The Best All-rounder

Chapter 808: Star monument

"The Xing family is really that terrifying?" Xia Xia was stunned after hearing Thirteen's introduction.

"Yes, although I don't have the most accurate information, the Xing Family is definitely not as simple as you see it. If it wasn't for Baichuan, the Xing Family should have developed better now. Of course, that battle, although It damaged the morale of the Xing family, but it also made the people of the Xing family work hard, and every member of the Xing family would rather die than take a step back when fighting. The core cohesion of the family is very strong, but in the eighth party, the Xing family is definitely the most cohesive force." Thirteen explained.

"Yeah, when I dealt with the people of the Xing family, they were kicked out of the Xing family, but their only dream is to return to the Xing family, even if they can't do it themselves, they also hope that their children and grandchildren can return After arriving at the Xing's house, I will die for the Xing's family." Di Bo explained.

"I heard that there is no ghost in the Xing family. There are many forces that want to let their own people infiltrate the Xing family, but they all failed, and the Xing family will definitely not recruit foreign experts, and some people want to control the Xing family themselves. The people of the Xing family are used by them, but no matter what kind of effort and price they pay, they all fail in the end. The people of the Xing family, their loyalty to the Xing family is not based on profit, nor by rewards, nor by coercion and inducement, they rely on It is true belief, if you have to talk about rewards, it is the star monument." Thirteen said.

"Star monument, what is that?" Xia Tian asked.

"It is the dream place of the Star Clan people, and it is also their belief. The first generation of the Xing family's patriarch left twelve names on it, a Xing family's patriarch, the ten elders and a Xing family hero; the second generation of the Xing family The head of the family left six names on it, one head of the Xing family, and five elders; the third generation head of the family left the names of the ten elders on it, and did not leave his own name, because he lost to Baichuan , so he felt that he was the sinner of the Xing family. The current Xingwangmu is the fourth generation of the family head. He left the names of the two great guardians on it. After this battle, if he succeeds, he will put himself The name of the star is recorded on the star tablet, the star family, only the head of the star family is qualified to put the name of the family on it, but the family head of each generation is the most impartial and selfless, they will never be because of others. If you have a high status, you will leave the other party's name on it."

Thirteen explained patiently.

Star home.

It can be said.

over the years.

It's a legend.

"It seems that everyone in the Xing family hates Baichuan very much. Because of Baichuan, their third-generation patriarch didn't even go to the Star Monument." Xia Xia said with emotion.

"No, you're really wrong about this, the people of the Xing family don't hate Baichuan, but regard Baichuan as their dream, the dream they strive for, each of them hopes that they can challenge Baichuan in their lifetime. The qualifications, the war is a hundred rivers." Thirteen explained.

"As a whole, the people of the Xing family are really good. They are all people with dreams." Xia Xia has a good impression on the people of the Xing family. If it is not for the common goal this time, he is really I don't want to be an enemy of such a force.

"Yeah, unfortunately, Xingwangmu's steps are too big this time, and he wants to prove himself too much." Thirteen shook his head.

he thinks.

Xingwangmu is doomed to fail this time.

"It's not until the end, no one can say what the result will be." Xia Xia believes that now no one can predict who will have the last laugh.

"The Xingwangmu that has been investigated now has gathered 600,000 to 700,000 people, which is very powerful, but the Three Bamboo Sect has gathered more than seven million people this time, which is almost all of the strongest combat power of the Three Bamboo Sect. , and the Three Bamboo Sect has quietly managed all the subordinate forces recently, those subordinate forces wanted to protect themselves and wanted to watch the show, but now, those who are disobedient have been killed." Thirteen said with emotion.

"There are more than seven million people. The number sounds very terrifying, but when they are fighting, everyone understands that only people with more than 50,000 points of law power are the core combat power." Xia Xia said.

these people.

during the battle.

There will be the ability to break the law around the body.


People with less than 50,000 points of the power of the law will do little harm to them, unless they are attacked by a large number of people.

"That's right, when fighting, those with more than 50,000 points of the power of the law are the real core strength, but you forgot about the scattered cultivators. How many scattered cultivators are there? How many scattered forces are there? It adds up to billions of people. , On the surface, these people are scattered sand, unable to compete with the top forces, but once the treasure comes out, these people will also become the most terrifying enemies, so when the time comes, the accident will be here." Debo explained road.


When the scattered cultivator is in peacetime, it is not a climate.

But when they become trouble, it's the real trouble.

"Yes!" Xia Xia nodded: "Now that everyone is here, it seems that the first battle is about to start."

"The Xing Family occupied the first and fourth entrances, and the Three Bamboo Sect occupied the second and third entrances. From now on, those who enter through these entrances must pass their consent. The managers here before, They have already killed them, but they don't dare to keep all the loose cultivators out, otherwise, once the loose cultivators, it will be extremely terrifying." Thirteen has recently investigated little news.

Scatter repair.

Although they just take it out, they can kill it with a breath.

But when so many people add up, it becomes a very scary thing.

"Let's go, Shenwei is too honest, we need to add some material to Shenwei's team." A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.


at the same time.

A piece of news spread in the star family.

"What? Xingli's name can be listed on the star monument!!!"

This news is a blockbuster. It can be said that if you give them 100 billion fairy crystals, they will not be so excited.


They all see hope now.

I also saw the attitude of the owner.


They all want to make a difference.


Xing Li knelt on the ground: "Thank you, Patriarch."

His eyes looked into the distance: "Father, I did it, I really did it, I fulfilled the dream you never even dared to dream of in your life, my name can be engraved on the star tablet."

at this time.

All of Xingli's subordinates looked at Xingli with admiration.

That is a star monument! !

"All the brothers obey the orders, and all the wealth of my Xingli will be rewarded to the brothers who participated in the war. Let's celebrate together. This honor does not belong to me, but belongs to each of you. We must make persistent efforts to serve the family. People win glory, let the family be proud of us." Xingli shouted loudly.

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