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Chapter 1050: catastrophe

After Xia Xia got the information about the sword, he knew that he was in trouble.

"I actually came up with such a heaven-defying thing." Xia Xia knew that he was in trouble, but he was also proud of himself. He never dreamed that he would be able to practice such a thing.

He didn't even dare to say this thing, because this kind of thing should not exist in this world.

Once he says it, there will even be a punishment that day, and the entire Kyoto may suffer at that time, so Xia Tian dare not say it, but at this time this thing is not allowed to appear in this world.

The dark clouds in the sky are getting thicker and thicker.


A flash of lightning struck.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of Xia Xian's mouth, and a burnt smell came from his body. Just now, the lightning struck Xia Xia's body just right, and Xia Xian fell to the ground.

The first flash of lightning, the summer did not survive.

"God, **** Nima, you should chop swords, why do you chop me." Xia Xia knew just now that there would be a catastrophe, these are the information that appeared in his mind just now, but that The message is that only those who are truly against the sky will be punished by the sky.

It is the sword that defies the sky, but it dares to hack itself without the tribulation of heaven.

"***, you are crooked." Xia Xian scolded, just at this moment the second lightning struck down, the second lightning was ten times the power of the first lightning, Xia Xia saw the lightning with the thickness of the bucket directly Fall from the sky.

The target is still him.

"MD, this time is dead." Xia Xia had already closed his eyes, he knew that he would never be able to escape this lightning bolt, and with the power of this lightning bolt, he could split himself into scum in an instant.

Death has come.

If it wasn't for his inner strength to protect his body just now, and he had eaten the flesh of the Tianchi Water Monster, if his body had been strengthened, he would have died. Now, although he is not dead, he was seriously injured.

This second time, he absolutely can't escape.


Lightning has struck, with devastating power on the lightning.

Heavenly robbery will only come on things that defy the sky. Xia Tian always thought that the thing that defied the sky was that weapon, that sword, but he didn't expect that the thing that defied the sky was him, and the person to be punished by the robbery was also right. It's him.

How can man compete with the sky.


Just when the lightning was about to hit the summer, a powerful force directly knocked the heavenly robbery, and the incomparably powerful force on the heavenly robbery disappeared instantly without a trace, as if it had never appeared.


It's a sword!

Xia Xia's clairvoyant opened, and he discovered that it was the sword that saved his life, and the powerful force of calamity just now was hit by the sword.


I haven't waited for the summer to be happy, the third catastrophe has come. The third catastrophe is ten times more powerful than the second catastrophe. Lightning as thick as a water tank falls directly from the sky. This is already the third catastrophe. .

"Damn, how can I offend you, you have to hit me with lightning." Xia Xia scolded angrily, but his body still couldn't move.

call out!

The sword flew up, it flew up automatically, flew up from the bottom, and rushed directly to the third heavenly robbery.

Swords are refined in summer.

It already regarded Xia Xia as his father. At this time, he could feel the crisis of Xia Xia, so it rushed directly to the catastrophe. Without anyone's control, it rushed to the catastrophe.

The mighty catastrophe, in the eyes of others, is simply a legend.

But now summer has experienced it firsthand.

Although the power of the first catastrophe is great, it is not fatal. The second catastrophe can instantly smash Xia Xia, so the sword automatically helps, and the third catastrophe can destroy everything in an instant.

The sword rushed straight up.


The robbery directly rushed up and down, and the sword fell to the ground. It stopped part of the robbery, but the power of the third robbery was too great. After all, it was just a sword, a sword that no one could control. .

The catastrophe came again.

This coming is doomed to be wiped out.

"No, I can't die." Xia Xia shouted, he can't die, if he dies, Jianghai City will collapse in an instant, and all those people he protects will also be displaced. There are too many enemies. He will spare those he protects.

And he hasn't avenged his father, and he hasn't found his mother's whereabouts.

Summer's eyes glared at the sky.

"The power of the sky is immortal." At this moment, a sentence came out of Xia Xia's mind, and then the necklace on Xia Xia's neck floated directly.


The mighty lightning struck directly in the middle of the necklace, which was where the broken scroll was hidden.


The lightning just disappeared.

"Ah!" Then a sharp pain spread through Xia Xia's body, and a pure power of lightning was tempering his body. He knew that the power of lightning was not malicious and wanted to help him strengthen his body, but This reinforcement is really painful.

The power of thunder and lightning came from the Tongtian Fragment Scroll.

That is to say, Tongtian Remnant Scroll absorbed the power of Heavenly Tribulation, and then used this power to temper his The wind stopped!

The cloud dissipated.

The wind and clouds came very fast and dissipated very fast.

After the end of the three heavenly tribulations, everything has returned to calm, the sun has begun to rise, and the power of thunder and lightning on Xia Xia's body has disappeared.

Although he didn't know what secrets were hidden in the Tongtian Fragment Scroll, he knew that it wouldn't be long before he would know.

Because Tongtian Outer Cave is about to open.

At that time, things about the Scroll of Heaven will appear.

"It's over." Xia Xia stood up with difficulty. He had already taken the recovery pill just now. At this time, his body had almost recovered, but his body was still very painful. After he stood up, the first thing was to pick up Raised the sword on the ground.

"You are the first sword I made, and because of you, I have also suffered the baptism of the catastrophe. Similarly, if it weren't for you, I would have died under the catastrophe, although you have been destroyed by the catastrophe. But you are a weapon of that level after all, and you will fight the world side by side with me from now on." Xia Xia clenched the sword in his hand, although it looked invisible, he could hold it in his hand: "I You name Tianhanjian, and I will definitely make you famous all over the world."

Although this sword has been destroyed by the catastrophe, he is still a super divine sword.

It's just that he can't exert the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, but his sharpness and coldness have not decreased at all, and the current Tianhan sword is not weaker than any famous sword at the level of spiritual weapons.

And he is still invisible.

"Someone is here?" Xia Xia's eyes looked forward: "Just in time to try the sword with you."

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