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Chapter 822: no one dares to do

The calm appearance in summer also made Fei Ling impressed.

Feiling believes that he is also an arrogant person, a person full of confidence, with eyes above the top, but when he faces someone like Feng Wen, even if he has a backer, he can't be as calm as Xia Xia.

There is no such daring as summer.

On the other side.

Since Feng Wen left, he has been in a bad mood.

over the years.

He's been making trouble all the time, to put it simply, he just wants to get his father's attention.

The more trouble he made, the more attention his father paid.

He wants to prove his existence.

But the same.

Over the years, he has also developed his arrogant and domineering character.

For so many years, he has walked sideways in all directions in Shenzhou. He has provoked everyone. In the eyes of others, those who have 100,000 points of the power of the law will be beaten whenever he says he wants, and he will scold him whenever he scolds.

Those prospective venerables will respect him when they see him.

When the city lords heard that he was coming, they all came out to greet him.

Even once he had a conflict with some venerables, and in the end the venerable apologized.


He gradually fell in love with this kind of face-saving day.

But today.

Someone actually dared to give him face, and even wanted to kill him, and he felt fear.

"Master, do you need us to do something?" a guard beside him asked.

"You two, don't leave me." Feng Wen feels insecure right now. There are too many people here. Although he is already famous, he understands that the people who really know him are those top experts.

The ordinary loose cultivators here don't know him at all.

He even mentioned his father's name.

It's no use either.

Therefore, I still need to have two masters by my side to deter those loose cultivators.

"By the way, I heard that Xingwangmu is here, right!!" Feng Wen said.

"Yes, Young Master, all the people in the Xing family here are his subordinates, and he has also recruited many subordinates." The guard reminded.

"Okay, take me directly to Xingwangmu." A smile appeared on Feng Wen's face.

He finally found a way and someone to deal with summer.


he thinks.

Not so much in summer.

Thirteen is what he is most afraid of.

Thirteen is a famous master after all, and there were two masters there just now, which is the trouble, so he plans to find Xingwangmu.

It was not the first time that Xingwangmu and him met.

Last time he was looking for a place.

Xingwangmu was present when he asked the three divine soldiers to apologize.


It is impossible for Xingwangmu to refuse him.

Thinking of this.

He was very excited.

"Xia Tian, ​​you dare to threaten me. Soon you will understand what death is and what real terror is." A smile appeared on Feng Wen's face.


He just wanted to get revenge on the summer.

He wants to let Xia Xia understand, provoke his end, and at the same time let everyone in the eighth party see it.

No matter what kind of famous person you are, in front of him.

It's nothing.


They found the team of the Xing family.

"Let's go and report, it's said that Feng Wen came to see him, Xingwangmu." Feng Wen said directly.

"Bold, who are you, you dare to say the name of our Patriarch directly." The Xing family scolded loudly.

in their eyes.

Xingwangmu is the supreme existence in their hearts.

No one can call him by his first name.

The young man in front of him now dares to call his name.


Feng Wen shot in an instant, grabbed the opponent's face directly, and tore it apart with force: "Even if Xingwangmu is here, he wouldn't dare to talk to me like that. You are a piece of trash, why?"

Originally, he was full of anger at summer.

Now there are still people who dare to provoke him.

Of course he wouldn't let it go.

"Who dares to make trouble in the Xing family's territory." The guards next to him all ran over.

"Xingwangmu, come out to me, otherwise, I will kill all your Xing family members." Feng Wen shouted loudly.

Seeing more and more people here.

Of course he didn't intend to waste it.

Search easy.

He also shouted directly.

He understands.

Although Xingwangmu couldn't hear his own voice, his aura and attitude would definitely be passed on.

In this case.

Xingwangmu will know.

When the guards came over, they didn't do anything, and they also felt that the identity of the person in front of them was not simple.

A big star quickly ran out.

"Master Feng, please come in!!" The big star said respectfully.

"I don't like these people, you can do it yourself!!" Feng Wen said coldly.

"Come here, take them down, expel them from the Xing family, and never hire them." The big star said coldly.

"What?" The guards were all dumbfounded.

None of them expected such a result.

Feng Wen nodded in satisfaction.


It's not that he didn't find someone Xia Xian. Before he came to Xing's house, he had already found dozens of people, but after hearing the name Xia Xia, all those people were diligent and gifted, but they didn't dare to deal with Xia Xia. .

He didn't come to deceive people.

But I want to deal with summer.

So he also understood.

We must find those who are strong and powerful.

That's why he came here.

Xing Wangmu also rushed out Although he is the head of the Xing family, the leader of the team has so many elites, but he does not want to provoke Feng Wen.

A Feng Wen.

Of course he didn't care.

But Feng Wen's father is Dongbatian.

"Master Feng, why are you in the mood to come to me?" Xingwangmu also said very politely.

"What else can I do? I asked you to help." Feng Wen said directly.

He came here to ask Xingwangmu to help him deal with Xia Xia, so he naturally didn't plan to talk nonsense.


"Young Master Feng, you are such an honorable person, you need me to do something, it's really frustrating me." Xingwangmu said.

"Not willing to help?" Feng Wen had a displeased look on his face when he heard Xing Wangmu's remarks.

"Young Master Feng is joking. If you have any orders, just say it directly. What else can you help with?"

Although Xingwangmu doesn't like Feng Wen very much, he doesn't dare to provoke someone like Feng Wen. This incident is an opportunity for him, and he doesn't want to make any mistakes.

If you provoke Feng Wen.

Then something really goes wrong.

"Happy, I like your character." Feng Wen said with admiration.

"Please tell." Xingwangmu also wanted to take the opportunity to make friends with Feng Wen. Although Feng Wen was nothing, Feng Wen's father was someone he wanted to make friends with.

If you can make friends with Dongbatian.

Then he can really bring the Xingjia to glory.

"Xia Xia, I want to kill Xia Xia." Feng Wen said.

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