The Best All-rounder

Chapter 827: 0-foot giant sword star Wang Tong

Fire on Mars.

The temperature here is very high, and there are volcanoes everywhere. The eruptions of volcanoes are hundreds of thousands of feet high. When normal people are on their way, they don’t like to pass by here.

After all, the time difference is about ten days at most.

Other places are much safer than here.


On Fire Mars, there are few treasures, but there are many dangers.

If you keep walking here, you will only encounter many dangers.


However, Xingwang Tong chose this place.

Xing Wangtong, who was on his way, suddenly stopped, and with a wave of his right hand, a hundred-foot giant sword appeared in his hand.

Name tool.

This is famous.


In a place like Shenzhou, even a venerable one.

Not necessarily famous.

But he, a quasi-venerable man, has a reputation.

Star home.

It was really a top power back then, so they had more opportunities, and the people of the Xing family were very competitive outside. Xing Wangtong's hundred-foot giant sword was also his own ability. fight back.

When the hundred-foot giant sword appeared, Xing Wangtong shouted, "You two, get out of here."

turn out to be.

He had already discovered the two people who had been following him.

It's just that he didn't dismantle the other party.

He deliberately walked this Fire Mars, hoping to use this place as a battlefield and get rid of the two people behind.


Two figures flew out from behind.

Extremely fierce fire and the soul of the king of time.

However, both of them were wearing masks at this time.

"Sure enough, it's a person from Shenwei." Thirteen also chose a place in the summer at this time. It was very safe. He could see the situation there. When he saw the figures of the two people, he already knew who the other was. .

"Yes, the people of Shenwei are really bold. They have killed so many people from the Xing family, and they are not satisfied. Now they are eyeing Xingwangtong." Xia Xia said with emotion.


Xingwang Tong's giant sword is directly in the air.

The surrounding formations shattered.

"You two don't need to quietly set up the formation. The purpose of your formation is to prevent me from sending out the news here. If I wanted to send the news, it would have already been sent, so there is no need to wait until now." Xing Wangtong said directly.


If he wants to communicate the situation here.

Really don't have to wait until now.

Because he had already discovered these two people.


"Xingwangtong, you are very confident." Di Huo's gaze was like a fire demon from hell, staring at Xingwangtong like this.


Who is his home court.

So he is more confident.

Of course.

The entire band of fire should be said to be his home court.

"It shouldn't be a problem to kill you two guys, so I don't need to call anyone at all. In fact, I have wanted to clean up you for a long time, but the owner has given me more important tasks, so you can live until now. , if the Patriarch had agreed with me before, the few of you would not be able to live now." Xing Wangtong became even more confident.

In his eyes, it seems that killing these two people is very easy.

It's almost like chopping melons and vegetables.

"Xingwangtong, don't be too arrogant, do you know who we are?" Time King Zhonghun also said very upset.

Both of them are also top talents.

Their talents are even more powerful.


Only they bully others, when can others be so mad to them.

"Although I don't know what the true identities of the two of you are, I don't need to say that you know that you are the subordinates of the Shenwei, right, but what if you are the subordinates of the Shenwei? If you provoke me, you are destined to die in mine. In the hand." Xing Wang Tong said without any shyness.


In his eyes.

These two are already dead.


Of course it's nothing to say this to two dead people.

"I'm not ashamed, today I'm going to show you how good we are." The extremely fierce Fire Earth Fire also launched his own attack in an instant. This is his home court.


it's here.

It is very normal for him to make any violent attacks.


For a moment.

The monstrous flames shot directly to the star king Tong in front of him.

"Small trick!" Xing Wang Tong's attack was also hit in an instant.

The hundred-foot giant sword in his hand.

Open mountains and split rivers.

Endless power.


Earth Fire's attack was directly shattered by Hitomi Xingwang.


"It's amazing!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

"Di Huo and Zhong Hun are both the second-ranked people. Both of them are extremely talented geniuses. They are powerful, have many means, and have a lot of treasures on their bodies, but in the same way, Xingwangtong is the third-ranked person. And his law power should not be lower than mine, plus Tian is a sword cultivator, with a strong attack power, and the bonus of the famous weapon in his hand, with one enemy two, although he can't easily win, but at least not Lose." Thirteen analyzed.

Of course.

What he was analyzing was the change in the situation at the scene.

is an overall analysis.

Not the details.

The real battle does not depend on analysis.

During the battle, there are too many things to see.

" But these three people are really good-looking when they fight. They are all top-notch existences." Xia Xia is also excited, although he has also played against many masters recently. .

But he himself has to admit that these people are the top existences.


The strength is also incomparably strong.

Even him.

When facing these people, I could only run away temporarily.

But if he is with Thirteen, the two-on-one situation, Xia, is not a problem for anyone.

"Yeah, this level of battle is already the most exciting battle below the venerable. Of course, we can't understand the battle at the venerable level, so after watching this kind of battle, it's a question for people like me. Say, there are a lot of insights." Thirteen also looked very carefully, and didn't want to miss any details, such a battle is really exciting.

And summer.

He is looking for the last person, and he wants to determine the identity of that person first.

Then consider other things.

However, he has been observing this kind of battle.

Distraction is not difficult for him.

"Xingwangtong, don't underestimate me." Di Huo's hands clasped.


The surrounding volcanoes all erupted in an instant.

Countless magma hit the ground fire like this.

"I said why are you so confident, it turns out that this is your home court, but even if it is your home court, what can you do, do you think you are my opponent like this?" Xing Wangtong said with great disdain.

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