The Best All-rounder

Chapter 815: Invincible dome eagle

"It's no wonder that he can become a candidate for the guardian of the gods. It's just the third change of the quasi-exaltation, and he has such a terrifying strength." Di Bo also saw the horror of Qiong Ying.

"If I go head to head, I won't be able to win against him, and I might even be executed by him." Thirteen has been with Xia Xia since then.

The strength of the whole person has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The combat power has become more terrifying.

Even the venerable he fought against.

But now when he saw Qiong Ying, he was also ashamed.

Although he has heard before that Qiongying is very powerful, but now when he sees it with his own eyes, he is also ashamed. Although his attack is very powerful, once Qiongying uses this move, He would also lose his way in an instant.

As if he had become a blind man.

All abilities can only rely on instinct.

Going to fight with a master like Qiongying like this, it is impossible to win.

"His move is not invincible. The release time is too long. It takes a few minutes for him to prepare to release. If you encounter him, you can either deal with him within a few minutes, or run away directly after a few minutes. ." Summer reminded.

Since the beginning of the battle, he has been paying attention to all the movements of Qiongying.

It can be said.

This eagle's skill is indeed terrifying.

Within a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, everything was shrouded in his darkness.

at this time.

It was exactly his harvest time.

In the dark, he can kill as much as he wants.


Because of his special attack and the several group attacks he launched, the people inside were completely confused. Now the people in the Xing family and the loose cultivators they hired were completely beating their own people.

However, those real masters are also retreating regularly at this time.

As they retreated, they attacked on their own instincts.

Although they have lost their senses and vision now, their attacks still exist.

Repel the eagle that will want to sneak attack.

"They are finished," Thirteen said.

"Normally, it must be over. Although there are many people here, but now, they are all recruited, and they are walking according to the route that Qiongying has outlined for them. Although the peripheral support is coming, it should be time. It's too late, even if they buy a little more time, it's useless, because the people who come to support will continue to be sucked into this space by the attack prepared by Qiongying." Xia Xia has been analyzing the ability of Qiongying.

It can be said.

After the Qiongying's ability is used up.

The following should be invincible existences.


In his space, the stronger the perception ability, the more he will be guided by him.

"That is to say, with you here, it's not normal here, right?" asked the uncle.

"Yes, under normal circumstances, these people are sure to die, but the hag is inside. She has some friendship with me, and I will help her." Xia Xia's hands slammed on the ground.

The power of the source of the earth appeared instantly.



The ground began to shatter instantly.

that's it.

The shattered ground continued to spread to the battlefield.


This explosion directly stimulated the hag and their instincts.

All backed away.

This time.

They were going in the right direction.


The explosions kept coming.

Their bodies are also constantly retreating.

"What's going on?" Qiong Ying frowned, and he also hurriedly checked the surrounding situation.

He has seen it.

At this time, there was a change in front of him.

If these people continue to retreat like this, they will withdraw from his attack range.


Just when the eagle was about to rush up.

The hag and others have already retreated.

"Everyone backed up, this is the direction." The hag shouted loudly.

The original scene was already very chaotic.

The hag's voice appeared, and it immediately made them seem to have found their way.

All began to back off like crazy.

Fighting is like that.

Once there is a line of defense.

That Qiong Ying's method was completely useless.

"Sir, you can't chase anymore, kill the latter first, otherwise it will be in vain this time." Zhou Yu hurriedly shouted.

Qiong Ying's eyes were full of hatred, but he still turned his head.


There are many people here.

They killed these people, so it was not for nothing. He issued a military order before, three days, and now there is still a lot of time, he is not in a hurry.


Qiong Ying also started to kill here with all his strength.


The hag and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

They all retreated from the eagle's attack range.

The surrounding vision also recovered.

All of these masters have a feeling of being reborn after a catastrophe.


They had only left less than twenty people in total.

The others are still inside.

"Bitch, how did you find a way out?" Xing Li hurriedly asked.

"A little skill." The hag didn't say that Xia Xia just sent her a voice transmission.

"Then let's go back and save people!!" Xing Li said.

"Save people? Are you crazy or am I crazy?" the hag asked.

"Since you can come out, then take us in and determine the opponent's position. Although the opponent's strength is very strong, as long as the opponent's position is determined, then we can rescue the people inside." It's time for the spring breeze.

He thinks that he is the favored son of At times like this, the first thing he thinks about is how to preserve his own strength.

rather than how to protect yourself.

"Captain, calm down, we can't go back. If we go back, we will jump into the enemy's attack range. Let alone saving people, it will be difficult to even protect ourselves." A squadron leader hurriedly reminded.

"There is a hag, can't she sense the position inside?" Xing Li was also very anxious at this time.

He could imagine.

What will the person inside me become now?

"My ability is limited." The hag didn't want to go back.

If it wasn't for Xia Xia's voice transmission just now, she would be dead.

"You were hired by our master, so you have to work for us, so you have to listen to me." Xing Li said very strongly.

Under normal circumstances, even those big stars would not dare to speak to a quasi-venerable person like this.

But recently, Xing Li is at the peak of his life.

So he was very arrogant.

The hag's face was stunned for a moment: "First, I was not hired by your master, but for the Celestial people; second, I never sacrificed my life for anyone; third, without me, you would definitely die in Inside, I saved your life, don't you feel ashamed when you talk to me like this? Or, are all the people in your Xing family so uneducated?"

"You dare to insult our Xing family!!" Xing Li looked at the hag angrily.

"It's not that I am insulting your Xing Family, but you are insulting your Xing Family!!" The hag also looked at Xing Li angrily.

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