The Best All-rounder

Chapter 811: The star power of scenery


Xianlong's voice was full of despair. At this time, he was really desperate.

He didn't even dream about it.

In the end, he actually saw the Emperor Grade Thousand Silk Beast.

His self-destruction.

She was enveloped by Xia Si in this way, and she didn't show it at all.

The others were all looking at Xia Si very seriously.

They also want to see.

Whether Shasi could block this blow.

For a long time.

The attack inside disappeared.

Xia Si returned to Xia Tian's side: "No problem."

The surrounding people all looked at Xia Si with admiration. When they introduced themselves, several of them said their defenses, while Xia Si only talked about defense. Now it seems that their defense is in Xia Si's. In front of it, it really doesn't seem to matter.

"Is it expensive?" Xia Tian asked.

"It's okay, but you can't hold it twice at the same time. After holding up an attack like this, you need to slow down a bit before you can hold back a second attack like this," Shas said.


Everyone around was dumbfounded.

It was actually able to withstand the second time.

From their point of view, being able to withstand such an attack is already very heaven-defying.

Xia Si was able to withstand this second time, which made them feel very strong.

"Okay, this time the play is not good, you have to cooperate with me." This immortal dragon will explode, and the guardian of this ability should also know that if he is beheaded casually, it is still not there. In the case of self-destruction.

The guard will definitely be suspicious.


Summer must create a scene of self-destruction.

And this time.

The Xing family must lose some people.

that's it.

They came to the agreed place.

Shenwu has already attracted Xingli and his people.

The fairy dragon forged by Xia Xia also appeared there for the first time. At the same time, he tore off his clothes to reveal the tattoos on his body, but these tattoos were all forged by himself.

"Captain, he's going to blow himself up!!"

"Stop him!!" Xing Li looked at the credit that was coming soon, how could he let go.

It just so happened that he recently recruited a lot of new subordinates, and he also wanted to let these people consume the enemy who was about to explode.

"No one can kill me, I am a fairy dragon." Xia Xia finally shouted.

at the same time.

The power of self-destruction appeared.

Of course.

This is not the power of self-destruction, but an attack from several other people.

For a moment.

The terrifying power of self-exposure swallowed everything in an instant.

"Not good!!" Xing Li was also surprised when he saw such a scene.

at the same time.

His body began to retreat quickly.

"Protect the captain." The people of the Xing family were all very loyal, and they created a defensive channel on the route of Xingli's retreat.

They are resisting these attacks with their lives.


Defend layer by layer of smashing.

The body of Xingli, who was constantly retreating, was also thrown away.


A large mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

But he didn't die.

The subordinates who came behind were also the first to help him up.


The front has been destroyed.

"team leader!!!"

"Damn, it's a pity that I have so many Xing family disciples." Xing Li said angrily, this time, at least thousands of Xing family children died, although the newly recruited subordinates also died 80,000 to 90,000 people.

But he didn't care about those people at all.

What he distressed was the children of the Xing family.

"Captain, it's alright if you're fine!" the other Xing family disciples said.

"I want to apologize to Lord Xingtong!!" Xingli thought that this was all his command error, which is why this kind of thing happened.


Now he is also passing back the whole situation of the matter.

When Xingtong saw the news, he also found Xingwangmu for the first time! !

"It's beautiful, I didn't expect that Xianlong is also their person. From the description of Xingli, it can be determined that Xianlong finally used the Dragon Slayer Seal to blew himself up. He can do this to such an extent that it is already against the sky. Dragon is known as the king of perception, a quasi-exalted person with many methods." Xingwangmu praised.

"Patriarch, they seem to have attacked a lot of us recently. Many of our teams outside were attacked, and a lot of brothers died." The star said.

"Since they have to face each other sooner or later, it's okay to face them now. If they want revenge, they have to pay the price. Isn't Xingli doing very well? He has already killed the other two. How many people are there? How many can you die?" Xingwangmu waved his hand: "Let's report it, Xingli will do another miracle, kill the perception Wang Xianlong, and let everyone else learn Xingli."

"Yes!" The star said respectfully.

"Cultivate more people with star power. You can see what the other star powers are doing. There are only dead people there, and they have not yet made merits. You have made merits twice in a row." Xingwangmu reminded road.

"Patriarch, rest assured, all the captains, squadrons and squad leaders under my command are the most elite, and they will definitely make other contributions." The star line assured.

"Work hard, if your subordinates continue to behave like this, after this incident is over, I recommend you to enter the Elder's Home." Xing Wangmu said.

Elder's Home!

That is the elder.

As long as you don't make mistakes, your name will definitely be engraved on the star tablet in the future.

And it is also the usual power center of the Xing family.

Although he is only one step away, under normal circumstances, he may not have a chance in this So.

At this time, he was also in a very good mood.

After the news spread.

Everyone in the Xing family is very envious of Xingli.

Many people at the same level as Xing Li are very jealous. Similarly, they are also starting to work harder, and they also want to make a contribution, instead of watching Xing Li make a contribution there.

That Xingtong was also in a good mood, so he directly rewarded all of Xingli's subordinates.

"Xingli, your performance Patriarch is very concerned. Now that you are injured, don't be too anxious to express yourself, take a rest, wait for the rest, and then go to meritorious service. As long as you make some more contributions, I promise, I will definitely do it. Apply with the head of the family and let you become a star system, and then you will really be a glorious ancestor." Xingtong said.

"Thank you, Lord Xingtong!!" Xingli said respectfully.

"Listen to all of you, help Xingli well, I can guarantee that after this incident is over, you will all get the honor you deserve. Even for those who died in battle, I will give you twice as much as a personal pension. Jin, and their descendants, will be taken care of by me." Xingtong said loudly.

The morale of Xingli's team suddenly rose.


Xingli is really looking good now.


On the side of the guard's team, everyone's faces were very bad.

Two people died one after another, and they both died in the hands of the same person, which made them feel ashamed.

"It's decided, kill this star power first!!" Qiong Ying said coldly.

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