made all the venerables understand that the power of the world is not worth it in front of the Celestial Clan people. By the way, if you use the cultivation methods handed down from the Celestial Clan people to deal with the Celestial Clan people, although it cannot be said that there is no chance, it will definitely be suppressed." The landowner said regretfully.

After Tianshu went through that kind of thing, he thought that it would be good to be alive, at least he was still alive.

"He wasn't the only force back then!!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

"Of course, in that battle, there were at least hundreds of people like Tianshu, and there were countless more powerful people. In fact, this battle was provoked by your father." The uncle took a look. summer.


He was also able to tell the scale.

At least several hundred Venerables participated in the battle.

"It's my father again." Xia Tian could imagine that life was ruined.

Then his father was really a sinner.

"In that battle, the number of Venerables who survived was also very few. At that time, the number of Venerables had reached its peak. Unfortunately, too many died in the end. In that battle, it seems that the number of Venerables who survived was less than ten. Personally, the total number of people involved in the battle is as high as tens of billions, and the deaths are countless. Of course, some of them were also used by the Celestials. That battle was arranged by the Celestials, and your father was used as an introduction. If there is no your father If we do, this friction will also break out, but it will be later." Di Bo explained.


Xia Xian felt terrified just hearing the numbers.


He also understood that the uncle was telling him that although the war was because of Tianlong, the battle would have happened even without Tianlong.

Because there are too many masters in Shenzhou, their power has reached the peak, so they began to covet the status of the Celestials and want to challenge the authority of the Celestials, and the Celestials are also worried about the occurrence of this day, so they designed this battle.

The final result was that the Celestials won perfectly.

"It seems that my father has really experienced a lot." Xia Xia said.

"If your father has been valued by the Celestials since he was a child, then nothing will happen. Your father should have become one of the representatives of the Celestials by now. Unfortunately, they still underestimate your father's potential, and even more so. I underestimated the destructive power of your father. Let me put it this way. What your father did back then almost destroyed the entire Celestial Clan. Although he failed in the end, at least hundreds of Celestial Clan masters died. Tens of thousands of people from the Celestial Clan have died. This is the heaviest loss since the founding of the Celestial Clan. Including the Battle of Heaven and Night, the casualties of the Celestial Clan people were less than one-tenth of what your father destroyed~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Every time Debo talks about Tianlong, he has a different attitude.

If he had to use one word to describe Tianlong, it would be a hero.

Almost disturbed the entire Shenzhou.

"My father really seems to have done a lot of selfish things." Xia Xia said with emotion.

"No, your father is a person who lives out his own self. Whatever he does, he only depends on his own heart. If he doesn't like it, he will do it. If he wants to do it, he will do it. He doesn't have to worry about the consequences of everything. Unlike us, we have to be careful in everything we do." When the uncle said this, he also admired Tianlong very much.

This is what Tianlong is envied by them.

"At that time, do you know what my father did?" Xia Xia looked at Uncle Di and asked.


at this time.

A huge explosion sounded from a distance.

The eyes of the three of them also looked there.

at the same time.

The three of them disappeared in place.

When they appeared again, they had already come to the periphery of the explosion.

"It's Ben Leihu who is doing it." Xia Xia is still very clear about Ben Leihu's ability. Although he has only come to the periphery, he has already seen it clearly. This is what Ben Leihu is good at.

"The war started so early. It seems that they have made a lot of trouble this time." The uncle frowned.

"Yeah, the war started earlier than I thought." Xia Xia nodded slightly.


A communication talisman fell into Xia Xia's hands.

"It's Quxi who is here, see you?" Xia Xia asked.

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